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South Pittsburg vs Marion (Grider against that Mathis man)

Roy Dillard

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Old Pirate ain't sure this question can accurately answered! Theys been a pacil of feuds but perhaps you'll say the SOS's 1st in Jasper. BTW, you never thanked Old Pirate for warning you kinfolkes about the SOS. Tell 10bears,Lying Lips & LittleRicky to come out & play. Folkes all around is envious of our feuding kinfolkes annual event!

I wouldn't dare mention his name! LMBO! Recon I told you that Spencer man took him one last to go order but youns wouldn't listen. I was up all night smokin potter the night I seen him a sneekin out that window just before sunrise with that potter man!Recon the rest of the MC crews jist a taken it easy right now! Recon there's no need in a sayin much till Friday! Pert near Recon theys'll be a hole bunch of mess said before to long. Speakin of mess who cleaned up that pile of ship in that ship! Guarantee you the Captain will have someone walking the plank! Edited by Astimeexpires01
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I wouldn't dare mention his name! LMBO! Recon I told you that Spencer man took him one last to go order but youns wouldn't listen. I was up all night smokin potter the night I seen him a sneekin out that window just before sunrise with that potter man!Recon the rest of the MC crews jist a taken it easy right now! Recon there's no need in a sayin much till Friday! Pert near Recon theys'll be a hole bunch of mess said before to long. Speakin of mess who cleaned up that ship! Guarantee you the Captain will have someone walking the plank!

That is nasty thinking about someone doing that on our ship. Speaking of someone to clean it up. I vote for someone from Whitwell to come clean it up. You know anyone from up there you could send our way? 😂 LMBO
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I wouldn't dare mention his name! LMBO! Recon I told you that Spencer man took him one last to go order but youns wouldn't listen. I was up all night smokin potter the night I seen him a sneekin out that window just before sunrise with that potter man!Recon the rest of the MC crews jist a taken it easy right now! Recon there's no need in a sayin much till Friday! Pert near Recon theys'll be a hole bunch of mess said before to long. Speakin of mess who cleaned up that ship! Guarantee you the Captain will have someone walking the plank!

Jest what in tarnation is up with the coaches up there? The skillet slinger texted me about this mess. Is all you kinfolkes got a HEEP of Juvenal delinquents coaching them youngons?
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That is nasty thinking about someone doing that on our ship. Speaking of someone to clean it up. I vote for someone from Whitwell to come clean it up. You know anyone from up there you could send our way? 😂 LMBO

Yep, as a matter of fact I do. That would be Vic's family member.🤓 He does have a in law living up that way right? I think his name is Butchie? Edited by Astimeexpires01
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Maybe it was me that dumped on that little dingy of yours. It's getting here quick. I can't wait to watch Vic and his little crew squirm on Friday. We win again by a minimum of 28 points. Our boys are to strong to lose to you pie rats. I hope you like the shirts we had made because you will have plenty of fear come Friday!



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Deputy, it ain't "Someone" it was a Jasper Coach. Old Pirate has been saying fer a long spell, theys a HEEP of confused folkes round the jailhouse!  Roy, where is that Burnett man and his deputies? That Hargis man needs to put this mess in his paper to give that coach publicity he seeks. Somebody has got to have a picture of this crime? Them Jasper folkes hire coaches that continuely prove theys mis-guided.

I guess he ruffled your feathers a little bit. As far as I know pretending to poop in the little toy pirate ship yall have isn't a crime.


I'd be more worried with serious crimes such as...

-Burglary in the first degree

-Kidnapping in the first degree

-Possession of burglary tools

-Robbery in the first degree

-Theft of property in the second degree


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I guess he ruffled your feathers a little bit. As far as I know pretending to poop in the little toy pirate ship yall have isn't a crime.


I'd be more worried with serious crimes such as...

-Burglary in the first degree

-Kidnapping in the first degree

-Possession of burglary tools

-Robbery in the first degree

-Theft of property in the second degree


Those are some series charges and acquisitions. What's going to happen when something that happened in another state gets dropped against this young man? I would play safe and say innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. I was told someone pooped in our ship. I would ask if you're saying you went and inspected it and it didn't actually happen, but I'm not even sure if you're going to be back home for the game on Friday? Are you going to be back in town? Edited by TheAmbassador
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I guess he ruffled your feathers a little bit. As far as I know pretending to poop in the little toy pirate ship yall have isn't a crime.


I'd be more worried with serious crimes such as...

-Burglary in the first degree

-Kidnapping in the first degree

-Possession of burglary tools

-Robbery in the first degree

-Theft of property in the second degree


Listen jug nut, grown men doing what they done during Mac Attack days, now a coach dropping his britches and putting pics on Facebook represent your coaches.....really....great examples. Obviously you Imbread Jasper fellers think that is ok. Personally OP ain't seen pics but sure looking to identify the coach
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Those are some series charges and acquisitions. What's going to happen when something that happened in another state gets dropped against this young man? I would play safe and say innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. I was told someone pooped in our ship. I would ask if you're saying you went and inspected it and it didn't actually happen, but I'm not even sure if you're going to be back home for the game on Friday? Are you going to be back in town?

I never made accusations... As for the poop, or lack thereof, the person that posted that is not hard to find.


Side Note: For someone that makes accusations of people posting with multiple names, I think you forgot to log in to your other profile. The one I responded to?

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