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Carter McMasters or Philip Jurick ?


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In game matchups will be interesting in this game. Will Carter defend Jurick or will

Shaughnessy? Will Carter then have to match against Wells? Who will Jurick guard or will East Ridge zone? Does Grace even have a zone? I do expect a huge crowd.

Another interesting question is how many college coaches will be there. UT's fan site is already posting about this matchup. They are even wondering if Coach Pearl will be back. Maybe this will be as big as Mackey vs Lightfoot.

Believe the hype, these kids can play. I think it would be interesting to see Carter guard Wells.


About the topic McMasters vs Jurick. I have seen both play this year, and it is safe to say at this point in the year McMasters has played better.

Edited by redandwhiteforever
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carter has a better shot at a solid D1 program. carter is an excellent student and carries himself positively both at school and outside of school. unless jurick cracks the books harder and stops getting suspended from school he will find it hard to be a serious D1 prospect regardless of his rankings and hype.

Jurick is stated to be #1 on UT's board now for 2008. His value is way up from last year.

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school administrators are rumored to have told Pearl that Jurick was a troublemaker and he stopped a fellow student in the hall and he asked them what they thought of him and they told him he was a "thug". the student was an honor student and an athlete. i hope that Jurick turns himself around attitude wise, if not I hope Pearl does not add a potential "headline" type player to his program. too many good players with good attitudes out there.

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Chattanooga HaHa!! That's all I have to say. Either you are an old geezer who wishes his kid was half the ball player Philip was or you're a nerdy guy who was never much of a ball player. Either way your basketball comments hold no water to me personally. I also guarantee you have never spoken with nor interacted with Philip! You just like to get on here and run your mouth (or fingers if you want to be a jerk). And Coach Pearl never said anything like that. He likes Philip very much as a person and as a ball player (he has verbally in front of me confirmed this on more than 3 occasions). Coach Pearl loves players with attitude and fire that's how he acts and how he coaches. He was kicked out of an East Ridge game for running his mouth from the stands, so come on!! Not trying to sound like I know anything more than anybody else but Coach Pearl and my Uncle happen to be friends and over thanksgiving Coach Pearl told me that Philip was his number 1 guy in the state!!

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Chattanooga HaHa!! That's all I have to say. Either you are an old geezer who wishes his kid was half the ball player Philip was or you're a nerdy guy who was never much of a ball player. Either way your basketball comments hold no water to me personally. I also guarantee you have never spoken with nor interacted with Philip! You just like to get on here and run your mouth (or fingers if you want to be a jerk). And Coach Pearl never said anything like that. He likes Philip very much as a person and as a ball player (he has verbally in front of me confirmed this on more than 3 occasions). Coach Pearl loves players with attitude and fire that's how he acts and how he coaches. He was kicked out of an East Ridge game for running his mouth from the stands, so come on!! Not trying to sound like I know anything more than anybody else but Coach Pearl and my Uncle happen to be friends and over thanksgiving Coach Pearl told me that Philip was his number 1 guy in the state!!

I totally agree with you.. plus philip has only gotten suspended once this year and it was for wearing house shoes.. so give him a break he has not even been in much trouble..

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Chattanooga HaHa!! That's all I have to say. Either you are an old geezer who wishes his kid was half the ball player Philip was or you're a nerdy guy who was never much of a ball player. Either way your basketball comments hold no water to me personally. I also guarantee you have never spoken with nor interacted with Philip! You just like to get on here and run your mouth (or fingers if you want to be a jerk). And Coach Pearl never said anything like that. He likes Philip very much as a person and as a ball player (he has verbally in front of me confirmed this on more than 3 occasions). Coach Pearl loves players with attitude and fire that's how he acts and how he coaches. He was kicked out of an East Ridge game for running his mouth from the stands, so come on!! Not trying to sound like I know anything more than anybody else but Coach Pearl and my Uncle happen to be friends and over thanksgiving Coach Pearl told me that Philip was his number 1 guy in the state!!

Thats why UT is called the University of Tennessee for convicts......They don't care what there athletes do off the court or field.....

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Thats why UT is called the University of Tennessee for convicts......They don't care what there athletes do off the court or field.....

That's a bold statement and before you get bashed I'll side with you. It's the absolute truth.

So how do you explain Major Wingate being off the basketball team? I'll give you the football team, but I need examples of Bruce Pearl and the basketball team.

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jurick was suspended right before the season for being disrespectful to a teacher. he refused to go with a teacher to see the principal or asst. principal when asked to. jurick told the teacher he wasn't going anywhere with th teacher. it sounds like he has been suspended in prior years. it amazes me that goddard did not boot him from the team for the year or at least until after the Christmas break. coach goddard sent a message to the entire school that being respectful to the faculty is not that big of a deal. how many of coach neeley's basketball players have been suspended before? i would say none, she would not tolerate it. i would think coach james would not allow somebody to play for his football team that had multiple suspensions over their career at East Ridge. i hope the administration gets tired of the type of program the boys basketball program has become. on the other hand carter mcmasters is never in trouble in school, and has never been suspeneded for anything. he is looked up to by everyone at the school. it seems like a huge contrast to mr jurick. i hope that jurick finds someone who opens his eyes to what his actions off the court, in how he conducts himself at school, will affect how most college coaches grade him out as a prospect.

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