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BREAKING NEWS Warren Co fires coach hires parents


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There's a long history of that. Coach Paz went 10-0 regular season was fired a year later because a school board members son wasn't starting QB

How is this stuff possible in this day and age? If I was a coach I would stay far away fro these programs. I'm sorry Warren Co fans but these programs should just be left to rot. If I had a serious football playing kid I would move him out.
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pioneer parents and fans have blamed the coaches and administration for the last 25 years. It might be time to step back and think maybe they are the problem. This day of helicopter parents and everybody is a great college prospect has ruined high school sports. I only know of 1 kid on that team that has shot at the next level, everybody else needs to enjoy high school football because its about over.

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Must be that part of the State as Franklin County's leadership interferes almost as bad. 'IF' I was a Coach there is two counties I would never apply at. Franklin and Warren! What is really sad is that BOTH of them could be powerhouses year after year with the right supervision and support by the administrations. Remember how tough it used to be at the 'Pit'(Lincoln County)? There you had a good coach and solid support.

Edited by Lost Old Dad
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Yeah I remember going down to "The Pit" and getting our head handed to us in the playoffs one year. Sure was a looong ride home. Also remember the smoke off the hamburgers being cooked at the concession stand, the smoke was awful drifting up across the field. Couldn't eat a burger  for six months, 

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it's hard to get players to buy into a program when parents are constantly telling them how bad the coaches are or how bad the type of offense/defense they are running. Constantly running the program down on social media only proves how big a distraction parents are and how big a buffoon you are.


You hit the nail on the head...disgruntled parents (especially those with some pull) often create the situations that they gripe about. Bad play calling or schemes are often "bad" because the kids have no belief that it will work, and give no effort. Parents and "boosters" who want input with personnel and play calling are poison in a bottle for the program...there's a program in the western portion of the state that ran off a good coach several years ago who consistently had winning seasons in a tough district and region, because a booster's son didn't start at QB...a decade of terrible seasons later, some "influential" persons associated with the school called and offered the HC job to him again and one of his former assistant coaches who is now the old HC's boss...burned bridges aren't easy to repair.

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