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Heritage vs Seymour

Guest touchdowntech

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Guest touchdowntech

first i will say that keep in mind this is only week zero.secondly any of my comments do not mean any disrespect to any of these 2 teams.i hate when seymour loses to a bigger school and the paper always puts in there how like a heritage was 5a compared to seymour which is 3A.alcoa is 2A and can beat class playoff type 3A,4A,5A schools so so should seymour.let us not forget that seymour is only 3A in class but in reality a 4A sized school.i must apologize to heritage.i honestly thought seymour would win by 3 touchdowns and boy i was wrong!! in all honesty i think that seymours heads got too big for their helmets.beating maryville was great but it was in 1 quarter in a jamboree where the starters played very little.not to take away from beating them but all the interviews,tv exposure and newspapers.even i slighty was swayed by this but in real game time seymour just didn't have it last night.heritage had lots of penalties and really should have won 31 or 38-0.note to heritage:get a kicker like at the end on that extra point.numerous times they could have had easy field goals and they fumbled a sure touchdown in the end zone but seymour just seemed flat and riding that maryville win too much.now again no disrespect but in the seymour region you can have a 7th or 8th grader run and pass all over union,pigeon,gibbs,claiborne,rutledge anything you run will work.teams like sevier or heritage or austin east or fulton ect running the same predictable plays will not work.seymour also struggles with many teams who pass which they don't face many of but usually fare poorly against teams who do but i just couldn't believe my eyes last night.i know seymour will be back beating up on the region and finishing either 1 or 2 while heritage i not only hope for a .500 season but a playoff birth for you guys this year as well.don't be satisfied with the win heritage you need to build on this and quit the turnovers,penalties and fix the kicking game while seymour just shrug this off and get back to this week and win,win,win!!

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heritage did play one heck of a game and your right take away the block in the back call that negated a fourty or so yard play heritage just might have scored there. take away cermak's fumble inches from the goal line the def. would have scored. over all heritage played a great game. senior quarterback chase boruff showed strong leadership and a very accurate arm. maybe it will finally shut people up for the time being, and people will quit saying heritage doesn't have a quarterback.

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Let's see, take away the block in the back and a fumble. Are not both of those part of the game of football? It is kind of like when someone says the team just ran out of time. Best I remember, each knows how much time they have in the game and it is usually on the clock for all to see.

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i wasnt there 2 c but i was shocked wen i heard this.... heritage has never been a powerhouse.... seymour like every1 must have got too excited bout there game against maryville... i was scared to have SC play em but no offence seymour but im less afraid.... should b a good game... howd dockery do and the new qb??????? but props to heritage u have a tough road ahead of ya

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Heritage did play a good game...First game jitters on both sides but the Mountaineers seemed to get control early and focus on the job at hand. It was the same in Monday night' freshman and JV games. Some mistakes but overall good football.


Our kicker is young and improving with each game. "Choke.....badly" is rather harsh don't you think? Especially when it comes from one who refer to him as "our" kicker. Give him the support he deserves by just taking the field.


Keep it rollin' red.

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Cermak is perhaps the best overall player in the county. He is just a good athelete. I will have to agree with the coaching decision to play him on defense although I do like to watch him carry the ball. We have a lot of backs who are capable of producing good yardage. With that in mind, use the players wisely to promote the most favorable outcome for the team. How do you think winning programs become winning programs? They use their resources to their own advantage.


The coaching staff we have now has brought the team a very long way. They could very easily have bailed as others in our area have done, but they didn't. They chose to stay and work with the Heritage faithful and I for one think that it is beginning to pay off.


I truely believe that if the entire Heritage community will get behind our team on a regular basis, you will continue to see a difference. Win or lose, it would be a lot easier if the stands were full, just ask any of the players. And make noise. Last Friday I think we could have made the 4th and short if the noise level were higher. True fans will be there in any condition under any circumstance.


I agree with what you said about Noah. He is a great kid who seems to take all he does very seriously. Maybe too seriously at times. Kicking a football is a lot like golf, you know what to do and how to do it but if you think too hard, everything can go wrong. Sometimes you have to just kick the ball. Confidence will come and so will accuracy. Keep up the good work, Noah.

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