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An Oldie But Goodie: Stupid Announcer Tricks in McMinnville


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Someone please tell me where Boyd Christian School found the two loons in the back of that pickup with the PA equipment?


They did not shut up the entire game. The umps were totally out of line for not calming them down.


They talked while we were trying to pitch. They talked while we were trying to hit. And they were the most redundant announcers I've ever heard.


They tried to do a radio type broadcast over PA.


You don't do radio announcing for PA. You don't call the count and outs and score between every pitch. And the folks at Boyd can say they're just having fun all they want but it's just out of line. Our coaches couldn't call plays many times for their constant jabber.


Those guys need to get on the radio and off the PA. Then I can tune them out.


But rest assured, we'll be glad to return the favor next year.


2003 at Grundy while the Boyd pitcher is trying to hear herself think, you'll hear from the PA.....


"Now at the plate Susie Smith. On deck is Becky Jones. In the hole is April Meeks. Gone to the bathroom Mandy Stevens and Carrie Nunley is picking her nose in the corner of the dugout. There's one out, two balls, one strike and three bulbs out on the scoreboard. There's a wasp buzzing my head here in the pressbox. And for the love of God don't forget the concession stand. They've got Goobers, Moon Pies, Beef Jerky and Jolt Cola. We also have the phone numbers of several dentists posted in case you lose a filling on the goobers or rot a tooth with the Jolt Cola....Oh wait a minute, we've had a pitch...and I think she swung so the count is now two and two, there's one out and nobody's fixed those bulbs in the scoreboard. It's the bottom of the second, the score is now 3-2 but I'm not sure who's in the lead because I can't shut up. Come on Grundy we need those outs so we can have a win here on this lovely day...oh wait we're batting. Get a hit. We need some runs. Hey I think I'll play some music. What about it girls? Can we dance and shake it a little in the dugouts in between innings? I'm old and don't get excited over much any more but that will help me some. What song is it you wanna hear? (Crowd chants - Freebird! Freebird!) I heard it then. (Freebird begins to play.) Hey, you can't dance to that....wait....Have we had another pitch? Yeah we did. The count is now full. There's one out and is it still 3-2? Yup that's what I think the scoreboard says so that must be it. But I'm not sure because nobody fixed those bulbs in between pitches. Whew! My throat is getting dry. Can somebody get me a beer? Oh, wait. Did I say that out loud? Sorry moms, dads and all church going folks. With all this talking I just kinda got lost. Hey there's been another pitch and it looks like the girl struck out. Which one was she again? Hey have you been to the concession stand between pitches yet? I've just been informed they've got live bait you can take with when you go and head strait to the pond. That's where my boy and I'll be going as soon as we get done with this ballgame that's in the bottom of the second, with two away and the score is 3-2. Becky Jones is now up, April Meeks is on deck and someone please tell Carrie Nunley to wipe her hands cause she's in the hole and we don't want any of those boogers on the bat. Hey, there comes Mandy Stevens out of the bathroom. Mandy honey will you bring Carrie something to wipe her hands with? She's been digging in that big honker of hers again and we don't want none of that on the bats. Oh and you did remember to wash your hands right? Hey there goes another pitch and it was a ball.....yada, yada, yada, babble, babble, babble, on and on to infinity and beyond!!!"


Del (who's a little frustrated with those guys if you couldn't tell.)


[Additional note- No players names were used in the above post. All names above were thrown together. There is no intent to say any real player actually picks their nose, has a big honker or goes to the bathroom.]<P>[Edited by DelTavian on 4/6/02 11:00P]

Edited by DelTavian
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Guest Wahmbulance

Being a baseball announcer, I understand entirely how offended you are. Announcing is a completely different classification than play by play. It's simple etiquette to do the following things:


Announce a batter before they bat

Give the score at the bottom of the inning

Announce Pitching Changes

Plug the Concession stand (If there is one)

Plug upcoming games

Announce Sponsors and Starting Lineups


That's just about it. A proper announcers would NEVER announce during a pitch, that's plain and simple immature. Sure it's ok to tell about someone's birthday between innings, but other than that, no one should announce like that. That gives all of us other announcers a bad name.

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Thank you. I think that most who have done some broadcasting know that announcing for PA, radio and TV are completely different. You don't do any of them the same way. And while it's ok to raise your voice a little on a PA in favor of the home team doing something well....for instance..."TOUCHDOWN GRUNDY!" or "THAT'S A HOMERUN FOR MATT SMITH!"...you do not cheerlead from the PA. That was done several times yesterday.


One of the worst was at near the end of the bottom of the 6th when Boyd had a runner on third with two outs and were up 11-2. The jerk actually says.."Now if Boyd scores one more run that will be the ball game." He said this while our pitcher was trying to throw a pitch and our coaches were trying to make sure everyone knew where the play was. With a team of mostly freshmen and sophomores they need a lot of reminding what to do.


Anyway, if we go down there again and they don't have the courtsey to do the job right I believe I can find a bull horn and compete with them. Actually, most who know me know I wouldn't really need the bull horn.


Del (who is still upset about those guys the morning after. BUT who would like to congratulate Boyd on the win. The girls earned their win in spite of the distractions.)

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Responding to the longwinded, whiney comments about the announcer for Boyd Christian....


First of all, you people really need to get a life if you have nothing better to do than to find something to complain about over a silly game of softball. Maybe the problem is losing to perhaps the newest, and smallest Single A school in the entire state of Tennessee participating in TSSAA. In fact, if the score was 11-2, and that was just the second win for BCS this year, I doubt the announcer had much to do with coaching decisions that could have been different.


I have personally been to several of Boyd Christian's softball and basketball games and while the announcer is animated, he is fair and complimentary to all involved. He actually makes the competition seem a little fun. What harm does it cause for teenagers to actually ENJOY playing a game, especially when a DISTRICT, REGION, or STATE Title is NOT on the line??? What are we teaching our children if a ballgame is such a life and death situation.


If the coach had such a problem, why did he not make it aware to the opposing coach, game administrator, or to the umpires? They are in fact a Chrisitan school and I am sure would be happy to take another's feelings in perspective. What kind of attitude is "we will sure return the favor next year.." WHAT IS THAT??? Are you people adults or vicariously living through your children??? Lighten up and have a sense of humor. What good does it do our world to have people badmouthing others when the Bible teaches us to go directly to the source? If you have a problem, go to the person or those involved and work it out. Do not be a baby and cry to anyone who will listen and hopefully back you up.

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The coach did complain to the umps. They did nothing. They were wrong. But that's ok because I think I will email Ronnie Carter about the issue and see what input he has.


The problem was not losing the game. The Boyd Christian girls and coaches were nothing but nice, played and coached a good game and deserved to win. Grundy County had a very young team and some days we play well and some we don't. We beat them 13-12 the night before for our first win of the season. I have no problem with the team or the coaches.


Next it is not a PA announcer's job to make it seem fun. It is their job to give short tidbits of information and then be quiet so the players can hear themselves think. The guy has no clue how to do the job and if he cared at all he would learn to do it the correct way.


The ballgame is not life or death. But baseball and softball involve a lot of concentration and kids who are trying to do their best and learn the game should not have some adult blabbering just to hear themselves talk.


As for you not liking my attitude about payback for next year that's tough. The coaches and administrators at that school bear some of the blame for allowing him to announce that way. Most likely, even though I would like to do it I will not be allowed to because the coaches, administrators, school board members, parents and fans would be embarrassed by it and would pull me out of the pressbox after about 2 minutes of the nonsense.


But some days I'm able to turn the other cheek and some I'm not. So I have an attitude about the game and will for some time.


As for lightening up and having a sense of humor I'd instead ask you to grow up and show some concern for the players trying to play a game. If that guy wants to hear himself talk I'm sure there's plenty of room on cable access in McMinnville. However he shouldn't get his jollies at the expense of kids who are trying to play a game and get better at it.


What if all his talking caused someone to get hit and seriously hurt with a pitch or hit? Is it all in fun then? You obviously know nothing about the game.


I will have also no sense of humor when the girl trying to pitch for Grundy was throwing her first varsity game and anyone watching could obviously tell she was distracted by the announcer's "fun". He was pathetic and so are you for defending him.


If you want to do that kind of garbage then have a pickup game and let him get all the kicks he wants. But he won't announce another game against Grundy County like that again if I have anything to say about it....and I will.


Del (who will make his errors in favor of defending kids any day over defending some old coot who likes to hear himself talk. Kids come first.)

[Edited by DelTavian on 4/7/02 10:49P]

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If the umpires felt it was such a distraction, then they would have done something about it. That is part of their job. Yes, softball and baseball depends on the concentration of players. It much more mental than physical. If you feel that it was a distraction to your players, could it have been a distraction to the Boyd players? I don't hear them complaining. This is not golf, but yet a very exciting sport, so let's make it exciting. It is hard enough to get kids to play sports today because "it is not fun" for them.


As far as I know nothing about the game. Hard to believe then I was a part of two state championship teams in the past as a player, as well as coached in the state tournament. I know the game and sports in general. We need to do things to help kids enjoy playing sports, and this is part of it.


Once again, why complain to Ronnie Carter or the Southern Standard? If you have a problem, go to the source!! Those are not the source.


Grundy County is a very respectable school as well as athletic programs. I hope this will not harm the relationship of them and Boyd Christian. Good luck the rest of the season.

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You can defend them all you want. I have never been to a baseball or softball game that was announced that way. They were wrong. The umps were wrong for not putting a stop to it. And you are wrong for defending the announcer and the situation.


Just because this new school thinks it's ok, the silly announcer think it's ok, the umps think it's ok and you do doesn't make it ok.


Some people think cheating is ok. Some people think smoking pot is ok. Some people think drinking and driving is ok. That doesn't make it ok.


As for harming the relationship, nobody seemed to care about it when they announced a game in a way never heard by any normal person before....unless you were at a pro wrestling match.


ksc3, you're wasting your keystrokes on me. You're wrong. and to borrow from pro wrestling...."And that's the bottom line because Del said so."



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I have read a lot on this thread. I'm sorry that some of you feel that these games are minor to you but to some girls this is how they get into college. School Spirit is good but you should be considerate of your team and the other team. If you feel that you did right, go to your nearest radio station and apply. But Del is right, a good sportcaster would not have done this. You must have a lot of time on your hands for going to a game and ruining it for everyone else there with you talking.


Del tell Matt Hi from Gravy from Nissan he will know who your talking about.

Have they reschedule Grundy Co. and Community?

[Edited by Sidetrain on 4/9/02 10:42P]

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