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Hillsboro v.s Melrose


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I hope you have a few years left in high school to learn about Geography.

Memphis is the best part of Tennessee.


As for the ball game next friday Melrose will win because they are the Best Team in Tennessee by far.

well evidently the A&E channel thinks otherwise.......Maryville was voted the 9th best place in America by hundreds of experts, so that would make maryville the best part of tennessee, not memphis......get your facts straight.

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Well crap! if melrose is the best team and the state and is going to win then why should anybody else play any games.....seems kinda meaningless to me!



huh, but if that is so then i guess maryville should not have won in 2000, because theres no way a team entering the plaoffs at 6-4 was the best team in the state


and in 2001, There was no way maryville probably was not the best team on the feild


and in 2002, How could maryville match up with all of those D1 prospects that Hillsboro had



Just because your the best team doesnt mean anything and it surely does not win you squat

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why n the world are yall arguing about thsi stupid topic. memhis is in tennessee and nobody cares what a&e rated yall. all that matters is that melrose is gonna win the state championship and thats the end of the stary b/c melrose is the beat team in the state

JuicyT, you guys played your heart out against Melrose Friday night and should be proud. However, until Maryville gets beat, they are the best 4A school in the state. 3 straight titles says a lot in my book.

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I,m sticking with Hillsboro, and I don't know where somebody got that information about them not having speed from. Their lineman are big and quick on their feet and they have a darn good defense as well with 2 real good linebackers as well.Like I said early it will be a close game





Good luck to both teams

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Scary thing about Melrose...not a single person posting about how good they are plays for or is a fan of Melrose....just players and fans who's team played against them..... or they live in Memphis and have had the chance to see them play a few times.

You hit the nail on the head. I have seen them play and am very impressed.

They have beat some very good teams and in my opiinion will continue to beat some very good teams.

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If a Melrose player is timed at running the 40 in under 4.4 then he gets gold cleats. About 7 players had gold cleats, including 2 linebackers. The speed at which Melrose plays is unbelieveable. I think I tore an ACL just watching the cuts their running back made.

What impressed me about the gold cleats is the 6'2" 250 pound sophomore that was wearing them! (#52)

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