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The Battle of the Boro


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I cant say enough about this team, in all phases, we showed tremendous heart. Offensively, we werent great, but were effective and gave our defense the rest needed, on defense we didnt give up a lot big plays and forced turnovers when we needed it most, including that huge stop for 2 at the end of the 3rd. What a game for Tee Mayberry and those 3 fumble recovers. What a kick by trevor hornsby that all but clinched the game with less than 2 minutes to go.


What a game by Thunder(Precious) and Lightning(BJ). Just all the way around I could not be happier. Shame on all of us for even questioning this hire of Thomas McDaniel. WHAT A WIN PATRIOTS!

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Who will be the first one on this board to start bashing Coach A??? Well let me be the first one to stand up for the man. The fact is two good football teams played tonight, and unfortunately one of them had to lose. Dont be surprised if these two teams finish 1 2 in the region and meet again in the playoffs. So for all you Riverdale fans that want to clean house in week 0, just take a deep breathe and back away from the edge. Both of these teams will win alot of games this year and meet again when it counts.


Congratulations to Coach Mac and his staff, they deserved it tonight. The challenge now will be getting those kids back down to earth Monday and start looking towards they next opponent. But something tells me Coach Mac will get their attention Monday afternoon.


Last thing, and Im going to bed... Did somebody forget to notify Blackman and LaVergne that tonights game was NOT a baseball game? Were they hitting ground rule doubles over there? 5 to 3? Are you serious? Thats kind of embarrassing! /laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />


Good teams do not lose by 11 AND fumble as many times as Riverdale did. You can NOT call them a good team with the number of fumbles they had. Coach A needs to teach them how to tuck a football away like the Garrett brother thats the TE coach on hard knocks does or he needs to look for a new job( NOT AS A RB COACH ANYWHERE). The fumbling issue is more coaching then players. you can teach a kid to tuck a ball so he does NOT fumble it. heck I didnt play real ball but i know how to tuck a ball to where it wont be fumbled in a backyard game. Poor show from Riverdale from all I have heard. Love the riverdale fans getting on here calling it a good game. if Siegel lost by 11 and fumbled this many times you ALL would be calling for Watson to be fired. GET REAL. The fumbling issue is pathetic. That is a basic fundemental that clearly coach A forgot to teach in spring/summer practices. Its an important fundemental when you RUN A WING T that is 95 percent RUN. COME ON RIVERDALE FANS GET REAL. Good D effort from riverdale. but that is about it. Siegel is good btw. WATCH OUT.

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Only embarrassing thing is how many times riverdale lost the football tonight, 5-3 scores are unreal but part of football. A defensive battle occured there, not a double digit loss where your team lost the ball repeatedly due to fumbles. QB change at riverdale possibly? I hear you dont make it far as a football player that runs the ball if you cant carry it. Something both Thomas brothers knew how to do. Maybe this game will be motivation for West, but I think hes just not as good a player as Scott Dave or Trey. Riverdale may be in for a long year without a qb who can carry the rock. No offense at all. I really hope all 4 murfreesboro teams make the playoffs. With Siegel being the 1 of course lol.

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Only embarrassing thing is how many times riverdale lost the football tonight, 5-3 scores are unreal but part of football. A defensive battle occured there, not a double digit loss where your team lost the ball repeatedly due to fumbles. QB change at riverdale possibly? I hear you dont make it far as a football player that runs the ball if you cant carry it. Something both Thomas brothers knew how to do. Maybe this game will be motivation for West, but I think hes just not as good a player as Scott Dave or Trey. Riverdale may be in for a long year without a qb who can carry the rock. No offense at all. I really hope all 4 murfreesboro teams make the playoffs. With Siegel being the 1 of course lol.



I dont want to make this game about what Riverdale couldnt do as opposed to what Oakland did do. Yeah their qb forced 2 fumbles, but I think there is potential there for him to be a pretty good qb, on those 2 fumbles he was pretty much dead to rights and was trying to soften the blow and lost it. Yeah Riverdale could have won w/out those fumbles, just like we could sent them back to Warrior Drive by a even bigger margin had Schaller not been injured, although I have extreme confidence in Christian Adams, we were shaken a lil bit after he went down, but showed the heart of a champion and had a drive that only a champion could come up with. I think more important what Riverdale needs to work on is their defense, it was unheart all but a few years ago to give up this many yards on the ground while being manhandled on the right side on the line.


The Warriors did make adjustments, but they had to wait till halftime to do it, Oakland was able to make their in-game and that also played a part. This will be a very crazy year in our region

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Only embarrassing thing is how many times riverdale lost the football tonight, 5-3 scores are unreal but part of football. A defensive battle occured there, not a double digit loss where your team lost the ball repeatedly due to fumbles. QB change at riverdale possibly? I hear you dont make it far as a football player that runs the ball if you cant carry it. Something both Thomas brothers knew how to do. Maybe this game will be motivation for West, but I think hes just not as good a player as Scott Dave or Trey. Riverdale may be in for a long year without a qb who can carry the rock. No offense at all. I really hope all 4 murfreesboro teams make the playoffs. With Siegel being the 1 of course lol.



I guess for the first time ever Siegel has something to crow about. Just remember that the Riverdale-Siegel game hasn't been played yet. BTW, Cody has the same problem with tucking the ball that Scott had. Scott improved ever so slowly...hopefully Cody gets the message a bit quicker.


A lot of players got their first start and/or first meaningful playing time last night. They made a lot of mistakes that will have to be corrected. The number one enemy right now is ourselves...taking care of the ball.


out of week zero, Siegel, Oakland, and WC look like the teams to beat and we haven't even seen Lebanon. Our skinny little guys better grow up quickly.

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congrats oakland...yall deserved the win ....

as far as biggest crowd i find it hard to believe that the crowd was bigger than the old days espcially in 98 when there was about 20,000 there




I don't think we will ever see a crowd like that again from 98. You are right riverdaleman....and one of the few times you will ever see MTSU rockin like that again either.

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What can I say but YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! It was poetic justice that Oakland was the team to break the Riverdale region streak and I am sure proud of that. For the first time in a long time, we have depth, and a ton of seniors with some experience. We are not having to play a bunch of freshman against srs. Kudos to McDaniel for the large roster. Kids like Dereck Barrett who is a 4 yr varisty starter that took his knocks only to be be on top now. Folk didn't think we had a chance , but you have to factor in that this group of players have beaten Riverdale as freshmen the last 3 yrs. They KNEW in their hearts that they could translate it to a win this year, and we had the depth to keep guys fresh. That was one thing that we never had over the last few yrs. Now say what you will about Coach A, but having to develop players there DIDN'T win as freshmen teams or in jr high.......it is a hard task to teach them how to win. We know, we were in that boat ourselves at OHS. Our defense has always been our strength. We have just needed the offense to step up and get the D some time to chug down some water . It definitely makes a difference for our guys to get to take a blow on the sidelines w/o having to race back back in with a short field. I hope Schaller recovers quickly........and way to boot that leg, Hornsby. I know your Pop has to be proud!



Congrats to the players, and the coaches at Oakland for the HUGE win and for giving your fans some bragging rights! Now enjoy this win....savor it today and then focus on the next week at hand. This was a major win but the BCB is a LONGGGGGG way off.



Kind of cool that Blackman, Oakland, and Siegel.....the bottom feeders of the region are now undefeated on top right now. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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