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tssaa state medals are a joke. I cant believe what I saw last night.


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How about we give the Olympians something size of a quarter and see how I goes HSDAD? This kids work hard for what they get and it might be the last thing they get as far as wrestling go since very few will go on to wrestle in college. Heck lets just not give them anything, pat them on the back and say good luck and congrats. Hey life sucks lets just show that to them now so they can learn! Screw showing them what hard work and busting your butt can do and get you! Sorry if you don't want to read the complaints on here than don't read, it's not hard just move along! This is the best place to get ideas together and see what the complaints are about the state of TN wrestling and how to make it better and some of us are helping to move it along so the kids have a better atmosphere to wrestle and better medals to show off their hard work. The Ag Center was a joke when it was moved there and is a joke now for a facility to hold State Championships for the state of TN. Lots of us from Chattanooga never had a problem moving to Nashville with the tourney but the Ag Center was the problem to begin with. TSSAA has never had the interest of wrestlers in mind when they do anything, or pretty much the athletes themselves. They care about the almighty dollar and that's it and its a shame because people like us are the ones that pay their salaries, and the athletes are the only reason they are there to begin with and the high salaries. So go somewhere if you don't like reading the complaint board.

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From MJ, wrestled for Coach Kirby.  Started his first year as a coach.

Have a few "little" medals from TSSAA.  They are the smallest medals

received from my athletic competitions over the last 30 years, but I don't

care what others think of them. They didn't earn them.


Son wrestled and has many medals including first. What in my statement

bothers you.  Tha fact that complaining on this forum does nothing or

the fact that most of the posts over the last week are full of people who

are complaining?  The fact that the venue is free and has no bearing on the

medal or award size?


Still live in Mount Juliet and drove an hour to get to the cow palace. 

Edited by HSDAD
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How about we give the Olympians something size of a quarter and see how I goes HSDAD? This kids work hard for what they get and it might be the last thing they get as far as wrestling go since very few will go on to wrestle in college. Heck lets just not give them anything, pat them on the back and say good luck and congrats. Hey life sucks lets just show that to them now so they can learn! Screw showing them what hard work and busting your butt can do and get you! Sorry if you don't want to read the complaints on here than don't read, it's not hard just move along! This is the best place to get ideas together and see what the complaints are about the state of TN wrestling and how to make it better and some of us are helping to move it along so the kids have a better atmosphere to wrestle and better medals to show off their hard work. The Ag Center was a joke when it was moved there and is a joke now for a facility to hold State Championships for the state of TN. Lots of us from Chattanooga never had a problem moving to Nashville with the tourney but the Ag Center was the problem to begin with. TSSAA has never had the interest of wrestlers in mind when they do anything, or pretty much the athletes themselves. They care about the almighty dollar and that's it and its a shame because people like us are the ones that pay their salaries, and the athletes are the only reason they are there to begin with and the high salaries. So go somewhere if you don't like reading the complaint board.

You are actually comparing the kids to Olympic athletes?  Nope, you had to bring up the

AG center in your rant... Complaints?  Open up man, it might make you fell better?

If they kids are wrestling for the awards, someone is teaching them the wrong life lesson!

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Wrestled for Coach Henry so what about where or who you wrestled for? I have many medals, but never a state medal. Would have given my left nut for one, but was not talented enough to get one. But I do have my region medal which is my proudest as I pulled out a second there, and its still bigger than the State Champions medal they give out now.

And again if you don't like the complaints on the board, its easy don't read them. We don't have much wrestling to talk about, and truthfully after driving 2 hours to go to the Cow Palace once I won't go back again or waste my time doing it. Did however order the finals and again as usual that was a cluster pretty much like what most of what TSSAA does!

I am afraid that no matter who we go to or what is said to those that do make the decisions, it would not matter if 90% of the wrestling community wanted the change sadly those in charge could care less about what we want to do. I have no kids wrestling or even old enough to wrestle at this time, but I spent much of my life in the sport of wrestling. I want what is best for this sport and the kids, not whats best for me or even my kids if they decide they want to be a part of this sport. Maybe you don't care enough but I do and your statement had no effect on me at all, I will keep on doing wha I am dong and if you don't like it, don't read my posts I could care less!

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For some of th

You are actually comparing the kids to Olympic athletes? Nope, you had to bring up the

AG center in your rant... Complaints? Open up man, it might make you fell better?

If they kids are wrestling for the awards, someone is teaching them the wrong life lesson!

Yes I am because for some kids this is the highest thing they will compete in sports wise for them, just like Olympians do in their sports. They move onto their lives with jobs, families, etc. so yes a lot alike!

Life lessons I want to instill in my kids is if you work hard, you will be rewarded for that, rather that be good pay for the job, wonderful family the Love, etc. Hard work and being rewarded is what this life is! But I guess you go to your job bust your butt and they pay you peanuts for it and your happy lol, and yes since it does not seem you comprehend things for some kids wrestling is their job they do it year round and don't get to have regular lives like some kids that don't do sports etc. I am not saying lets just give a trophy to everyone which has become a big problem in America as a whole, but those who do the work and do their best and win should get rewarded for that. But hey tell your son he can give me his medals, heck it seems you only think the memories are important. Of course until he gets old and those memories fade or even fail but a nice medal for your grand kids to see is a nice reminder.

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Just to be precise, they're closer to half-dollar size than quarter. :)


But seriously, if you notice the coin with the TSSAA logo on the team-championship plaques? That would itself make a decent medal, with the adjustment of un-texturing it and making it a reflective instead of antiqued color.


If I were designing the medals full-on, it would have the Wrestling Championship logo printed on gold/silver/bronze-colored metal, with a distinct ribbon color per place. Perhaps also, the detail (place/weight/year, e. g.) moved from an engraving on the medal to a hot-stamp on the ribbon.

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Looks like this has become the forum of complaints. Posting the complaints

on this forum will change nothing. TSSAA is where you need to bring your

complaints. I can amagine the complaints from the masses if TSSAA

decided to actually change the awards???


1. Well my kid deserves better than 10k gold, why can't we get 18K gold medals?

2. Why can't we get the school colors on our ribbons?

3. My cousin from PA got platinum medals, my son feels slighted now?

4. My sons medal is 2", but KY gives out 3" medals. My son deserves more?

5. BLAH - BLAH - BLAH ! ! !


What are we trying to teach these kids? Please tell me more stories about how

TSSAA has slighted you in the past. How they owe you or your kids more?

How you should dictate their policies? Heck if it's really that bad, you guys should

just sue TSSAA. You deserve it - RIGHT?

The American way of thinking is, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" where as the Japanese teach that "If it ain't broke fix it til it breaks, then fix it again." Everything is about improvements. If we don't work to improve in EVERY SINGLE category we will stay sub-par as a state. But if we fight and claw for these and other advancements our state will grow. If you're opposed to growth well that's fine too I guess.
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I don't believe most of the wrestler's pay that much attention, but the medals are a little lack luster when compared to super 32 medals or even aau national tournament medals. I have a family member that has a few tssaa state medal a super32 medal aau national medals tssaa medals are the lesser of the 3. But like I said I don't really believe most of the wrestlers pay that much attention. 

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The American way of thinking is, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" where as the Japanese teach that "If it ain't broke fix it til it breaks, then fix it again." Everything is about improvements. If we don't work to improve in EVERY SINGLE category we will stay sub-par as a state. But if we fight and claw for these and other advancements our state will grow. If you're opposed to growth well that's fine too I guess.

Improvements are great.  Medal size has nothing to do with the sport growing!  I made no

statement that would slow the growth of the sport.  We are talking about medal size here

guys.  Not Olympic medals, not why the event is held at the Ag center.  If the medal doesn't

mean anything to you, then throw it out.

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For some of thYes I am because for some kids this is the highest thing they will compete in sports wise for them, just like Olympians do in their sports. They move onto their lives with jobs, families, etc. so yes a lot alike!

Life lessons I want to instill in my kids is if you work hard, you will be rewarded for that, rather that be good pay for the job, wonderful family the Love, etc. Hard work and being rewarded is what this life is! But I guess you go to your job bust your butt and they pay you peanuts for it and your happy lol, and yes since it does not seem you comprehend things for some kids wrestling is their job they do it year round and don't get to have regular lives like some kids that don't do sports etc. I am not saying lets just give a trophy to everyone which has become a big problem in America as a whole, but those who do the work and do their best and win should get rewarded for that. But hey tell your son he can give me his medals, heck it seems you only think the memories are important. Of course until he gets old and those memories fade or even fail but a nice medal for your grand kids to see is a nice reminder.

TSSAA is not an organization that rewards all  youth with expensive awards.  They provide

a safe, structured opportunity for the youth to participate in sports.  Please make sure to

inform your kid that wrestling while in middle or high school is not a job. 


When you stand on top of the podium, the size of what you wear around your neck does not make you smile.  It's just a token of the accomplishment.  In all the years that I competed

in athletic events, I never once thought about the size of the award.

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Medal size has nothing to do with the sport growing!  ..............  If the medal doesn't

mean anything to you, then throw it out.

Wow....that's a great perspective.


Why so combative on the subject HSDAD?  Anytime anyone posts about having nicer medals, you are jumping up and down condemning their opinion?




So what - - you never worried about the size of the award....I spoke to several kids who medaled after state.  All of them were proud of the award but none remarked about how cool it was or how they can't wait to show their friends.


One of our kids had the ribbon around his neck and held the medal out to show his friend and it came off the ribbon.


The current TSSAA medals are cheap and unremarkable.  PERIOD.

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