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Coalfield vs. South Pittsburg

Roy Dillard

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I think the S.P. boys will be ready to go in this one. It's the semifinals. I have never heard of a team not being ready to play in a semifinal round game. I am sure Coalfield has a quality team, but I am still picking S.P. in this game.



Ambassador I would like to know ur thoughts about Perry Co or JB....How are we looking to matchup with them? I ask u this because u seem to know alot ;)

TrainTracks has kept up with u for sometime...U have a strapping young brilliant mind...I think u should pass along some of that knowledge...Don't be stengy now several could obviously use it :)

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Oh dear what shall I do??? Don't do that Butchie please nooo!!! TrainTracks might just have to TrainTrack himself if that happened...Hahahahah I'm not afraid of my information getting out dude...I really could care less. So bring it all u want Homer...Sorry if me knowing who Roy Dillard and his crew of misfits offends u but frankly I don't care....If I'm not mistaken I have heard u call out one posters name several times from down here...In fact one that I played ball with so shut ur yapper....On a positive note TrainTracks would like to be the first to offer Congrats to Roy....Rumor has it u just got the news!!!! A baby Roy Dilliard is on the way....:roflol:;)


Got ur attention yet?


Bahahaha u might have everyone else fooled but now u know...Don't fret grasshopper your secret is safe with me...CoachT is a much more friendly fun place with Roy Dilliard

Blevins And I Are Good Friends And I'm Sure He Has No Qualms Of Me Speaking His Name...He Has Nothing To Be Ashamed Of Or Feared From...I'd Be The First To Be There To Defend Him...But Half The Fun Is Being Anonymous And Several Wish To Be Just That...The Mystic Of OP. Slick Rick, Roy Dillard Helps Add To The History And Mystic Of South Pitt...And You Try And Shock The Region With Info That You Think You Have...I Say Your A Liar And I'm Calling You Out!

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1- I never said he did but u claimed it's against the rules to call people out by their names which u have...

2- I understand the mystery of certain people are a VERY big deal to several...Why? Honestly TrainTracks doesn't know...Kinda silly if u ask me cause their characters do bring fun to this board...I'm just letting them know in some way form or fasion that one person knows their identities...That is all...I'm not like some of these others who try to say it's Grider, Stone or Thomas...That is ridiculous and sad how some have tried to throw their names out and attach them to some of this fictional world we call CoachT...In the end I'm sure they could care less what some of these goobers on here think though..


3- U don't want me to ruin all the fun but yet u call TrainTracks out?!? Not smart Butchie Butchie....TrainTracks does know and while everyone else is confused I know


4- Ur more than welcome to put ur money where ur mouth is though :)


5- Back to the topic... I'm really eager to hear what Ambassader has to say about these other two teams in west...Clearly they are only thing that stands in our way and Gold Ball #5

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It kinda bothers me that very few Pirate fans predicted a South Pittsburg victory against Gordonsville. Does that mean all these positive votes against Coalfield will come back to haunt us? Only time will tell. Coalfield is the very team that could trip us up because we're way too confident.

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Hahaha def not happening...Coalfield is a Cupcake team this year and entirely too young to beat us...Next year they will be much improved but this year too many young guys having to give them meaningful snaps...That 8th grader is going to get TRAINTRACKED all night long....This game is as ugly as we want it to be....Millard throws for 3 and Hale runs for 3....Throw in a return by Johnson and u have a nice little score of 49-7 much like in 98...Although that team was really good and of course Coalfield doesn't have a 240 pound Freight Train named Sheldon on this years team

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To bad you guys will not make it to state after JB spanks yall this week...but hey..while us and JB are fighting it out...ya'll can be polishing that new bronze third place trophy they are giving out this year...#3 aint bad :thumb: Your now playing big boy ball...yall beat JB then we shall see who is playing for what

What do u mean 3rd place powerp?....Coalfield team is better than these clowns. PC will be considered 4th.



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It's really a shame that here we are in the Semi-Finals and no one from Coalfield is on here. Guess that is what happens when the current playoff system pits the favorites of each classification in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. Well anyway, go Pirates and take care of business.

TSSAA is looking at the bottom line. They place the better teams playing early for the big gate they will bring. They realize the Cookeville game will draw big, on its on. No need to have the two best meet there, it will be a big crowd regardless.
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