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Billy Blount vs Soddy


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I don't know much about the speed Blount has but Soddy has very little.  They are huge and very slow upfront.  But they probably have three of the best receivers in the region, not to mention a good tight end (might be hurt).  If you give their QB time to throw he has shown he can get the ball to em.  If you can get pressure on him I think he will struggle.  Red Bank is not bad but I don't think they would finish above .500 in this region.  Too early to call this one yet.  I like Govman think if it is wet Soddy might have the advantage, a dry field might sway me toward the Gov's. :rolleyes:





Any news on Soddy's tight end.....how bad did he hurt his knee?

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Hey boyz!


VTEC it is great to hear from a Bulldog alum! We probably dated a time or two! I know just by your post that I already like you!


I hope the govs have a great game. I am even predicting a win for the Mountaineers over the Admirals.


I just think it is mental with the govs. I know one of the best Soddy Daisy - William Blount stories I ever heard was a few years back the govs travelled to Soddy on a rather rain soaked night.


Well according to legend, and of course Skipper Murrin, Reese got hurt and the govs didn't fair to well without him! However the real story of the game was a young Cait McMahan was wearing out the competition, both male and female, by seeing who could slide through the end zone the farthest. I have been reminded that this was not a feet first slide a la most major league ball playaz...but a head first plunge through the end zone a la Pete Rose and Ray Fossie!


I love a woman that will dive head first into anything and you certainly cannot measure the heart of Earl and Teresa McMahan's children!


You boyz make me laugh and smile and remember!


I guess it was just rumor on the govs Saturday night trouble!


Love you boyz!



Edited by susie
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Hey boyz!


I feel I am taking advantage of a young child here, but willieb, it does. Suzette has heard some rumors and I just wanted to know if there was any truth to them. Suzette is like her mother, a big football fan, but also like her mother...she gets around!


I just have to be protective of my little girl, I want her dating a nice young man like you willie instead of some of the thugs I dated. No offense, gov man, rebelsman, starz, vitavol, etc.


I think the only man I had sense enough not to date was fbemeritus. Thank goodness I didn't make that mistake!


I am leaning more toward the govs, I hope they have a good showing. Like I said, Mountaineers will be 3-0 and waiting on my red "rebels" (I hate using that word) in about 10 days.


Love you boyz!



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I will be making the 2 hour trip down to soddy fri just wondering who to look out for. who are the running backs that will see alot of touches and who is the qb and recievers that will be playing alot.




The running backs for Soddy will probaly be #23 which is a senior and #41 a sophomore which will get most of the touches and is hard to take down from what i saw. And the Qb is #7 which is a senior but his first year playing football but will probaly do fine with the job. and the recievers of course are Ricketts which was all state and Atchley which was close on stats with ricketts last year in stats.


I believe this will be a good game but expect Soddy to rebound nicely and win 20-7

Good luck to both teams

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Hey boyz!


I feel I am taking advantage of a young child here, but willieb, it does.  Suzette has heard some rumors and I just wanted to know if there was any truth to them.    Suzette is like her mother, a big football fan, but also like her mother...she gets around!


I just have to be protective of my little girl, I want her dating a nice young man like you willie instead of some of the thugs I dated.  No offense, gov man, rebelsman, starz, vitavol, etc.






Suz, I repreescent that staitmint about "thugs" you daited. A good "thug" wood knot have "condescended" you as minny love ledders as eye did from the Walland Post Offuss.


Sumbody brought up the Wallmart. Eye remember once eye got in trubbull at Kressge's. Yep, eye got in trubbull practussing my Granny Fishun' in the big goldfish tank in the back of tha store.


Gov-Man eye thought eye wuz the only man to ever drive an "International" to the movies at Laikmont.


Don't tell Susie, butt eye took a little gurl from Cold Sprangs to see Blazin' Saddles at the drive-in. The girl takin' up money at the front made me open up the cab to my 1066 International to see if anybody was tryin' to sneak in with us. That weren't two bad. Butt, the thang that reelly upset me though wuz, she maid me unhook the manure spreader before eye could come into tha drive-in.

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Gee Suzie, you know everyone... Use to fish some Bass Tournaments with the Skipper, never a dull moment he was a hoot. Maybe we did date a time or two, glad I didn't make the thug list. Got a good feeling about the Govs, with their speed they just might pull it off. I know you are well versed on the Lakemont Drive In, did you ever go to the Druid Hill and goof on B L Irvin when he was running the projector? Keep those "Red Reb..... uhhh Southern Gentlemen in line"

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