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White Station vs Dyer County


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Let me make one thing clear..No one on DC shut Joe Jackson down..The Refs did! They took him out of the game..That was the second worste called game i ever saw! And folks i just live 20 min down the road..I call it like i see it. .The only call that went Whitestations way is the Joe Jackson foul..That wasnt a foul in the first place..DC had te shoot 40 throws thats why their arms were getting tired..Whitestation beat 9 2nite people and thats a fact..5 players..3 refs and the roaring 2000 plus fans..The refs put DC back n the game..End of story..What about the falling out of bounds time out DC got..Rules clearly state U CANT DO THAT! Now i see why DC aint lost n that gym since 2007..PITIFUL! dry.gif

LOL! Hey copenoc, Its puff puff PASS.... If you pass it, you won't make completely stupid statements like you made. The Commercial Appeal (A MEMPHIS PAPER) stated a couple of things that I thought was interesting.... DC lost by 5 correct. Joe Jackson hit 5 free-throws over the last 50.6 seconds. There was a foul on Joe Jackson that the refs called on #11 Harry Green who wasn't in the game at the time of the foul then at 2 minutes left Joe Jackson picks up his "4th Foul"... Think about this for a second.. Joe hit 5 free-throws down the stretch, but he actually fouled out with over 2 minutes to go... that means DC is still tied with White Station and this game isn't over. Then Coach Pateno after the game said the refs meant to call the foul on Nino Johnson well that would have put him out of the game, also. Another example of the protection of the best player in the state! :lol: It was a great game to say the least. Congratulations to White Station.. Good luck in the 'Boro... Great Season Choctaws... get ready for next season. I want to see a lot of Memphis schools on our schedule next year that would be fun, and/or any of the Memphis tournaments.

yup exactly.....heck I am now a Commercial Appeal fan....LOL!!! Reason I said for people to read the write up......LOVE IT..:)
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I'll be surprised if any of the "Memphis Schools" wanna come visit DC for a regular season matchup. DC has a great home crowd and the "Memphis Schools" as a whole like to think of themselves as large D-1 schools do in NCAA.


HOWEVER---While I agree that the Martin Christmas tourney isn't helping DC establish itself...perhaps DC is best served by NOT playing any Memphis schools until this time of the year.

DC has a unique style for which it is hard to prepare for...perhaps DC's biggest advantage in future games facing Memphis schools is the fact that they haven't played them all year. (Just a thought)


DC will be better in the years to come as they are still very young. They WILL miss big boy inside, but have bright future ahead of them.

I'm quite sure the Memphis Schools won't be afraid to play in Newbern at all. For one, they have enough competition right here at home. They can schedule cross town non district games that can be just as competitive....I know Ridgeway and Hillcrest have been known to play rural West10 in the past. Bolivar and Liberty also have ventured into Memphis in the past and played top level Memphis teams...I believe this year alone Liberty has played Germantown and Melrose...

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Memphis teams aren't afraid of Rural West Teams. All the top AAA teams played a National Schedule and a game in Newbern is something I'm sure no coach will turn down if offered. I think Dyer County might of been the one avoiding Memphis.


No...no...no... they put Lausanne on the schedule this year.

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The game between DC & WS was a good game despite the issues. People make mistakes all the time and that day was no exception. DC has an excellent fan base but they problably need to take a page out of Liberty's and Bolivar book because they play Memphis teams every year. I think they become battle tested by adding those teams to their schedule. AAA teams in Memphis are on another level. I personally think that the two best Memphis teams were Melrose and Ridgeway this year but the best team on that playoff night is what counts.

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WS and DC are both good teams. WS has been ranked nationally all season. A young DC took a nationally ranked WS team to the wire at home. All fans want their teams to win...that's understandable. But don't let the passion over ride rational thinking because when fans do that they more or less become exposed as nothing more than HOMERS. When people get on here and say WS is overrated and this and that what they are doing is basically selling there own team short. I would much rather say and believe that my team took a nationally team that features a McDonald's All American and another top 100 Jr to the wire because my team was good enough to compete at that level than to say JJ is overrated and WS wasn't as impressive as lead to believe. The fact is DC took care of business in the regions and caught a break by getting a home game against a AAA power WS instead of having to travel and play Melrose. That's why you want to play at home instead of on the road in sub state....because home court actually does mean something especially with a fan base like DC. Be proud that they almost pulled it out in spite of the deal with the ref and don't just assume if JJ fouls out that it's an automatic victory.....even though it would certainly make the chances better.....nobody knows that...sports just don't work that way...remember they still had Hollins.


Remember when UT caught a break against Arkansas and went on to win the 1st BCS football National championship. Without that break no national championship. It's over and time to move on.


This was all going good and the back and forth was respectable and has been really civil but what inevitably happens is it goes from a good rational conversation by both sides to bordering on comical. When somebody actually goes out of their way to say AAA Memphis teams will be afraid to travel to DC that is when it goes from rational to down right stupid. I can assure anybody the AAA powers in Memphis ain't afraid to travel anywhere and ain't afraid to play anybody. They do it every year against some of the best teams in the country. How about WS traveling to St Patricks NJ to face off against Michael Gilchrist and Kyrie Irving...that wasn't a tournament..that was a true road game at there place.


Believe your team is good enough...because they are and keep in mind this was a home game. And you can't get on here and say Memphis teams don't want to travel up 51 when DC hasn't made an effort to travel down 51. I gave DC a pass on the soft schedule a few months ago and explained the reason as because it was there 1st year in AAA and they had a really young team but I also commented that the AAA teams in Memphis don't have that good fortune to do that. I also commented that next season when Yarbrough and Hudson will be Jr and Hubbs a Soph it would be the time to beef up the schedule and try to hit the Marshall Couty Hoopfest or Arby's classic and schedule some non district games against the Memphis AAA powers because In my opinion they would be ready for that move. Look it up it's on this board somewhere.


Don't get on here and say Memphis don't want to travel and play tough comp because that is simply a LIE. Memphis is one the toughest cities in this entire country to play in. Wonder if people knew that as recent as two weeks ago Memphis was the only city in the entire country to have 5 teams ranked in the top 100...yes 5 teams......not Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Baltimore or any other city MUCH MUCH MUCH larger than Memphis. It was also stated that the region Melrose and WS came out of was the toughest region i the entire country. DC has alot to be proud of because they proved to all the nay sayer's that they truly belonged. Now it's time to take the next step and I fully expect they will do the next season but they will have to find a way to replace Janes and they have just the coach to find a way to do just that....DC has plenty of talent and a few are D1 prospects which will carry them along way in the future. DC ain't some run of the mill rinky dink program that got lucky...they have coaching, pride, and talent...those three things will take a team along way and to much success. You will also find on here where I said few months ago DC had more sheer talent than any team in West TN outside of Memphis.


Be proud of your team and as fans don't get to big for your britches.



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Memphis teams aren't afraid of Rural West Teams. All the top AAA teams played a National Schedule and a game in Newbern is something I'm sure no coach will turn down if offered. I think Dyer County might of been the one avoiding Memphis.


No...no...no... they put Lausanne on the schedule this year.

Note: The following post is NOT intended to bash Dyer County, quite the contrary.


I have much respect and admiration for Dyer County's basketball program. Their teams are known to play with a ton of heart and determination! Plus, they enjoy TREMENDOUS support from their community. :thumb:



Lausanne is a good start but, let's face it-- they are a Private School. No offense, but everyone around here knows that Private School basketball in Memphis is nowhere near as tough as Public School competition, particularly AAA.


Now that Dyer County is playing in AAA, they desperately need to significantly toughen up its regular-season schedule, every year. Such scheduling needs to become the norm. As someone else suggested, they also need to enter tougher (Interstate) Holiday tournaments.


I read that DC has a very young team and, therefore, is expected to be good for the next few years. Well, that is wonderful and bodes well for the continued success of the program. Some have even projected, as a result of the youth and talent, that DC will crack the State Tournament a time or two, within the next few years. That's great, too (and I'm being 100% sincere, btw).


Here's the "Dark-Cloud Cover" that's looming over Dyer County:


AAA basketball in Memphis is ALWAYS King of the City. It is a totally different animal from AA. It guaranteed to be the hot-bed for some of the best basketball in the entire State and, arguably the Nation! Size, talent, skill, athleticism and depth are almost a given.


Every single year, there are 2 or 3 "young teams" around Memphis that are just another year or two away from dominance: This year, it's Melrose --they were "young" last year. East and Central are both young this year. Next year, they'll be more experience. Of course, the hold-over "experienced" teams will still be there.... (Note: That undefeated, State-Championship AAA Mphs Hamilton team -- they were "very good" their Sophomore year; "scary-good," but inexperienced their Junior year....the rest if History)


Here is my point:


Dyer County must go thru Memphis EVERY single year, in order to get into the State Tournament! Therefore, DC must be equally prepared and "battle-tested." If they are not, then each promising season is more likely to come to a screeching and frustrating halt during the Sub-State...if not during the Mphs Regionals!


DC's youthful team is guaranteed to meet up with an equally youth-to-experienced AAA squad, from Memphis. Those Memphis teams will be guaranteed to be battle-tested, both from the rigors of local competition and National competition. If Dyer County realistically expects to be able to actually beat (not just compete) the AAA Mphs teams in Sub-State next year, the year after, etc..... then DC absolutely-positively MUST schedule tougher competition. That is the only way DC is going to be able to level the playing-field, IMHO, and be able to get thru Memphis and onto the State Tournament.



Side note: As everyone knows, tougher scheduling brings about more total losses..... Will the DC faithful be prepared, pschylogically, to accept more annual losses - at the benefit of a more "tested," tournament-ready team?

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WS and DC are both good teams. WS has been ranked nationally all season. A young DC took a nationally ranked WS team to the wire at home. All fans want their teams to win...that's understandable. But don't let the passion over ride rational thinking because when fans do that they more or less become exposed as nothing more than HOMERS. When people get on here and say WS is overrated and this and that what they are doing is basically selling there own team short. I would much rather say and believe that my team took a nationally team that features a McDonald's All American and another top 100 Jr to the wire because my team was good enough to compete at that level than to say JJ is overrated and WS wasn't as impressive as lead to believe. The fact is DC took care of business in the regions and caught a break by getting a home game against a AAA power WS instead of having to travel and play Melrose. That's why you want to play at home instead of on the road in sub state....because home court actually does mean something especially with a fan base like DC. Be proud that they almost pulled it out in spite of the deal with the ref and don't just assume if JJ fouls out that it's an automatic victory.....even though it would certainly make the chances better.....nobody knows that...sports just don't work that way...remember they still had Hollins.


Remember when UT caught a break against Arkansas and went on to win the 1st BCS football National championship. Without that break no national championship. It's over and time to move on.


This was all going good and the back and forth was respectable and has been really civil but what inevitably happens is it goes from a good rational conversation by both sides to bordering on comical. When somebody actually goes out of their way to say AAA Memphis teams will be afraid to travel to DC that is when it goes from rational to down right stupid. I can assure anybody the AAA powers in Memphis ain't afraid to travel anywhere and ain't afraid to play anybody. They do it every year against some of the best teams in the country. How about WS traveling to St Patricks NJ to face off against Michael Gilchrist and Kyrie Irving...that wasn't a tournament..that was a true road game at there place.


Believe your team is good enough...because they are and keep in mind this was a home game. And you can't get on here and say Memphis teams don't want to travel up 51 when DC hasn't made an effort to travel down 51. I gave DC a pass on the soft schedule a few months ago and explained the reason as because it was there 1st year in AAA and they had a really young team but I also commented that the AAA teams in Memphis don't have that good fortune to do that. I also commented that next season when Yarbrough and Hudson will be Jr and Hubbs a Soph it would be the time to beef up the schedule and try to hit the Marshall Couty Hoopfest or Arby's classic and schedule some non district games against the Memphis AAA powers because In my opinion they would be ready for that move. Look it up it's on this board somewhere.


Don't get on here and say Memphis don't want to travel and play tough comp because that is simply a LIE. Memphis is one the toughest cities in this entire country to play in. Wonder if people knew that as recent as two weeks ago Memphis was the only city in the entire country to have 5 teams ranked in the top 100...yes 5 teams......not Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Baltimore or any other city MUCH MUCH MUCH larger than Memphis. It was also stated that the region Melrose and WS came out of was the toughest region i the entire country. DC has alot to be proud of because they proved to all the nay sayer's that they truly belonged. Now it's time to take the next step and I fully expect they will do the next season but they will have to find a way to replace Janes and they have just the coach to find a way to do just that....DC has plenty of talent and a few are D1 prospects which will carry them along way in the future. DC ain't some run of the mill rinky dink program that got lucky...they have coaching, pride, and talent...those three things will take a team along way and to much success. You will also find on here where I said few months ago DC had more sheer talent than any team in West TN outside of Memphis.


Be proud of your team and as fans don't get to big for your britches.




Excellent points, Yankees8589!

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Good posts yankee and Trader.....I for one can say I think playing UP for DC is the way to go.....Yankees knows me VERY well and he knows I for one KNOW what AAA in Memphis is like......a meat grinder...hahaha!!! Some very good programs in Memphis.....I don't think WS or JJ is overraated....AT ALL .

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