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Going by last year's times won't always get one very far in the prediction business as far as cross country goes. I present for evidence, Your Honor, exhibit number one: McMinn 2002. That team had a returner at number fifteen from the previous year, and well, it's embarrassing to say this, but no one gave them a snowball's chance in South Alabama. Sure, they had five of their top six back... In any case, McMinn returns five of their top six and had a finisher at seventeenth place last year.


As far as Brainerd goes, we raced them in track, and their distance squad is virtually non-existent. If they have found some freshmen, then they're still a few years away. They need to face miles of trials, and trials of miles to be a contender in my book.


This is nothing but a guessing game at this point, but one thing is certain. It's going to be a fast year, and many teams will be the best they have EVER been. If a team is going to compete, they better have five below and close to 16 flat at state if they want to just be in the hunt.


I guess we'll just have to wait a few weeks and see what kind of times people open with. It won't be where they end up by season's end, but we'll see who's close.

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I guess we'll just have to wait a few weeks and see what kind of times people open with.  It won't be where they end up by season's end, but we'll see who's close.



Ya. Right now, it's a lot like picking lottery numbers; there's no benchmark for performance.

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CherokeeCheif is right, now is just a crapshoot. I don't know of any coaches who are settleing for less than first place right now. Once the season progresses and runners start dropping then some teams might have to back off their goals. But everyone has a perfect record so far so continue to work hard and we will just have to wait and see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All these teams r talkin about how fast they r gonna be. LIke that theyll have so many people in the 16s and they talk about how they run these fast times yet everytime i run against them i beat 2 or 3 of their top 5 and run around 17 30 last year. Unless people r gonna drop 1 or 2 minutes then no team in region 3 AAA will have an entire time in the low 16s. And if they r droppin that much then i wanna know what work out they r doin.

Edited by owlsrunner
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November is still a ways away and the team to beat will be the one with more than 5 good runners. Injuries have a way of happening at the most inopportune time and you need reserves to step in that can put up good times to stay on top. Over the last two years Bartlett should have won in '02 and been top 5 in '03 but due to some injuries and no depth they didn't. No sour grapes here because stuff happens. Who has the depth to overcome injuries and still put a team on the course that can all run, all 7, in the low 16's?

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Owl, we had four of the top 6 at Region last year.  You weren't ahead of any of them.  Maybe you can amend your post, or would you like some ketchup with that crow?





i was injured at region w/ tendonitis and ran a slow time. i wasnt even close to 100 percent. And i took the week and a half before off to try to get it healed. so thats why i wasnt runnin that fast. but this year ill be healed and well see how it goes.

Edited by owlsrunner
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I can't believe ya'll get so pumped for Cross Country.....When I ran cross country, that was the worst 18 minutes of my life! I never did figure out why I ran! The only conclusion I could come to was for the girls. Back when I ran, it seemed like there were some very nice lookin' girls that ran as well. 'Course I was a young lad then....I don't care what the girls look like now - it would take more than that to get me to run 3 miles competitively!


But hats off to all of you that do!

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