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Liberty vs. Bolivar


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Juke...one thing we can agree on, I too really hope our poor old nosediving team is in the same bracket as the skyrocketing LHS. And yes..I do remember the last time we played--it was close. Too close. You can't find one post where I have dissed LHS..a little smack maybe w/ you-but no disrespect to the team-ever.


Deep doesn't matter if the guys perform to their ability. But they're going to have to do that. True enough. Good to have...but not a must always.


I'm not about to get in your deal w/ McNairy!!! No prob. there man.





Even though I have accused you of not having an elevator that goes to the top floor and you have been chasing me all of coacht dissing me, I am starting to really like you. You seem to be a very likable, jovial old girl.



You know blaintrain006 (after attending Jethros spy school located in downtown Selmer (home of the famous chandelier),he prefers to be called double aught 6, a secret spy agent from McNairy, after the 6th grade he will become a full fledged brain surgeon, only licensed to work in Selmer and Bolivar, but getting back to the point) is trying to get everyone to pull for his team. He has been talking all fakey sweet to Bolivar and Liberty fans to get them on his side. I was thinking since you and I are getting so close now, thay you might start pulling for our SKYROCKETING team after they open that special can of WHOOP BOOTY and unleash it on your team in the regionals. I wouldn't want you to think I am taking advantage of our new found friendship. But you and I going out arm in arm, don't you think that would be a fitting way to end a great season?


PS - You are slightly confusing - you speak condescendingly of my team as SKYROCKETING , but yet you say you are not dissing them?? All I got to say is you need to get a maintenance crew in there to fix that elevator, so you can get it to the top floor - OF course no dissing intended to YOU or ANY other Bolivar fans.

Edited by TheSmoothJuker
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'baseballa28', man you are sure right about the mad house part! Wow. What a game to expect! But I don't know if it's so much opinionated as exciting! At least to me.


What I can't understand at all is the fact that a lot of us BCHS fans have been on here time and time again telling the whole world how much respect we have for Liberty's program. And we're not blowin' smoke either. You guys have earned it. I mean do you guys think that we don't know how tight our games have been this year? But as we've all said...one, even two more games doesn't end the season now! And I still say that points here and points there against same opponents just does't matter. B/C after all-their have been different factors that effected those games on both sides. I just don't get where Liberty fans think they're being disrespected that's all.

After all, we'd be a pretty sorry team if our coaches, players and fans didn't believe we can win. We do have a pretty good history to look at. But I now, it's all about THIS season now. But give us this much...we've also played some tough teams the last few years...and mostly won.


blaintrain06--you guys sure brought it to us. And respect to ya'll for a great game. You're also right in that you may very well have awoken some sleeping tigers. Seriously. If they're not going to GO AFTER IT NOW...then they never will. And (no offense here to anyone) they'd miss a great chance to make history in the tourneys. I believe they will get it done.


jndfan...I also hope the refs will just let them play and not be so tight, b/c I don't want any question marks either way it goes. But to borrow a line from you...I personally don't think people realize just how good BCHS can be. Too many people are looking at wins v losses instead of their competition.


truhoopsfan-yeah. They should let you give the speech!!!


Guys..whatever side you're on...I bet it'll be a heck of a game!!! Seasons almost over and even though I'm a true football fan...I've enjoyed "jawing" with all ya'll! However it turns out.



Man, I know how good Bolivar is....I'm not looking at their record at all. They've got the hardware to prove it, but you have to realize........last year Bolivar was a lot better team than they are this year, a lot of people don't know how important O Kemp was for them. That being said, I think most people on here have seen Bolivar and Liberty play this year. Liberty is by far a more explosive and deeper team; however, Bolivar has great leadership and experience and they have 2 GREAT players in Willie and Wayne. Like a few others, I have found myself being more impressed by Liberty's play than Bolivar's. They have definitely been more consistent, besides their two lone losses to Bolivar, which Liberty could have just as easily won. Like I said earlier, Bolivar has all the respect in the world, I mean statewide everyone knows Bolivar has 2 straight state titles. But seriously I saw both of those state title teams play and I've seen this year's Bolivar team play several times......this years team isn't as good as the two previous ones. I know, I know, they've won two straight and they could make a run for another one, but it will be interesting to see if Liberty beats them tomorrow night. This game only means bragging rights for about a week, and these two teams will probably meet again. Rest assured, you'll get your money's worth at a Liberty/Bolivar game. Good luck to both teams, and I hope everyone stays healthy for the regions.

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Juke, I never said that 12AA wasn't stronger than 11AA, in fact I said that I feel 12AA will win 3 maybe 4 of the 1st round games. All my post was about was to let everyone in 11AA know that posters from 12AA are not going to post like an idiot. Why would I get bent out of shape of what you think of Bolivar. I'm not from Bolivar, I'm from Selmer but I RESPECT them just as I do with Liberty. I believe that both of them will play for the gold ball. I don't remember Lexington beating McNairy by 20 last time. Like alot of us have said, you live in a different world. Come back to reality. The 4th time might be the charm to play Liberty within 15 at the half.

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He forgot his medicine for adhd this morning. You know guys, I'm from Lexington and I'm really starting to hate looking at threads, I see why most teams hate us.


Ahhhhh Montague, chin up there old boy, they don't hate you - it is ME!!!!!!!!


But I got to ask you one thing, don't you feel just a little sense that we are on the verge of something really big????? I know there are a lot of fair weather Lexington fans out there, but really after the game with Bolivar did you not feel like we could take this thing?? I might be going out on a limb here folks, but some big factors


1. Yep we got beat by a good Liberty team, but there is a fourth time and it is hard to beat a decent team four straight times (and if you don't think we are decent then you are dreaming and if you are a Lexington fan and you think that way, shame ono you!!) Ask Liberty's coach if he thinks it is in the the bag! fellows that is why they play the game!!!!!!!


2. I know this is getting old - BUT WE ARE AT OUR HOUSE in the regionals (pretty nifty move on coach Gardners part I would say) !!!!!!!


3. I don't care what anybody says, Bolivar is about to crash that supposedly great plane (I don't know if everybody is worried about getting hurt before college or if they are just no motivated, the time is near, count on it, Lexington is much, much more hungrier)


4. Ok , again we got beat by Liberty, but we are peaking and it will get even better.


5. What can I say other than we have one of the top coaches, he knows how to get into the refs minds - good for at least 5 to 10 points (see how many times Mack goes to the line in the tournament - I am going to bet he scores at leasst 10 from the line in every region game). Over 400 total wins and 20 wins per season since he has been here. You don't just spread magic dust and get those numbers boys!!! It takes some real coaching to get there.


6. Again we are hungrier and the Little General has been shooting lights out from the 3 point line and can rip a part any defense on assist. Think about this - when is the last time we have had legitimate D1 player??? 10? 20 yrs?


So, go ahead hate on ME all you want (even you Montague) BUT when we are going to the big dance (and yes folks it may take 5 tries at beating Liberty, but it is doable) don't come apologizing, no need too, JUST REALIZE THIS - THERE IS ONE BELIEVER IN THE BIG RED TIGERS!!! THAT DID NOT GIVE UP.



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no trust me, no one i mean no one will accuse him of not believing


If this website had a fan of the year award, I think he'd have to be in the running. He'd at least be the West TN represenative. You have to admit though, some of his stuff is celver and funny. Obnoxious, but funny.


As for tomorrow night's games, I halfway hope McNairy does beat Lexington because I think Liberty will beat Bolivar and I won't NO part of Liberty before a regional final.


(Yes, that means that I still stand by my statement that Lexington has one major upset in them.)


Hey, hey! Whaddya know! Post #2,000!!!!!! :D

Edited by Solomon
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Ahhhhh Montague, chin up there old boy, they don't hate you - it is ME!!!!!!!!


But I got to ask you one thing, don't you feel just a little sense that we are on the verge of something really big????? I know there are a lot of fair weather Lexington fans out there, but really after the game with Bolivar did you not feel like we could take this thing?? I might be going out on a limb here folks, but some big factors


1. Yep we got beat by a good Liberty team, but there is a fourth time and it is hard to beat a decent team four straight times (and if you don't think we are decent then you are dreaming and if you are a Lexington fan and you think that way, shame ono you!!) Ask Liberty's coach if he thinks it is in the the bag! fellows that is why they play the game!!!!!!!


2. I know this is getting old - BUT WE ARE AT OUR HOUSE in the regionals (pretty nifty move on coach Gardners part I would say) !!!!!!!


3. I don't care what anybody says, Bolivar is about to crash that supposedly great plane (I don't know if everybody is worried about getting hurt before college or if they are just no motivated, the time is near, count on it, Lexington is much, much more hungrier)


4. Ok , again we got beat by Liberty, but we are peaking and it will get even better.


5. What can I say other than we have one of the top coaches, he knows how to get into the refs minds - good for at least 5 to 10 points (see how many times Mack goes to the line in the tournament - I am going to bet he scores at leasst 10 from the line in every region game). Over 400 total wins and 20 wins per season since he has been here. You don't just spread magic dust and get those numbers boys!!! It takes some real coaching to get there.


6. Again we are hungrier and the Little General has been shooting lights out from the 3 point line and can rip a part any defense on assist. Think about this - when is the last time we have had legitimate D1 player??? 10? 20 yrs?


So, go ahead hate on ME all you want (even you Montague) BUT when we are going to the big dance (and yes folks it may take 5 tries at beating Liberty, but it is doable) don't come apologizing, no need too, JUST REALIZE THIS - THERE IS ONE BELIEVER IN THE BIG RED TIGERS!!! THAT DID NOT GIVE UP.




I was at Bolivar when I thought we had the win. Juke its not that I dont believe, its just that I dont go around talking about humble pie and insulting other teams. You make it a point to insult other teams, to me, thats not really needed. We have a good team, but face it we have 2 great teams playing in this district, and I'm sorry Juke but almost doesnt count. We led Bolivar till midway through the 4th quarter, but almost winning is still a loss, they are the champs, and like I've said before, tommorow will wake them up, because Liberty will beat them. But, it will be the last loss of the season for the Tigers. Look we got the right team but the wrong year, we are good, but not great. Yet. I admitt, I'm already looking at next year, and while I know Liberty and Bolivar will be strong agian, we return a lot of players, and Josh Fry will be THE MAN, and we have Landon HeHe and Deshon Kizer coming up. Rain or Shine Juke, I'm going to talk junk with you next year, but this year we might have the 2 best AA teams in the state in our district.

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