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Cloudland beats the creek again


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As much as I hate to say it, the most dangours team at the moment might be UH. When they have Crowe going good in the post, and their gaurds are hitting a few shoots, they are tough for anyone else in our conference to match up with... Granted, those two things haven't seemed to happen on the same night very often this season

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Like I said dog, beat us straight up and i'll accept it like I did last year.

You seem a little hostile tonight, I've yet to see a BB game where both sides thought the refs did a good job. But regardless of what the refs called one way of the other,you can't deminish the efforts of a bunch of devoted hard working kids.I saw missed calls on both ends of the court and anyone who keeps up with cloudland bb will tell you ,they are much better in a loosely called game.Hope both teams do well in the upcoming tournaments.

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You seem a little hostile tonight, I've yet to see a BB game where both sides thought the refs did a good job. But regardless of what the refs called one way of the other,you can't deminish the efforts of a bunch of devoted hard working kids.I saw missed calls on both ends of the court and anyone who keeps up with cloudland bb will tell you ,they are much better in a loosely called game.Hope both teams do well in the upcoming tournaments.

Yeah, Hampton's boys played very hard. Thats not taking anything away from them, and I usually never blame the refs but this game was gift wrapped for Hampton. They held and charged and fouled just as much as Cloudland. It made a difference in the game and it took Cloudland's HARD WORKING YOUNG MEN'S chances away from winning the game straight up. Let the boys settle it on the court. When I see our boys being done wrong, the first ugly head you will see bearing his teeth is the King. :roflolk::mrgreen:

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WELL, WELL! I had shots put in my shoulders yesterday and just didnt feel like leaving the house. Hate I missed this one.


I was getting plenty of texts, keeping me up on the game....alot of chat about how physical it was...alot of chat about how crazy the fan bases were!


I heard many calls were missed both ways, also heard Carp had every right to raise cain that got him

T'd up!


Listen, I have no doubt the refn was pitiful...it always seems to be the case when these two meet (KING, last year's final meeting of these two ended with Hyden headed to the E.R...Why? Because the refs didnt call about 6 fouls before he took that hit to the head!). We always seem to get 3 of the sorriest to call these games IMO....BUT, if this game hadn't gone this way, would it really be a DOG-LANDER match up?


Ive said before and say again, it doesnt matter how much one to these two teams might be struggling...come game time, it WILL BE ON!

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Yeah, Hampton's boys played very hard. Thats not taking anything away from them, and I usually never blame the refs but this game was gift wrapped for Hampton. They held and charged and fouled just as much as Cloudland. It made a difference in the game and it took Cloudland's HARD WORKING YOUNG MEN'S chances away from winning the game straight up. Let the boys settle it on the court. When I see our boys being done wrong, the first ugly head you will see bearing his teeth is the King. :roflolk::mrgreen:

....and although I wasnt there, I dont doubt that a bit. Its a knock-down, drag-out every game! And one of the two always gets the short end of the stick...

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Cloudlands style is what gets them put out at the boro because they don't let you hold and beat people to death down there either.

Cloudland plays a physical game. Watch a few college games. The refs don't call every little twiddy dee a foul. When you are going for loose balls, steals, or setting your feet for a charge, its not a foul. When you are fighting for position inside, it is not a foul. Playing tough defense is NOT a foul. If they call a foul on every attempt at a steal, there would be no such thing as pick your pocket. The way the game was called in Roan Mountain is the right way a game should be called. If you don't like to be defended, then take up golf. Fiddle has to be another user name for Tyler Durden. :D

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....and although I wasnt there, I dont doubt that a bit. Its a knock-down, drag-out every game! And one of the two always gets the short end of the stick...

Uknoit, that was an unfortunate accident. The refs are put in a hard position sometimes and they feel the pressure. The bottom line is trying to make the right call 90% percent of the time. Every ref misses a call from time to time, but the exhibition put on last night left me bugle eyed!! :shock:

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Uknoit, that was an unfortunate accident. The refs are put in a hard position sometimes and they feel the pressure. The bottom line is trying to make the right call 90% percent of the time. Every ref misses a call from time to time, but the exhibition put on last night left me bugle eyed!! :shock:

For sure it was an accident...nothing but hard play...but there were many fouls that SHOULD have been called beforehand. Too many no-calls leads to injuries too often

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Cloudland plays a physical game. Watch a few college games. The refs don't call every little twiddy dee a foul. When you are going for loose balls, steals, or setting your feet for a charge, its not a foul. When you are fighting for position inside, it is not a foul. Playing tough defense is NOT a foul. If they call a foul on every attempt at a steal, there would be no such thing as pick your pocket. The way the game was called in Roan Mountain is the right way a game should be called. If you don't like to be defended, then take up golf. Fiddle has to be another user name for Tyler Durden. :D



Hello! I'm standing right here. How did I get involved? I have been very nice this year. Good game last nite and both teams played hard. I was sure the Cloudlandnites would have to cry like a bunch 5th grade girls at Justin Bieber concert. There must be a bunch of Tarheel fans(no offense UKOIT)up there. They Tarheels have never lost a game on their own, it always has to be somebody else's fault. Wah, Wah, Wah. Regardless of what any of you think, Cloudland does hold on every single play. If the refs don't do their job and just let them play that way Cloudland usually wins. Same thing with Science Hill. There is nothing wrong with that and I actually like it. You do what you can get by with and you have every right to do it. Just don't get mad when the refs call what they are supposed to. Some refs do their job by calling the fouls and some refs just earn a check. When they show up just to earn a check, Cloudland usually wins. I will admit there were some calls that went against Cloudland and the one where Brandon got his T was probably the wrong call. The one where Murray run over the guy at midcourt and all the Cloudlandnites thought it was a charge, the right call was made. You have to give a person room to come down once he is in the air. You cannot run underneath him and then fall once he has left the floor. That is what happened and I know it looked like a charge to the basketball uneducated Cloudlandnites, but the right call was made. Ned should have been mad that the officials let #23 for Cloudland put his head down and run towards the goal and Hampton would just stand there with their hands up and the officals kept bailing him out and GIVING him the call. It was getting comical and it almost cost Hampton the game. Cloudland fans must have missed that part and that is why there is always 2 sides to watching the officials. The differece in this game and the one at Cloudland is not the officials. Hampton was scared to death up at Cloudland and couldn't do anything right. Even when Cloudland was not putting pressure on Hampton, Hampton made all kinds of unforced errors and threw the ball out of the gym. McClellan had a really good game at Cloudland and Potter played too. That made a big difference. I've never heard why Potter didn't play last nite? Anybody know? Having the point production Cloudland had from them up there and then not getting hardly any at Hampton was huge. I did think 23 and 5 both played pretty well for Cloudland last nite for being guys I had not expected much out of because I had not seen them play. #10 Hill shot really well too. Having those guys play a lot and have to do a lot will only help Cloudland when Potter plays and McClellan has a better game, which I'm sure is coming.

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