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To all Maryville Fans, you guys have had a good run but it is over after tomorrow night.Face it you are not as good as in years past and I don't think your past tradition will get you far with the talent you have.I think you have probably over achieved this year already.Good luck tomorrow night and congratulations on a really fine string of championships,BUT IT IS OVER. Central by at least two touchdowns. Just too many athletes on the field for the Rebs to contend with. Central Bobcat

hahahaha....looks like this back fired on ya, maybe next time a little more respect for the 3 time defending state champions will help?

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anyone from maryville ever heard of the word humility? Be pround guys but going overboard like you fans, not players who are the one's earning it, gives the rest of the state a not so great impression of the class that Coach Quarles and his staff has. He is, and this is coming from Middle Tennessee, not the foothills of the Smokies, one of the top 3 coaches in the state, but the rest of the state has to endure the flap from you guys on this board. Think you can't be beat, cool. GO PLEAD with Quarles after next year to non-region Germantown, Riverdale, MBA, BA, Milan, Lipscomb, Tyner, Boyd, CPA, South Pitt. Schedule any of these good teams around the state. I know you schedule West outside you region, great. But keep upgrading and run that gauntlet if you want to make big claims.

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anyone from maryville ever heard of the word humility? Be pround guys but going overboard like you fans, not players who are the one's earning it, gives the rest of the state a not so great impression of the class that Coach Quarles and his staff has


I completely agree on all points, not just what's quoted. It's a lot easier for fans who sit on their butts and eat hot dogs at games to be the one's talking all the trash. I know I did it when I was a student, but still, this is getting out of hand. Mo West can very easily beat us next week. After that either Hillsboro or Melrose will probably be favored to win. This is the dumbest thread ever, and it really does compromise the integrity and class of Quarles and the football team. This thing should be shut down. It's absolutely ridiculous that we have fans on here making those claims.

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I am not getting mad that others say they can beat Maryville, I just think people are making stupid comments, like Tyner, who lost tonight, could beat 4A Maryville!? I am sorry but I don't really see many smaller teams beating Maryville just because of depth. Also I feel as though I do contribute, I go out there every game, pay the 5 bucks that goes to the equipment of those players and I go home hoarse. Sure I don't wake up at 5 in the morning to work out, but I do my part to help the team. I also was once part of the school and I feel that they still represent me and so I feel that I have every right to be cocky about their success. They earned it, and in a way I helped them earn it. Without my contribution they might not have those nice new helments, or the trainers, or any number of things. If you don't think that fans helped earn it, then why is it that Maryville gives rings to their cheerleaders after the football team wins a state title!? The cheerleaders really didn't do jack to help the football team, other than support, just like fans. Fans do what they can and without them a lot of teams would be lost, ask Florida, or Tennessee, or Kentucky basketball!

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The great thing about speculation is that you will never know. In your mind, 300 yards means a victory. Duran Ferguson lit OR up for nearly 300 and lost. Champions are all about heart. Obviously, your guys have had the heart for years. In my opinion, OR just refuses to lose. But, then again, so does Maryville. Congrats on the win and bring home another title for east Tennessee.

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I would agree that saying Maryville is far and away the best team in Tennessee may be a little overzealous. However, how many teams in the country can say that they have won almost forty games in a row, much less in Tennessee? That alone speaks for itself, but to be a winner you have to think like a winner. Obviously Maryville as a whole thinks like a champion, but unlike everyone that gets on here and says this team or that team can beat us, Maryville also prepares like a champion. A champion has a singless of purpose: Focus on the goal that is to be accomplished, and a chapion does the things that it takes to get it done. Maryville may not have several D-I prospects, maybe not even one, but they do what it takes to win games week in and week out and noone can argue with that. If you think that because we do not play in 5a that we cannot state that we are a great team then your perception of football in Tennessee is skewed. A school's size has no bearing on how good they are. Granted a 5a school in TN somewhere may be able to beat Maryville, however those teams cannot claim title to 3 state championships in a row and 4 out of the last 5 with appearances in 5 of the last 6 title games. Maryville reigns atop Tennessee football now and until someone proves otherwise. All the arguments that have been presented on this thread are weak. Because you get on here and say that you can beat Maryville means nothing. Back your assumptions up with facts, I for one can add a ring to the argument and know others who have three more to back that up, and that is more titles in 5 years than 90% of the teams in Tennessee can claim in their entire history. For all those who doubt, quit complaining or accusing or wishing; get out and prove that you are a champion and maybe just maybe your claims against Maryville will hold water.


Go Rebels!!!

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I respect Maryville players, coaches and community. In no way are my comments directed towards anyone except QB#7




I very seldom take issue with individuals on this board, almost never But QB # 7 :) I am making an exception with you. You are an idiot plain and simple. I guess you didn't hear about Oak Ridge beating DB last night (70% pass 30% run) or the lack of passing success of any team this year aganist our secondary. The only exception is a very classy DB in our first meeting this year. I cant believe I am responding to such an ignorant statement. :angry:



You really stepping over the line Talking about the best team in east Tennessee and probably the entire state.



Who is the best in the state remains to be seen. There are some awesome programs that may have something to say about that. One of which is going to show up this Friday night with fire in their eyes. They have the right to argue that point but you don't. Your just talking out of the south end of your anatomy

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