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DCA Plays Middle School Team in 2nd Half

Guest 4life

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The reason that so many people have problems with some of the single A schools is because of attitudes like you have. You want to stay down and beat up on some little single A school or a no good AA school and say that you have done something. In reality until you beat one of the top schools in 4A, 5A or Divison 2AAA, you have acomplished nothing and you not gain the respect of everyone. Are you scared of loosing?

That`s just a dumb post!

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What? What are you talking about? If we were supposed to be playing 4A schools we would be in 4A. Why would you say we are scared of loosing? Just because we played Lighthouse last week doesn't mean we don't play anybody. DCA is a 1A SCHOOL. That means we play 1A opponents other than the occasional larger school. We have played good teams. Why do you think our strength rating is so high? Because we win against GOOD TEAMS. Our region is tough enough we don't need to play 5A teams every other week. That was a dumb post.

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What dumb post? You are the one that is running from good teams outside of single A. Hey, dont worry about it because the chances are good that DCA will be forced to play Lipscomb, Goodpasture, Brentwood Academy, MBA, Father Ryan and others before long. Good Luck when you play a real schedule.

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HUH? I don't get your motive. DCA has one of the toughest schedules in 1A and you are singling them out because they don't play teams NOT in their classification? Not to mention we HAVE played LOTS of teams in 2A and 3A in the past few years including this season. Just because we choose not to go out and get killed by Riverdale ala CPA doesn't mean our schedule is weak! Just look at the strength of schedules. Youll see DCA's schedule is near the top. Your posts ARE dumb and read back a couple of posts to see that im not the only one who thinks so.

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So you don't like my post and that is ok with me. But I still smell a bad case of being chicken to play up in classification against good competition. You will find if you read some of the other threads that DCA is not the only school that I get on for playing a less than difficult schedule. What do you think about having to play MBA, Father Ryan, Pope John Paul II, Brentwood Academy, Goodpasture and Lipscomb on a regular basis? Your day is coming soon.

Edited by cbg
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So you don't like my post and that is ok with me. But I still smell a bad case of being chicken to play up in classification against good competition. You will find if you read some of the other threads that DCA is not the only school that I get on for playing a less than difficult schedule. What do you think about having to play MBA, Father Ryan, Pope John Paul II, Brentwood Academy, Goodpasture and Lipscomb on a regular basis? Your day is coming soon.

cbg...I think you are wrong. But don`t discuss it here. You can bring that up on the public/private board.


Coacht does not want us discussing the subject here.



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Who is this "cbg" joker? What the heck is he talking about? He sounds like a whiny baby to me. "DCA played an easy team" , "DCA should play harder teams", "DCA should play The University of Oklahoma". Cry, cry, cry. Boo hoo. We needed one more game on a last second notice and we got one with a team whose coaches are friends with our coaches. And everyone can shut up about not being classy on punting on downs other than 4th. Cause if we had run up the score, everyone would be whining about how DCA ran up the score on them and how unclassy that is. People, I'm sorry it makes you mad, but DCA is the best team in 1-A, Chris Wooden is one of the best running back in all classes in the state, he will win Mr. Football in 1-A, and will be playing on saturday in two years. Enjoy watching DCA in Murfreesboro.

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Well, thats kinda overreacting. I agree with you but you kinda went overboard. I should know, I get blamed for doing that all the time. DCA does play a tough schedule, they just make it look easy because of the butt-wuppin they put on all the teams they play.

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The reason that so many people have problems with some of the single A schools is because of attitudes like you have. You want to stay down and beat up on some little single A school or a no good AA school and say that you have done something. In reality until you beat one of the top schools in 4A, 5A or Divison 2AAA, you have acomplished nothing and you do not gain the respect of everyone. Are you scared of loosing?

You an idiot man.


You are gonna get what you want. We are going to have our own league in a few years so you wont be able to run your mouth about things you dont even understand. All these schools you mention the Academies less than 10 yearts ago would have been beat by the schools you mentioned JV's. Now that they are comeptitive, and whatever sorry school you root for is still on the bottom , everyone wants to throw them under the bus. Just like what you are doing here.



Guess what put the private schools in 4a and see what happens. It might take a few years but superior coaching will make them comeptitive fast. Also if they are moved up that much lets go out and get your best player because we sure as heck could get him.

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