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Everything posted by scots50

  1. I will need a bigger budget if we make that move!
  2. It sad that so many adults cannot see the reality here. Do you really think Alcoa wrote this script? If you do, you are sadly mistaken. HBO wrote this script with their agenda imbedded. What has been our daily news for over three years? Racism. Racism. Racism! HBO’s agenda will be much like all the other sports journalists; i.e. ESPN. Black school vs white privilege (their view, not mine). If you think Alcoa wrote this and guided this agenda then you are blind to the Liberal agenda in this country. HBO’s program outline and story board was black school playing white school whose mascot just happens to be the Rebels. Otherwise, HBO would have never made this documentary. Bottom line: They are trying to separate our communities like the rest of nation. HBO walked into Alcoa with an agenda; white vs black. That gets clicks and sells subscriptions today. Are there issues? Absolutely. But none worth destroying these two communities over. Please. Stop now and refocus your anger on HBO.
  3. I have had three sons play for Rankin since 2007. I never saw any of the false charges you place here. Rankin is a old school hard nosed man and so many parents and kids are soft and cannot handle it. He will not pet you. He will not console you. He will not favor you. He will not kiss parents butts. He will get after your rear and demand all you have. But, he will give you a chance and it is up to you to excel. If you do not, or if you are inconsistent, or have attitude problems, he will make a change. You do not get many “do overs” in championship football. Additionally, so many parents move their “star” into Alcoa only to find out their kid is treated like everybody else. This hurts their little hearts, they spoil the kids attitude, and it is downhill from there. As for recruiting, I have personally observed him talking to colleges and pushing the abilities of players. However, he will not push kids he knows are incapable of playing at the next level or have attitude/character issues. All of my sons benefited greatly from the life lessons he and his staff delivered every day. Did they complain sometimes? Yes, they did. Did I listen? Yes. Did I agree? No. I told them to get back out there and deliver what he wanted. They are all solid men now. They know how to compete and not make excuses. I thank Coach Rankin and staff for all they did for my sons. And always will. Adios.
  4. I was Rick’s OL Coach at the Raiders for quite sometime. The man knows how to win. We won a lot of games; often with less talent. Rick was always incredibly well prepared, highly organized, and an excellent tactician. More importantly, he was a great motivator and loved his players like he did his sons. I loved coaching for him. He let his assistants coach and kept the parents out of the huddle. Rick invested so much of his time and money to make an impact on the community that many can only dream of. The fact he has retired makes me very sad. Hopefully he will return to youth football and continue to make young men out of boys. Fantastic job Rick! I treasure our time on the field together!
  5. I like the odds of destroying the wall when I see the technique of the tackle in this picture. Feet together, too high, and leaning forward. #1 should have a great game.
  6. I think Barney is right on this one. Our county commission has been taken over by a several individuals that live and breathe to beat up and chastise our county school system. I feel for each of these departments every time they must face the commission. The CCs use inflammatory terms and always imply good ole boy deals. A couple can get away with this as their district consists of mostly City residents and they enjoy no accountability for what they challenge and or deny to county students. These are 40-year old facilities that have been neglected over time, not by school maintenance, but ostrich headed county taxpayers and previous commissioners that kicked the proverbial can down the road or did not properly fund and forced selection of band-aid fixes. Future elections must be used to vote these guys out and replace them with candidates that understand education.
  7. No, not this year. We are in the 60 to 65+ range this year. One note is Rankin has always dressed freshman on Friday night. These usually number around 25 to 35. Maybe someone still close to the program can comment on whether or not he has stopped dressing all the freshmen?
  8. One look at our region schedule refutes your comments. Do not throw rocks in a glass house my friend.
  9. I have never “attacked” your coach. I do not have to even if I wanted to. Your fans do a great job of that every year once the WB ship starts listing to port.
  10. I hope this is sarcasm. If not, you have no clue who Derek Hunt is and what is important to him.
  11. I am certainly not a fan of the 3-4 but I trust Nix to know his talent and adjust accordingly. I will not judge any kind of junk jamboree performance as Rankin and staff put nothing in it. I am certain the 3-4 did not employ all the stunts and slant combinations that turn big OL into frozen statues. Whereas a big OL may have its way at first, their effectiveness wanes fast as they quickly wear down and are incapable of matching the speed and uncertainty of stunt packages. And let’s face it, most huge high school OLs have a couple of hogs that are not in great shape compounding the issue further. Have faith in General Nix! Go Naders!
  12. Do not forget the limited edition t-shirts, bumper stickers, wall art, and screen savers.......
  13. It is where you park your boat, right? I have mine down at Tellico Harbor doxx.
  14. Alcoa dominated in all phases. Impressed with freshman #79. Great mobility, excellent feet, and great finisher. He will be starting full time very soon.
  15. I coached the offensive line for Coach Young youth league teams since 1991. He is a man that would never attack WB from behind a computer keyboard as he loves the place to much to do such a thing. The man I know will stand up and tell you man to man what his issues are. He is an excellent coach and should have gotten a shot as WB head coach.
  16. 2009 and 2010 are the best. All others trail these two years. Of course, I am heavily biased!
  17. Excellent performance! Who needs to throw the ball when you are ripping off runs of 5, 8, and 10 yards. Considering last night’s weather and wind, it was imperative they stepped up. Very proud of our OL.
  18. Congrats to the Chargers! Outstanding football team with tremendous athletes!
  19. Press and attention for a OL is a two-edged sword. It is wonderful when earned; but can come back to haunt you when you misstep. I have experienced this pain as well as all of my sons in their careers. A perfect example was the press given to the Catlick OL when they posted on Twitter that they were the best high school OL in the state. Then proceeded to fall flat on their faces the next few games. I strongly feel they should be praised and celebrated when they consistently perform well. However, as soon as that occurs, every player must know the target is now on their back and any shortfall will pointed out in brutal fashion. This is a very good OL. They have encountered much better DEs, DL and LBs. This last game is a wake up call to pour on the steam. If they do so, they will dominate Saturday and be remembered as a great OL. Hammer, your support has been critical to the mental development of this unit. I applaud your tremendous efforts and dedication to these young men.
  20. Good luck! Bring the Gold Ball back to East TN Devils!
  21. The mark of a championship team is the ability to 1) not allow the game to progress to a point where marginal refs can impact your game to the point of loss, and 2) the composure to recover, play through, and wins games with questionable calls. Each of those championship flags flying at Alcoa’s field were not earned in a utopian season. They were earned by overcoming loss, bad calls, bad fields, and maintaining focus on on the objective. Upperman will have multiple championship flags flying when they learn this lesson.
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