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SP Coacht Posters with true coaching experience


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there's leadership all through this senior class and as far as the show boating they have fun b/c that's what's the games about & at the end of the day they know what it takes to win b/c they've done it since they were in little league its not a single year that they've been on their last year that they haven't won the championship  welcome to the new age of the South Pittsburg Pirates...........Hixson and haters like Old Pirate has created a monster

Old Pirate says there is Not an adult that would make a post like this, unless he has Rose Colored Glasses ! Face the truth and accept the the Cold Hard Truth, more displays of the bad atitude and general lack of respect for the game, team, coaches, fans and SP tradition the stands will be empty! Make NO mistake, the local area programs are loving this and the individuals on the team that think theys all that will soon get a reality check. Point 1. SP does not have any..................D1 prospects, Point 2. the atitudes displayed have or will make serious recruiters turn away, Point 3. any recruiter always discuss grades, coachability, work ethic and attitude with coaches. OP agrees this team has.....leadership, but it is the wrong kind of leadership and continued senior display WILL make a new age of South Pittsburg Pirates, but it will.......be one of fan support demize, many won't be back now! Never has a team caused this kind turmoil since back in the sixties and the team's biggest win was against a Bill Baker-Tenn signee Jasper team. That team barely finished 500 and was loaded with talent that would make the talent on this 2013 team look like little league.

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Geno I love you but what kind of mess is this? What do you mean you have a sponsor? Are you talking about someone sponsors you to post on my little website I created here? What kind of mess is .that? I garuntee you I dont believe any of that mess. You think im joking but im not.

.. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????
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Anyway..a certain Senior running needs to be benched I have never seen a worse attitude on South Pittsburg football player in my life.. if he wants to go to North Jackson let him go he has threatened it for 2 years!! on kickoffs if he didn't get the ball he just stood still he never threw the first block.. the most selfish player I've yet to see.... and I think his attitude rubs off on the others.. coach Moore better get more like Grider or Wilson quick!!

It depends on which Grider you are talking about.  Vic had some issues last year. 

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there's leadership all through this senior class and as far as the show boating they have fun b/c that's what's the games about & at the end of the day they know what it takes to win b/c they've done it since they were in little league its not a single year that they've been on their last year that they haven't won the championship welcome to the new age of the South Pittsburg Pirates...........Hixson and haters like Old Pirate has created a monster

Are you freaking kidding !!!Alot of great men along with great fans have put in many years of hard work to create the tradition that Sp has!!! Now you think that is all going to change because there are some players on this years team that act like a bunch of idiots and think its ok just to do whatever you want during a game or pratice..Guess what spguru that might be ok at in your house but not "IN OUR HOUSE" I can bet you that all the true SP fans that care about this program would rather see these players that act this way in the stands on friday night than on the field  even if it may cost SP a few games we would rather lose with class than win with trash. As far a leadership I havent seen any from this team ...running around yelling and cursing is not leadership ....and as far as show boating i don't have a problem with it if you can back it up with your actions .... but i havent seen much of that from this team yet ..... This team has the talent to go as far as they want to ....but the attitude they have I m surprised they can even get out of the locker room doors ....to many of this group thinks they are something special truth of the matter is they couldnt hold the jock strap of half the men that have wore the orange and black before them.....And for the most part this team has alot of great kids on it but when you have 3 or 4 that think they are rolex's and but perform like timex's running around acting the way they do it hurts the whole team ....This coaching staff will get it done one way or another......i hope that the few that are acting the way they are realize that isnt what PIRATE football is all about and lets get to playing and acting like THE REAL SP.......

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there's leadership all through this senior class and as far as the show boating they have fun b/c that's what's the games about & at the end of the day they know what it takes to win b/c they've done it since they were in little league its not a single year that they've been on their last year that they haven't won the championship welcome to the new age of the South Pittsburg Pirates...........Hixson and haters like Old Pirate has created a monster

There is more to this than athletic ability. Do it with dignity and respect for the game, your school and community. JimboH hit the nail on the head.
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Are you freaking kidding !!!Alot of great men along with great fans have put in many years of hard work to create the tradition that Sp has!!! Now you think that is all going to change because there are some players on this years team that act like a bunch of idiots and think its ok just to do whatever you want during a game or pratice..Guess what spguru that might be ok at in your house but not "IN OUR HOUSE" I can bet you that all the true SP fans that care about this program would rather see these players that act this way in the stands on friday night than on the field  even if it may cost SP a few games we would rather lose with class than win with trash. As far a leadership I havent seen any from this team ...running around yelling and cursing is not leadership ....and as far as show boating i don't have a problem with it if you can back it up with your actions .... but i havent seen much of that from this team yet ..... This team has the talent to go as far as they want to ....but the attitude they have I m surprised they can even get out of the locker room doors ....to many of this group thinks they are something special truth of the matter is they couldnt hold the jock strap of half the men that have wore the orange and black before them.....And for the most part this team has alot of great kids on it but when you have 3 or 4 that think they are rolex's and but perform like timex's running around acting the way they do it hurts the whole team ....This coaching staff will get it done one way or another......i hope that the few that are acting the way they are realize that isnt what PIRATE football is all about and lets get to playing and acting like THE REAL SP.......

JimboH you are right on point but you havent made you point clear as to which players are causing the problems so i will ask if they are the same ones that i seen this past friday ....i dont know these kids by name or anything about them but when i have my child at the game and all that i hear is #28 cursing and jumping around acting like a fool ...i realized it was not a place for children also #3 cursing when they were going into the locker room my child and several other children were in the area.... i will not attend another game where these kids play ...there actions friday were a total disgrace to the School and community...so if either of you kids read this or any of there family member remind them small children are present at these games and they look up to the Pirate players they need to act with more respect when they are on that field wearing our schools colors....

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there's leadership all through this senior class and as far as the show boating they have fun b/c that's what's the games about & at the end of the day they know what it takes to win b/c they've done it since they were in little league its not a single year that they've been on their last year that they haven't won the championship welcome to the new age of the South Pittsburg Pirates...........Hixson and haters like Old Pirate has created a monster




Youngon or mentally challenged adult, Old Pirate ain't a hater but a true Pirate like thousands of others that love the Pirates. OP has often warned posters about showering the teams with premature praise. You want.......respect & praise.......act like a true Pirate and not like a uncoachable, unfocused, uncommitted, undisciplined and disrespectful air head! BTW, a senior withguts or half an ounce of leadership and respect would have handled the player or players that disrepected the stat guy. Keep in mind, "If YOU Ain't the lead Dog, the smell and scenary never changes". 

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JimboH you are right on point but you havent made you point clear as to which players are causing the problems so i will ask if they are the same ones that i seen this past friday ....i dont know these kids by name or anything about them but when i have my child at the game and all that i hear is #28 cursing and jumping around acting like a fool ...i realized it was not a place for children also #3 cursing when they were going into the locker room my child and several other children were in the area.... i will not attend another game where these kids play ...there actions friday were a total disgrace to the School and community...so if either of you kids read this or any of there family member remind them small children are present at these games and they look up to the Pirate players they need to act with more respect when they are on that field wearing our schools colors....




Never has a SP fan base been so critical so quickly. Sadly, the most talented have the worst attitudes with a large portion of fans wanting them benched or dismissed from the team. However it ain't all doom & gloom for the Pirate Nation with the team surely stocked with great hard working respectful youngons!

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Never has a SP fan base been so critical so quickly. Sadly, the most talented have the worst attitudes with a large portion of fans wanting them benched or dismissed from the team. However it ain't all doom & gloom for the Pirate Nation with the team surely stocked with great hard working respectful youngons!

OP you and Jimbo have said almost everything I wanted to say. You both are right on target. I agree most with the swagger comment. It's ok if you have done something, until then you come off the field and you line up as near your coach as you can get in order to know what is going on. You stand there with your helmet on, watching the game. I have seen this class repeatedly, come of the field, get behind the bench, near the railbirds and girls and  remove the helmet, This comes across as a " HEY EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME" and I for one am sick of that kind of antics. It's only a couple of players doing that, but it is the ones, that should be leading this team, not from behind the bench near the cheerleaders but up near the "get back" coach. You should be hanging on every word the coaches are saying to each other. Listen, it's 60 minutes of football, if you cannot focus on the game, the entire game, then we don't need you. I had rather lose with disciplined, polite and humble kids than to win with players slinging their hair and flailing their arms like I have witnessed. Get in the game, keep your mouth shut, listen and by the end of the season you can swagger IF, thats IF, you have earned it. You have not earned the right to swagger, YET.

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JimboH you are right on point but you havent made you point clear as to which players are causing the problems so i will ask if they are the same ones that i seen this past friday ....i dont know these kids by name or anything about them but when i have my child at the game and all that i hear is #28 cursing and jumping around acting like a fool ...i realized it was not a place for children also #3 cursing when they were going into the locker room my child and several other children were in the area.... i will not attend another game where these kids play ...there actions friday were a total disgrace to the School and community...so if either of you kids read this or any of there family member remind them small children are present at these games and they look up to the Pirate players they need to act with more respect when they are on that field wearing our schools colors....

I do not have a dog in this hunt Captain but I just can't help but comment on this post you just made. This mess started at the Jamboree @ Grundy County this year. I have been around alot of teams over the years and I never witnessed anything like what I saw up there. These kids were cussing up a storm and my child was listening to all this. We just had to walk away from where we were standing. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the South Pitt program. They have been and still are the "Benchmark" of the valley. If you beat SP then you beat the best the valley has to offer. The fans have always treated us good and with respect as well. But my point is this. Someone better get a handle on this mess before it gets out of control.

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