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Bledsoe @ Oneida


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6 hours ago, Spike016 said:

Trash talk is just part of sports and it happens a lot in football. I don’t have a problem with it BUT trash talkin and playing dirty are 2 different things. I agree with you that Oneida doesn’t play dirty. Also if that’s what he was ejected for well that’s something that happens every other play. The difference is the kid last night got caught. Hopefully something changes because there is still talent at Oneida and they could be back in the playoffs next year if used correctly. 

The problem is nothing ever gets done correctly. As much as I hate to say it, next year will be the exact same or slightly better than this year. Just a big disappointment and a COMPLETE waste of talent.

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7 hours ago, Orangeslide said:

Oneida does have a problem with trash talk but they do not play dirty, that’s just not true. They did have a player ejected last night supposedly for throwing a forearm into a players helmet while he was on the ground while getting off the pile. The officials deemed that the same as throwing a punch thus the ejection. I think you saw last night a very proud program having a difficult season and some players very frustrated with the whole deal. Not saying this to be sarcastic, but I don’t think Oneida could have scored last night if they played 6 quarters. Their offense has issues to say the least. It’s really odd not to see Oneida in the playoffs, not sure when the last time that happened.  On a brighter note, their field looked amazing last night.  Whoever takes care of the field is doing a great job. The brown Bermuda looked good and the logo at midfield looked great as well. Hopefully, the Indians can get back on track during the 2025 season. 

Next year will be the exact same or just a tad bit better. The fact is the Indians can match up with pretty much anyone in 2A skill wise. But the problem is skill doesn’t equal a good football team. Literally everything is wrong with this program right now, and I mean absolutely everything. It’s in horrible shape and something needs to be done. 5-5 for this group of Indians is just baffling and utterly disgusting. One of the best looking groups in a while just to break even and miss the play offs. The fact is Oneida should be getting wins but instead they’re almost losing to mediocre teams. Much much much is wrong with this team right now but goodness the offense is just a shame. That is the only way to put it. The defense isn’t where it should be right now but it’s definitely been the strong point this season. The offense has been a complete failure.

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9 hours ago, PoundTheRock37 said:

The problem is nothing ever gets done correctly. As much as I hate to say it, next year will be the exact same or slightly better than this year. Just a big disappointment and a COMPLETE waste of talent.

Next year could be worse. Never know what a roster will look like from year to year nowadays. 

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20 hours ago, CYJACKETT said:

A lot of kids leaving the Oneida program for smoother waters as it seems. I think 2 of them will be playing for Scott County next year and another 2 will be at Coalfield. 

Hmmm. I usually would just laugh this one off BUT you may be on to something. I don’t know bout the CF but I do know of some county chatter. 

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