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QUOTE(bigorangefan911 @ Mar 8 2007 - 02:08 PM) 826405025[/snapback]Cheatham's gonna be fine. Like I said they can't do much worse. These coaches are doing fine. The one's who quit were either pansies or had bad attitudes. These kids can deal with it and play or these coaches seem like they'll get rid of them. I say more power to these coaches. If you have nine you can play. Kids these days need some respect and some discipline. It won't kill them. You have to "clean house" when taking over a terrible program like this one has been. If these coaches can get through this season without all these whinning kids and loser parents getting them fired, I will guarantee this program gets going correctly. I can't wait to meet this coach and shake his hand. Give em heck coach!



coach puckett is a horable coach hes not turnin nothin around the team got better over the summer when they had two of their players dads coaching there team. Maybe coach should get fired and the dads need to come and coach there team.

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QUOTE(huggybear @ Mar 18 2007 - 02:44 PM) 826416358[/snapback]coach puckett is a horable coach hes not turnin nothin around the team got better over the summer when they had two of their players dads coaching there team. Maybe coach should get fired and the dads need to come and coach there team.


yes everyone has heard evey cheatam fan on here say this, but why isn't anything bein done???

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QUOTE(huggybear @ Mar 18 2007 - 02:44 PM) 826416358[/snapback]coach puckett is a horable coach hes not turnin nothin around the team got better over the summer when they had two of their players dads coaching there team. Maybe coach should get fired and the dads need to come and coach there team.




Coach Puckett is not a horrible coach...he's doing what needs to be done. I'm sick and tired of the kids and parents on the team getting on here and slamming him and Coach Jackson. It's time for the kids and parents to start taking responsibility for their own actions. I've never seen so much disrespect by the players and parents alike then I have in the past few years. Because these coaches brought discipline and order, then you try to get them fired? Because he's tried to turn around a program that has been in the toilet for years, he should be sacked? Is he going to make mistakes? Yes.... Will he do some things that will upset some people? Yes... It's inevitable that if you are a head coach those things will happen. You will constantly be criticized and rediculed. Not everybody is going to like your decisions. But you can't just try to get rid of somebody because you don't think he's doing everything right. What kind of message are you sending to your kids when if something is not going right then you can just quit or get rid of the problem? What about sticking it out, and being better for it? In my opinion, if the kids don't have tough enough skin to take some cussing or being yelled at then they don't need to be playing sports. I don't condone cussing at all, but it's inevitable as the higher level of sports you play. I wonder... if your child smarts off or does something wrong, do you as a parent let it go? Do you not yell or punish your child? It's the same thing here. In some instances teachers and especially coaches spend countless hours with these kids. Sometimes even more so then some parents. I can't sit here and believe that everybody is quitting because the coach doesn't like them or is too hard. Quit whining and crying and see what happens. Leave the guy alone and see if he can turn this ship around. Don't condemn and burn him on the stake without giving him a chance.

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i agree totally baronsword... if you cant take a coach yellin at you then go to little league and pay your 50 dollars to have your kid play for fun, not go to the next level!!! if you play at a high school level, you will have to be able to handle a chewin every now and then!!! if you cant, then go cry to your mommy, quit, and then complain like everyone else is!!!

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QUOTE(baronsword @ Mar 18 2007 - 03:16 PM) 826416402[/snapback]Coach Puckett is not a horrible coach...he's doing what needs to be done. I'm sick and tired of the kids and parents on the team getting on here and slamming him and Coach Jackson. It's time for the kids and parents to start taking responsibility for their own actions. I've never seen so much disrespect by the players and parents alike then I have in the past few years. Because these coaches brought discipline and order, then you try to get them fired? Because he's tried to turn around a program that has been in the toilet for years, he should be sacked? Is he going to make mistakes? Yes.... Will he do some things that will upset some people? Yes... It's inevitable that if you are a head coach those things will happen. You will constantly be criticized and rediculed. Not everybody is going to like your decisions. But you can't just try to get rid of somebody because you don't think he's doing everything right. What kind of message are you sending to your kids when if something is not going right then you can just quit or get rid of the problem? What about sticking it out, and being better for it? In my opinion, if the kids don't have tough enough skin to take some cussing or being yelled at then they don't need to be playing sports. I don't condone cussing at all, but it's inevitable as the higher level of sports you play. I wonder... if your child smarts off or does something wrong, do you as a parent let it go? Do you not yell or punish your child? It's the same thing here. In some instances teachers and especially coaches spend countless hours with these kids. Sometimes even more so then some parents. I can't sit here and believe that everybody is quitting because the coach doesn't like them or is too hard. Quit whining and crying and see what happens. Leave the guy alone and see if he can turn this ship around. Don't condemn and burn him on the stake without giving him a chance.





You people obevouisly don't have a clue what is going on. No one I know of is whinning about being yelled at or disalpined or cusing or anyting like that. The complants where the coaches which are football coachesNever coached baseball before) are forceing players to do football drills that do not need to be done by picthers or really any of them becauce in baseball everybody has to throw. One player had to go to a orthapedic doctor, because its was messing up his elbow(not good for a pitcher) I don't care how many names ya'll call them ,the ball players are not stupid. and most of them know to stand up for them selves. It's funny that these boys have played for many coaches and have never quit before. the latest bunch to quit are the ones who stood up for the coaches early in the year , so they have given them a chance. The coaches and players have no respect for each other.

some of theparents are going to try and get something done this week, hopeful we can still have a baseball season.

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QUOTE(Hoganknows @ Mar 18 2007 - 12:04 PM) 826416203[/snapback]Now that's not true--I congrats the Indians on their new Baseball Coach (Coach Woods) and will give them congrats on their first win of the season 13-3 over the Hillsboro Boros. And hope they open the District 11AA play with a win on Monday--now "How You Like Me Now"


I still dont like you /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> .




And too all the cheatham fans what are they doing about your English teachers???? /biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />

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The coaches are doing a great job guys. Cheatham Co. competed well against state powerhouse David Lipscomb and the final score doesn't even begin to show how well the Cubs battled against the Mustangs. Cheatham turned around and killed Pearl Cohn on Friday night in a game that they should have rolled in seeing as how PCHS is not known for their baseball team. The players THAT HAVE COMMITTED THEMSELVES TO WINNING GAMES AT CCCHS are doing great right now. The Hucks, Garrett Potts, & Tyler Anderson are just a few that come to mind right away. When you stop and think about it CCCHS is a baseball team right now with ONE SENIOR taking the field when they play these days and that is Kevin Elliott. If these coaches are given a chance this team will be one to look out for come the second half of this baseball season no question about it.


Now for people like cchs10-3 & huggybear in particular:


"The complants where the coaches which are football coachesNever coached baseball before) are forceing players to do football drills that do not need to be done by picthers or really any of them becauce in baseball everybody has to throw. One player had to go to a orthapedic doctor"


All I have to say to this post is WOW!!!! I can't recall any football drills that have taken place during practices since the players haven't EVER BEEN ISSUED neither helmets and/or shoulder pads as of this moment. Last time I checked players are throwing the baseball just fine. Look at the play that Potts made against Lipscomb when he caught the ball off the deflection and hosed out the runner at first. IF THERE IS ANY PLAYER THAT SHOULD HAVE AN EXCUSE IT'S HIM SEEING AS HOW HE'S STILL RECOVERING FROM THAT HORRIBLE INJURY HE HAD TO ENDURE ON THE OPENING DAY OF FALL CAMP LAST AUGUST. If you have to go and see an orthapedic doctor then in all likelihood you aren't well enough to be playing high school athletics especially at the varsity level. Maybe there will be a spot or two available in the tuba or flute sections in this upcoming year's band who knows???????


The "drills" that are being talked about were believe it or not APPLAUDED by the surrounding coaches in the school. Why???? It's not because they are meant for hard work to punish guys or to make guys want to take and throw temper tantrums and quit baseball. Instead these drills have been used to teach these young guys how to compete. You must first learn how to compete before you can ever begin to think about winning. Did Cheatham Co. beat anyone last year outside of Class A White House-Heritage (A NEW SCHOOL) or Stewart Co. (THE WORST TEAM IN THE DISTRICT)??????????? The players need to learn how to compete if they want to take and be able to compete with teams like Sycamore & Harpeth. Winning will come in due time. The Cubs coaches applauded the team's effort in the losses to David Lipscomb & Springfield. Why?????? The kids were competitive. You must first believe that you can win before winning is ever an option. That's one piece of advice that I would give to those football guys over at Harpeth as well.


One of the players who walked off on his team called the coach an "f'ing d a" and then had the nerve to tell both of the coaches that if he left practice then he wouldn't return. First off if that were my biological son that pulled that kind of nonsense then he'd probably never be able to sit on his behind for at least a month after I got finished with him /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> Secondly if that were one of any coaches players in this state that pulled that kind of stuff then he'd be thrown off of any team right away. Another kid decided to SKIP BASEBALL THIS PAST WEEK BECAUSE HE WENT OUT OF TOWN FOR SPRING BREAK!!!!! Ironically that same player had a relative who did not choose to do that same thing. This isn't pee-wee baseball at the Joelton Ball Park where winners and losers get a free coke & candy bar ladies and gentlemen. This is varsity high school athletics where winners get trophies and rings while losers get a "better luck next year" speech. THAT SAME PRINCIPLE APPLIES TO ALL ASPECTS OF THE REAL LIFE WORLD!!!! YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!!!! That same young man was not thrown off the baseball team for missing time. He did have to do some make-up work for the time that he did miss. This wasn't a punishment. It was a fair opportunity for that young man to rejoin his teammates. Do you think it would be fair to those who worked their tails off throughout their spring vacations if one player got the chance to go out of town "for a week of fun" and then upon his return that same young man would get to rejoin the team without having to go through the work that they all endured????????????


Come on out and watch these bunch of young & steadily improving Cheatham Co. Cubs (1-3) play Creek Wood & Greenbrier this upcoming week folks and you can all feel free to judge the character of these supposed "abusive & evil coaches" yourselves. I promise you all that what you'll see are two guys who are committed to winning games coaching a great group of young competitors who want to learn what it takes to win now that the cancers are leaving their program. What do you do to a cancer?????? YOU CUT IT OUT BEFORE IT KILLS YOU!!!! The cancers are off of this team and now they can go and play "Pee-Wee Baseball" in Joelton or they can go and join the band. If they change their ways of thinking and commit themselves to wanting to compete and win then maybe they can rejoin the CCCHS baseball program. Until then, they need to stay as far away as possible because people with losers attitudes aren't wanted around these parts. If some of the attitudes continue the way that they are then I am sure that some of them also will not be wanted anywhere near the gymnasium this upcoming fall and winter either.

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The coaches are doing a great job guys. Cheatham Co. competed well against state powerhouse David Lipscomb and the final score doesn't even begin to show how well the Cubs battled against the Mustangs. Cheatham turned around and killed Pearl Cohn on Friday night in a game that they should have rolled in seeing as how PCHS is not known for their baseball team. The players THAT HAVE COMMITTED THEMSELVES TO WINNING GAMES AT CCCHS are doing great right now. The Hucks, Garrett Potts, & Tyler Anderson are just a few that come to mind right away. When you stop and think about it CCCHS is a baseball team right now with ONE SENIOR taking the field when they play these days and that is Kevin Elliott. If these coaches are given a chance this team will be one to look out for come the second half of this baseball season no question about it.


Now for people like cchs10-3 & huggybear in particular:


"The complants where the coaches which are football coachesNever coached baseball before) are forceing players to do football drills that do not need to be done by picthers or really any of them becauce in baseball everybody has to throw. One player had to go to a orthapedic doctor"


All I have to say to this post is WOW!!!! I can't recall any football drills that have taken place during practices since the players haven't EVER BEEN ISSUED neither helmets and/or shoulder pads as of this moment. Last time I checked players are throwing the baseball just fine. Look at the play that Potts made against Lipscomb when he caught the ball off the deflection and hosed out the runner at first. IF THERE IS ANY PLAYER THAT SHOULD HAVE AN EXCUSE IT'S HIM SEEING AS HOW HE'S STILL RECOVERING FROM THAT HORRIBLE INJURY HE HAD TO ENDURE ON THE OPENING DAY OF FALL CAMP LAST AUGUST. If you have to go and see an orthapedic doctor then in all likelihood you aren't well enough to be playing high school athletics especially at the varsity level. Maybe there will be a spot or two available in the tuba or flute sections in this upcoming year's band who knows???????


The "drills" that are being talked about were believe it or not APPLAUDED by the surrounding coaches in the school. Why???? It's not because they are meant for hard work to punish guys or to make guys want to take and throw temper tantrums and quit baseball. Instead these drills have been used to teach these young guys how to compete. You must first learn how to compete before you can ever begin to think about winning. Did Cheatham Co. beat anyone last year outside of Class A White House-Heritage (A NEW SCHOOL) or Stewart Co. (THE WORST TEAM IN THE DISTRICT)??????????? The players need to learn how to compete if they want to take and be able to compete with teams like Sycamore & Harpeth. Winning will come in due time. The Cubs coaches applauded the team's effort in the losses to David Lipscomb & Springfield. Why?????? The kids were competitive. You must first believe that you can win before winning is ever an option. That's one piece of advice that I would give to those football guys over at Harpeth as well.


One of the players who walked off on his team called the coach an "f'ing d a" and then had the nerve to tell both of the coaches that if he left practice then he wouldn't return. First off if that were my biological son that pulled that kind of nonsense then he'd probably never be able to sit on his behind for at least a month after I got finished with him /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> Secondly if that were one of any coaches players in this state that pulled that kind of stuff then he'd be thrown off of any team right away. Another kid decided to SKIP BASEBALL THIS PAST WEEK BECAUSE HE WENT OUT OF TOWN FOR SPRING BREAK!!!!! Ironically that same player had a relative who did not choose to do that same thing. This isn't pee-wee baseball at the Joelton Ball Park where winners and losers get a free coke & candy bar ladies and gentlemen. This is varsity high school athletics where winners get trophies and rings while losers get a "better luck next year" speech. THAT SAME PRINCIPLE APPLIES TO ALL ASPECTS OF THE REAL LIFE WORLD!!!! YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!!!! That same young man was not thrown off the baseball team for missing time. He did have to do some make-up work for the time that he did miss. This wasn't a punishment. It was a fair opportunity for that young man to rejoin his teammates. Do you think it would be fair to those who worked their tails off throughout their spring vacations if one player got the chance to go out of town "for a week of fun" and then upon his return that same young man would get to rejoin the team without having to go through the work that they all endured????????????


Come on out and watch these bunch of young & steadily improving Cheatham Co. Cubs (1-3) play Creek Wood & Greenbrier this upcoming week folks and you can all feel free to judge the character of these supposed "abusive & evil coaches" yourselves. I promise you all that what you'll see are two guys who are committed to winning games coaching a great group of young competitors who want to learn what it takes to win now that the cancers are leaving their program. What do you do to a cancer?????? YOU CUT IT OUT BEFORE IT KILLS YOU!!!! The cancers are off of this team and now they can go and play "Pee-Wee Baseball" in Joelton or they can go and join the band. If they change their ways of thinking and commit themselves to wanting to compete and win then maybe they can rejoin the CCCHS baseball program. Until then, they need to stay as far away as possible because people with losers attitudes aren't wanted around these parts. If some of the attitudes continue the way that they are then I am sure that some of them also will not be wanted anywhere near the gymnasium this upcoming fall and winter either.


Wow, thats deep.

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It's obvious the parents are jealous of the coaches because they aren't letting these little heathans run over them. I heard from some of the players that the coaches last year let them do whatever they wanted. These boys lack discipline and respect and coach pucket and coach jackson are going to fix that. Some of these boys aren't blessed with athletic talent, so blame the coaches from last year for not drilling them and making them better, and blame the parents for not teaching their kids respect. No kid should ever curse out their coach, that shows a total lack of respect and shows how big of a loser that kid really is. And as for the Dads that coached during the summer, my hats off to them. But Summer Dixie Youth League is not varsity baseball!! It's like CCCHS playing Cheatham Middle. Whoa!! Takes alot of coaching, my grandma could do the same. So if you really want to have a better program, stop complaining about these coaches turning these little boys into men.

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