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Noise Makers for '13 & 14 - All Divisions...


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West's pin to start the match was a tone setter and then the number one guy going down to Kennedy was the beginning of a dog pile.  All this stupid talk about peaking is hog wash, get out there an wrestle like you want to win it.  Congrats to the Blue Raiders for an very impressive performance last night.

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Very Eloquent, almost too intimidating to respond to, Rob West.  Allow me to stew over it.  Not sure coach Al Miller,  Phillips , Yost will allow you to leave this on here. I know they are proud of their efforts, but aww careful not to crow about it.


I'm so pleased to see development statewide. That's why I've been working on a Statewide, All divisions thread for several months to throw out Kudo's to everyone that sacrifices and shares their talents to grow our sport everywhere.  


Obviously a few others found it interesting.


Note: INO... Peaking right is critical as displayed with Ryan compared to early on,  AND especially Ravenwood, and yes even Cleveland and Baylor- who I believe they and Soddy know peaking right isn't hogwash

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From Rob West: Edited, but not by me...



My collected thoughts regarding this past week:


It would be a good idea for the TSSAA to reserve the spectator seating during the state dual finals for the teams that are actually competing in the finals, since some particular teams lack the courtesy of doing this on their own.

Congrats to the Raiders from the Chattanooga area for winning 2 of the 3 state championships! The Blue Raiders from Cleveland in yet another lopsided win in D1 and the Red Raiders from Baylor who proved without a doubt that they are the best D2 team in February. How do you like those radishes? All of the top teams were from East TN after all.

Shout out to Cleveland's Koran Kennedy for upsetting the #1 ranked Kramer. Anytime there's an upset it's gonna be talked about and feelings will get hurt but I don't see it as classless. There's been a lot of trash talk so it goes both ways, no need to come apart when it's returned. ROAR!!!! Or more like Meeeeooooow! Another shout out to the WC mom who shouted out we're #1 after winning their 2nd and final match of the dual. She didn't realize the championship had been clinched 3 matches prior.

There was more than one controversial call at state and that's how it is every year. 285 has been debated in D2 but that one match didn't affect the outcome of the dual and who out scored their opponent for a decisive state championship victory. Maybe it was a balancing of the scales from the controversy surrounding their last meeting,

Simmers you posted some common opponent information with CHS WC and SD before the finals to support your prediction of a kitty cat Cinderella victory so how about posting some now comparing CHS WC and BC. WC won 2 matches against Cleveland, an improvement over 1 from last year.

To the Ravenwood parents. Was it 'weird' losing the CHS after taunting the Cleveland cheerleaders by telling them it was going to be weird when Ravenwood wins?? Those underage girls were only doing their job, cheering for their team. You're supposed to be adults, if you want to trash talk at least do it with other adults.


The Ravenwood coach should have been hit for at least one team point for constantly going to the table and interrupting the dual complaining about the Cleveland wrestlers standing up in between matches. Stop whining and send your wrestler to the table. To the hater full of 'class' complaining about Cleveland's methods of sending wrestlers to the table, don't let the jealousy get to you. The wrestlers are fond of this tradition of lining up and supporting their teammates and to insinuate some type of sexual harassment toward the coaching staff is the most outrageous remark I've heard relating to this sport. You obviously know nothing about the character of the coach you called into question. These two whiners could be the same person?


Soms, bump, ww, and company....how do you like your crow? Would you like some fresh Chattanooga radishes with that?

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I noticed that the southeast Nashville elementary school 3rd graders had a round robin in gym class and there was a brief but concise write up in the "Grade School Gazette". I wonder where I could find someone to cut and paste that article, the world needs to know. I also heard the 5th graders will be peaking on Thursday. They do every year.

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