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7-4A vs 8-4A

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The Real Mom of #77:


I don't think anybody who responded to the 'filming of another team' question considered your queary as 'dumb'. I don't think anybody on here thinks that you are a 'DUMB MOM'. (Personally, my wife doesn't know a lot about football but she is one smart cookie). That's not why we responded in the manner in which we did.


You are correct in your original statement. It is smart to film the future opponent in order to prepare. The thing is, there are certian, shall we say, rules of protocol that should be followed. As you have followed this particular topic in this thread, it has become obvious that everybody isn't swapping film on the same terms, if they swap at all. Those who have addressed this issue wanted to clarify WHY some coaches do not. MemCitycoach's response to some when he stated that they should 'get over it' is only due to the fact that it is a part of life in the coaching industry in Tennessee. There are fans and coaches who harbor feelings of resentment if it is known that the coach for the opposing DIDN'T swap film. Not every coach swaps tape. That's just how it is. Why they don't really doesn't matter. It's just the way it is. There is no reason for anybody to get upset about it. Some do. Some don't. Plain and simple.


Your question wasn't dumb, nor do I think anybody thought of it as a dumb question. It was actually a good question becuase it may have revealed to some who didn't know, why some coaches DON'T swap tape. There is always a reason why people do what they do. Assuming that somebody is a jerk is simply a kneejerk reaction in a lot of cases. This discussion may have caused some folks to reconsider the 'jerk' label they asigned to a coach. They may have never considered some of the reasons stated as to why a coach doesn't swap tape.


Just a thought. Keep posting Real Mom.


<_< Appreciate the clarification Sir.

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East talks of getting it together in the last half of the season. Look at the opponents (Memphis Northside 0-10, Kingsbury 1-9, Raleigh-Egypt 2-8,) No sir.. they haven't seen the likes of HC even with Wooddale and Melrose. Is HC better than these two and Millington? A resounding you betcha. As I said before - HC 38 East 6

I rather enjoyed your analysis. We HAVE gotten better. Believe me. We would love to play these teams again right now. I guess you are under the assumption that teams can't become significantly better over time. Though some of the scores do not reflect it, East is a good team right now. I remember you all lost to a Mumford team. Should I judge you on that game. For you all to be so physical and so on means you should have beat them, right. They lost to Millington. I mean week 1 - 10 really doesn't matter. I don't think we will be intimidated by a team that is big and slow. Yes you have the advantage in the kicking game, but your defense is average at best. East will be more efficient in the passing game than you think. Um, Small was one of the highest rated QB's last year. So he is capable. As for the defense, I stated earlier that it is not the same defense from the Millington game. Drastically different, believe me. O, check your stats, East can run the ball a little bit too. Hey, just watch for the homeruns. Don't mind me. You have it all figured out. Sometimes box scores don't tell the whole story, but you will see soon. Respect is coming! <_<

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I'll be real honest & straight to the point on this one. I couldn't give a rat's behind what the final score is as long as HC is the Victoriuos Team when the clock runs out at the end of the 4th. As long as you get 1 point more than your opponent when it's all said and done, then you're the winner. If both teams weren't good then they wouldn't be at this point in the season. They would have their cleats put away for another year and for some for the last time.

HC the time has come like I have told ya it would, it's now time to be FLAWLESS.

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The property that you referred to IS NOT FOR SALE! I may retire there. Now let me explain myself. I'm going to be very candid as well as analyatical. East will be taking a LONG bus ride. Understand this is something that will serve as more of a distraction than you can imagine. You should know. You guys took the long ride from Paris to Munford and look what happened. Now only is it a distraction but it is tiring. HC will be intimidating to the visitors simply by the proficiency in which they conduct their warmup. HC's size will also be intimidating. As for the game, lets look first to the kicking game. East will not have the ability to kick field goals. In the red zone they will be forced to go for the td and not have the opportunity to put points on the board unless they score the td. Extra points if they try and kick will be a crap shoot at best. Look for East to go for two. Odds say only l in 3.5 are successful. Field position will be dictated by the kicking game. East has a poor kicker and punter. Every exchange between the two teams with regard to the kicking game will result in 10-15 yards advantage for HC. The kicking game will directly result in at least one HC score. From a defensive standpoint East will not be able to corral 34. The lbs at East are chase guys. They are not the kind to step up and hit anyone in the mouth. As a result look for HC to run right at East. East will not slow them down much less stop anyone. As a result the ground oriented attack will run clock and result in tds. Look for East to try and catch up quickly and here is where mistakes will be made...trying to force things. Result..turnovers and consequently two HC scores. Mistakes will snowball and consequently so will the score. This business about East being athletic is true. Athleticism without discipline is a perfect formula for defeat in big games. As for the passing game the edge goes definitely to HC. East will go for the homerun will little or no success. Guess what...three and out more times than you can imagine. Time of possession will fall to HC's favor. Fewer offensive opportunities for East. Last item to mention. East is not a physical team. They are in chase mode. HC will physically dominate the game both offensively and defensively. Look back at the schedule East has played. Any team with winning records of significance scalded them. (Wooddale, Melrose, Millington). East talks of getting it together in the last half of the season. Look at the opponents (Memphis Northside 0-10, Kingsbury 1-9, Raleigh-Egypt 2-8,) No sir.. they haven't seen the likes of HC even with Wooddale and Melrose. Is HC better than these two and Millington? A resounding you betcha. As I said before - HC 38 East 6



lololololololololololololol <_< lolololololololol :lol: lolololololololol


That has to be the funniest post that I have seen on Coach T.


A resounding you betcha....lolololololololol.


HC 38 East 6 ...lolololololololololol :lol:


Man please. If 38 to 6 is the score it will most definately be in the Mustangs favor...


Please post Saturday If you can pull yourself together and wipe the girly tears away. :(

Man we are going to ...... Nuff Said!!!



And oh yeah to borrow a phrase from eastmustang

respect is coming :lol:

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From a defensive standpoint East will not be able to corral 34. The lbs at East are chase guys. They are not the kind to step up and hit anyone in the mouth. As a result look for HC to run right at East. East will not slow them down much less stop anyone. As a result the ground oriented attack will run clock and result in tds. Look for East to try and catch up quickly and here is where mistakes will be made...trying to force things. Result..turnovers and consequently two HC scores. Mistakes will snowball and consequently so will the score. This business about East being athletic is true. Athleticism without discipline is a perfect formula for defeat in big games. As for the passing game the edge goes definitely to HC. East will go for the homerun will little or no success. Guess what...three and out more times than you can imagine. Time of possession will fall to HC's favor. Fewer offensive opportunities for East. Last item to mention. East is not a physical team. They are in chase mode. HC will physically dominate the game both offensively and defensively. Look back at the schedule East has played. Any team with winning records of significance scalded them. (Wooddale, Melrose, Millington). East talks of getting it together in the last half of the season. Look at the opponents (Memphis Northside 0-10, Kingsbury 1-9, Raleigh-Egypt 2-8,) No sir.. they haven't seen the likes of HC even with Wooddale and Melrose. Is HC better than these two and Millington? A resounding you betcha. As I said before - HC 38 East 6


lolololol <_<:lol::lol: ...still laughing at that post. Need to foward this to Jay Leno


CYA Friday after the game. That is if you don't leave early b/c East is slaughtering HC. And will probably have the JV in the game for the 4th Quarter.


But please stick around. We will probably just be pulling our foot out some HC ...

Well yanno.



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Red Warrior,

It disturbs me that someone would make this accusation with just hearing one side. I asked him about this today. He says that no one has ever called him to swap except for Kingsbury. He knows in the past that teams refused to swap, so he figured getting some tape would be impossible. It has been according to him. He did say that he did not call them (HC). Also, he says that the coaches (from HC) were taking pictures or video taping at his Mitchell game. So, he figured they weren't going to trade either. Maybe both sides are going off assumptions.


If you will reread my post, you will see that I did not accuse the East coach of anything. I have no idea if he declined to swap or not. My point is that ANY coach who declines is wrong. That is my opinion as a former coach and all of the so-called coaches who are trying to justify the practice are dead wrong. It just makes no sense to travel all over the place when a simple swap will take care of it. The video quality is never quite the same from team to team but that's just a situation coaches must deal with and accept across the nation.

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lolololol :thumb::blink::D ...still laughing at that post. Need to foward this to Jay Leno


CYA Friday after the game. That is if you don't leave early b/c East is slaughtering HC. And will probably have the JV in the game for the 4th Quarter.


But please stick around. We will probably just be pulling our foot out some HC ...

Well yanno.



I CSL ! :lol:


That may be East's best strategy for making a tackle! They will have to be approaching from behind alot. You should pass that on to East coaching staff!


HC will be unable to make that type of tackle, East's will be to puckered to accomplish!!

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Man..you really need to go into the ministry! I coached for 17 years and for l3 of those years I had no problem exchanging tapes. In the last 4 years however I ran into all kind of problems. Some tapes I received were of the previous year, some were filmed up so close you couldn't even make any formations or defenses out and a number of them quite often would have scoring plays taken (edited) out. It got to the point that people would not swap tape with us and would rely on coaches (friends) in other schools to supply them with tape on our team. Also, I learned these people catalogued tape and supplied tape to a number of our opponents that we were to meet in the playoffs and again we could not get any tape. For these reasons I quit swapping with anyone. I simply sent out junior high coaches to do all our scouting. I refused for our team to be at any disadvantage because people would not cooperate in film exchange. If that made me a bad guy, so be it. As for your blanket assessment that anyone that would not swap tapes is some type of renegade in the coaching ranks is absurd. You know, if this is such a huge concern, it would be a simple matter to resolve. Have each district or the tssaa for that matter make it mandatory that the last two or three films be exchanged. That settles the entire matter. In the meantime, consider be a little less selfriteous


Let me make myself clear and this has nothing at all to do with East because I don't know what they do about swapping video. In your example, I would simply not swap with those teams from whom you got tapes from the wrong year, etc. But why punish yourselves and other schools whose tapes are of good quality. I think it should be a TSSAA rule. We agree on that. Your ministry comment is what is absurd. I thought we were attempting to discuss what seems to be a problem in the coaching ranks.

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As far as this tape swapping issue is concerned. All one has to do is read this thread and follow the many comments to realize that there is an issue. wtnoff gave us personal testimony of his experience. There is no rule that establishes 'what type of content' has to be on the film traded. I have not read on here where it states that a coach 'may not edit' the tapes that they send out to their opponent. If you are on the receiving end of this, you probably think the other guy is a jerk for giving you sub-standard film. Whether you think he is a jerk or not doesn't help the situation at that time ... you sent good film and in return you received garbage. Time is of the essence in this situation and there is nobody you can file a complaint with that will be able to do anything about it. What do you do? You prepare the best you can with what you have if you can't get film elsewhere knowing that you and your staff are at a distinct disadvantage. Come Friday night, the fans in the stands nor anybody else, will give a flip if you lose ... all they will know is that they loss the game and it may have seemed as though your team was unprepared while the other team was prepared. Now, your coaching ability has come into question. All it would take is a couple of episodes like that to make you want to not trade film altogether. Now ... YOU are the jerk to the other coaching staff. You may have never considered giving a coach poor quality film until you started receiving it on a regular basis. You give another coach poor quality tape and they have never experienced it before ... YOU are the poor sportsman coach who is a bad leader and a whole bunch of other reprehensible adjectives that I can think of. What do you do? Continue to give out good tapes and continue to receive bad tapes and as a result your team is not as prepared as your opponent because of your inability to find good film? Do you just simply not trade tapes at all? Who is the first coach to call in this instance? If the other coach doesn't call you, do you automatically assume they don't trade so why bother? Maybe you heard through the grapevine that the other coach doesn't trade, so you don't ask.


All I know is this. If I were a coach and I got burned a few times. I wouldn't trade film either. I would just have to be a jerk. I'm not going to edit tape or go through measures to make it so that the opposing coach can't make heads or tails of my film. If it's not being done by all in the way in which it was intended, then why bother?


Every school may not have the facilities or access to the things necessary to provide adequate film. You can make all of the assumptions you want, but filming games may not be a high priority item to certain schools. I don't know the answers. Until it can be determined that EVERY school has the ability to furnish to opposing coaches the necessary film, this will remain an issue.


You either trade or you don't trade. It's as simple as that. It has been made appearent that going to film your opponent play another team is not an option.


The only thing I disagree with you on is that if I got "burned", and I have, I would not stop swapping with everyone, only the ones who "burned" me.

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I think earlier poster was right that still cameras may be OK. Just getting formations on D and O. Still got to note what they ran out of those formations and what D did in their formations.


RRP maybe it was one of those new high tech digital zoom still cameras with high storage capacity that can also hold several minutes of digital video borrowed from the school photography department to be used in such covert operations by our coaching staff! :thumb:


After catching up after a day out of town, this thread has become OBSESSED with what the YANKER will call "Swapgate"!!! The YANKER's research show that the "unidentified HC coach" escorted out of the game was actually an operative of the CIA. The YANKER knows why he was at the game but I cannot say. The YANKER will tell you this however...it has to do with preliminary birth certificate checks...this should send shivers throughout the HC football community. The YANKER'a offseason work has begun!!!!!

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