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Oneida at Hampton


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I don't think you're from GCA, I do think you probably have another account by a different name here on the T & thought throwing GCA into this thread would get a reaction for you. I'm almost certain of it to be more accurate. Also in the interest of accuracy maybe fishing isn't the right word. . . more like TROLLing :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

Just a TROLL

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ROFLMBO!!! Camper tag, You're kiling me!!! :roflol: I gotta git home n cook....errrr.... kill me some supper now.. I ain't bin to da Walmart in a montha Sundays if youins no whata mean. :hungry:


Youins have a good time messin with that lil feller... don't go to hard on him, all that knowledge of his will get him places no doubt.

Yea, ole Crow is "on" today....

Feed that boy something to help him grow a lil...maybe take him to Applebees :thumb:

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Oh my bad Hampton is amazing they've won how many championships? oh zero? Dang I thought they were a powerhouse? We should just put them at #1 in the state. Has Humpton ever even played for a state Championship? East Tennessee football just doesn't cut it in the playoffs they never have and never wil.

Well theres a couple a ways to look at it, since u dont like east tn football dont waste ur gas or time driving to watch them play, im sure no1 cares that ure there. Obviously u cant find a town to accept u since uve moved around several places from the big DRUG RING of KINGSPORT. Theres many of talented teams as u pointed out that are not east tn programs so go watch them play cause we SUK up here in the mountains. Maybe just maybe one day ull be accepted by some1, maybe even ur family but very doubtful. I bet ure one of them who hollars about the vols sayim they aint worth a hoot but by goodness u dont miss a beat flippin the channel to watch em play on saturdays!!!!! All I can say is best thing u can do is not worry, waste ur time or money on comin to watch us ol hampton, carter county or even east tn teams play football....come to HAMPTON to watch and u might be runnin back with ur tail tucked between ur legs cryin for MOMMMA...oh yeah ure not accepted from her either DANG!!!! Go eat some crow u TROLL.....GET EM DAWGS

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I see my absence has been missed lol. I'm aware of the situation at Hampton that's why I said "as a head coach" Just pointing out that I do know whats going on in HS football. Coach lunsford is a well respected and good coach in my parts, but I do believe he needs to bring something else to his offense b4 he can win a title.

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I see my absence has been missed lol. I'm aware of the situation at Hampton that's why I said "as a head coach" Just pointing out that I do know whats going on in HS football. Coach lunsford is a well respected and good coach in my parts, but I do believe he needs to bring something else to his offense b4 he can win a title.

He's playing a 1st year starting QB and a completely new line,not a single guy started on the line last season. I'll have to admitt,I had alot of doubts at the start of the season. these lineman have really stepped it up, you don't have one running back with 1900 yards and another with 1000 if someone isn't doing something right.I'm not sure about passing yards,but I bet its somewhere near 1000. We would sure like to win a title,but it won't be the end of Hampton football if we don't. We'll just keep plugging away at it.


We've also got some younger kids coming up that will bust there tails for 4 years,if they have enough to follow their example,we'll win a title.These kids will be dandy's but they won't be able to do it by themselves.I look for big things in the future.Were not eat up with natural atheletes, but we can sure improve on it with alot of hard work. The earned things are always the best anyhow.

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