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Strength to weight ratio....wow. Is the linemen starting to show, I think after all that has been written is the question of the linemen, both D and O. If that comes together it looks like Lewis we be back to their old form, even with the tough new schedule. Hope the young men keep on hitting it hard. They can shock everyone.


Might not be a rebuilding year...but a reloading. Hope so for LCHS.


DDaddy..any info. would be appreciated, you seem to be on the inside.....let me know what you hear.


BTW..how does the speed look for LCHS this year? Is it starting to surface? Who is scheduled for the spring game, and when.

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Coach Sharp is one of the best rual school coaches in the state (maybe the best). The people in Lewis County should feel lucky to have him. He and his staff do great things at a little, ole county school.


I don't think I will be going to far out on a limb by saying that they will beat at least one (maybe 2 or 3) of the 4A teams in their district this year and they will not have a blowout loss if they do lose. The coaches do too good of a job preparing the players and the players work too hard to let that happen.

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Coach Sharp is one of the best rual school coaches in the state (maybe the best). The people in Lewis County should feel lucky to have him. He and his staff do great things at a little, ole county school.


I don't think I will be going to far out on a limb by saying that they will beat at least one (maybe 2 or 3) of the 4A teams in their district this year and they will not have a blowout loss if they do lose. The coaches do too good of a job preparing the players and the players work too hard to let that happen.



It is amazing the job they do (coaches)with such a small number of enrollment. I have seen the numbers of student population...Lewis is the smallest in the District, but have to agree I think they will end up in the mix. Reading all the effort that the kids are putting out, it seems like they have taken the new District as motivatiion.

The more I read...the more I believe they will be competitive. The numbers that I have seen and heard coming out of the workouts sounds like the effort is there. Only thing I hear is they are lacking leadership/attitude. But I believe it will show as time goes on. Spring games should see some of that corrected.

Good Coaching and Good young men=success. Will they be undefeated....maybe not, but they will compete. Nice thought though....wouldn't it say something about Lewis county football if they did....or even lost just one, what a accomplishment that would be. They do have a tough schedule this year....been about 17 years ago since they played a schedule like this. Wayne even looks to be a threat this year, they have all the pieces in place. MTP. played them tough last year. so not many gimmes' on the schedule.

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There is no doubt that this is a rebuilding year for the Panthers. With that being said, there is a lot of encouraging things happening within the program this year. I have no worries about this team being strong or well prepared. Inexperience is the monster that must be conquer, although several are returning that have been game tested. When think about skilled players like Crowell, Mathis, Lawson and Tenison you knew that not much during a game would shake those guys. Some leaders have to step up and not waiver when the going gets tough. They have the players who have started last year and was productive such as; Spears, Hinson, Vaughn, Ammons, Couch and Trull. Then there are those who you feel are on the verge of stepping up like; Bull, Sherman, Wooldridge, Graham, Sparkmen, McClain, Darshey and several others in which I??™m sure that I left out. I guess what I??™m saying is, when everything doesn??™t fall into place how will this team respond? Will they play the blame game or will they get more determined? That is the question.

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There is no doubt that this is a rebuilding year for the Panthers. With that being said, there is a lot of encouraging things happening within the program this year. I have no worries about this team being strong or well prepared. Inexperience is the monster that must be conquer, although several are returning that have been game tested. When think about skilled players like Crowell, Mathis, Lawson and Tenison you knew that not much during a game would shake those guys. Some leaders have to step up and not waiver when the going gets tough. They have the players who have started last year and was productive such as; Spears, Hinson, Vaughn, Ammons, Couch and Trull. Then there are those who you feel are on the verge of stepping up like; Bull, Sherman, Wooldridge, Graham, Sparkmen, McClain, Darshey and several others in which I??™m sure that I left out. I guess what I??™m saying is, when everything doesn??™t fall into place how will this team respond? Will they play the blame game or will they get more determined? That is the question.


More determined and never quit from what I know of this bunches history..."Cardic Kids". Seen some film of this bunch from the past from a friend. They were outmanned but never gave in. OT wins Triple OT wins, 19 yds rushing in a half, then special teams took over, kick off return, punt return, one good run..and they win. If this bunch has the same heart they did in their middle school and freshman years....going to make a great season to watch and remember. As ddaddy says....leadership and attitude is going to play a big role. Lets hope they develope it this year.

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First off ....sure is good to come to a board were there isn't all the fussing going on. I have been reading so many boards with so much of it. So many coaching changes with so much disagreement. This one seems to be civil.


From following this one from the beginning the messages have been getting more positive each time. It does appear that Lewis is rebuilding from the original question. That being said it appears that the questions prior are starting to be answered. Sounds like the offseason lifting is going excellent, good numbers coming out. Leadership I believe will surface. The number of Players that have come out is very impressive, considering the small number of total student body. Very Very impressive. This appears to be one of those season that could very special for the community. There are some awful big shoes to fill, based on graduation loss. The lack of experience is a tough one to overcome, but with hard work the confidence can built. Leadership will surface, that I am sure of. The seniors will step up and take this as a challenge. Reading about this groups past, I am sure it will show up! The line seems to be the only question with so much lost. The skilled positions seem to be there. The speed seems to be there, and reading the numbers in the weight lifting certainly seems to be there. Going to

hard to replace the level of linemen I have been reading about, and the QB. Big shoes to fill. But with the excellent coaching and effort being put out, LCHS has a chance to have a memorable year for themselves, coaches and fans. Wish nothing but the best for all the players/coaches/community. The pieces are on the table, its just matter of everyone working together and putting the pieces together. It isn't a challenge, but a path for success! GOOD LUCK!

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To the football players, coaches, and supporters at lewis county my hat is off to you! I have a lot of respect for what you all have built through your hard work and dedication in creating and maintaining a competitive program at Lewis Co. I had hoped that when they built East Hickman High School that our program could emulate and some day become what you all have done together. This is not a coaching rant...... I believe in Coach Jones and his staff and the group of dedicated players that have braved through the last two years. Unfortunately we have a majority in the community and in the school system (board/central office) that seem to work equally as hard to tear down any progress that our team has made. I live in the east community and do not have any children in school anymore yet it turns my stomach to see what group of know-it-alls is trying to do to our program. Sorry for the vent, I really just wanted to say that I recognize that no organization is perfect but I salute the way you guys treat the great game of football and I wish you all the best of luck next fall!

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To the football players, coaches, and supporters at lewis county my hat is off to you! I have a lot of respect for what you all have built through your hard work and dedication in creating and maintaining a competitive program at Lewis Co. I had hoped that when they built East Hickman High School that our program could emulate and some day become what you all have done together. This is not a coaching rant...... I believe in Coach Jones and his staff and the group of dedicated players that have braved through the last two years. Unfortunately we have a majority in the community and in the school system (board/central office) that seem to work equally as hard to tear down any progress that our team has made. I live in the east community and do not have any children in school anymore yet it turns my stomach to see what group of know-it-alls is trying to do to our program. Sorry for the vent, I really just wanted to say that I recognize that no organization is perfect but I salute the way you guys treat the great game of football and I wish you all the best of luck next fall!


I have been reading the on going mess over at Fairview/EHHS. It is unreal! Maybe the adults should turn it over to the mature players and let them get on with business at hand "Playing the Game". Lewis is in a rebuilding year, but it sounds like everything is in place to have a good team. I just wonder how all the turmoil over in those two schools are effecting the players and support of the community.With the new schedule, all of the old Region 6AA teams need to really buckle down and give it everything they have for the upcoming season. Its going to be tough enough without inside fussing going on.


Lewis has be consistent over many many years. Last year they lost two asst. coaches (Spivey and Busby) and never missed a beat. The effort the players put out for success is nothing but amazing. Best of luck over in Fairview and East, I hope everything settles down quickly..if nothing else but for the players who have played from the beginning at EHHS, and the seniors at Fairview, they deserve much better!

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No one has asked for my estimation about East and I??™ve been accused of being a know-it-all on this board before. But I do have an opinion about all football teams in our area and here are my thoughts about East football and their future. They took an undermanned and inexperienced team and did some good things that put people in a bind both on offense and defense. I have seen them execute what they were trying to do, scheme wise, against good teams. I think as the season went on you could see their fortitude deteriorate a bit, but that??™s a price that was paid for playing a varsity schedule with Jr. Varity team. It is worth noting that they have an edge over Lewis Co. in the last few years in Jr. High which means more good players are coming. A few red flags of concern which may not be true are that ???some??? were upset that the coach held practice during fall break or when school was out. The fact is you have to practice to get better. If it was easy to be good then everyone would be good. I think that East could be competitive the next few years. Timing is not on their side with being forced to play the larger schools, but it??™s a boat that we are all in.

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No one has asked for my estimation about East and I??™ve been accused of being a know-it-all on this board before. But I do have an opinion about all football teams in our area and here are my thoughts about East football and their future. They took an undermanned and inexperienced team and did some good things that put people in a bind both on offense and defense. I have seen them execute what they were trying to do, scheme wise, against good teams. I think as the season went on you could see their fortitude deteriorate a bit, but that??™s a price that was paid for playing a varsity schedule with Jr. Varity team. It is worth noting that they have an edge over Lewis Co. in the last few years in Jr. High which means more good players are coming. A few red flags of concern which may not be true are that ???some??? were upset that the coach held practice during fall break or when school was out. The fact is you have to practice to get better. If it was easy to be good then everyone would be good. I think that East could be competitive the next few years. Timing is not on their side with being forced to play the larger schools, but it??™s a boat that we are all in.



wish we had this kind of thought proccess at east........ a bad situation that I am afraid will get worse! I think we just ran off a good coach.

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