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Using this logic, we should cancel basketball (didn't MHS just put in a new floor a few years ago?) and softball too (didn't MHS just open a new field?) since only 5-7 students out of each graduating class participates. In fact, I guess everything but football should be cancelled.

sometimes I wonder if that is all Alcoa or Maryville are for, football. They have both had some good teams in other sports, but not near the money or effort put into those programs as in the football programs.
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Using this logic, we should cancel basketball (didn't MHS just put in a new floor a few years ago?) and softball too (didn't MHS just open a new field?) since only 5-7 students out of each graduating class participates.  In fact, I guess everything but football should be cancelled. 

Wouldn't get any argument from me on either of those, but the gym is used by alot of kids in the school for various school functions. Baseball and softball fields are usually "protected" and not opened for recreational use. Plus, I am not just talking about murvil. Go watch the other high schools play. The baseball commitment in all of our county is definitely lacking. Even our local county youth leagues are being passed by surrounding counties. Maybe we should concentrate on what we are good at? Just food for thought.

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Wouldn't get any argument from me on either of those, but the gym is used by alot of kids in the school for various school functions. Baseball and softball fields are usually "protected" and not opened for recreational use. Plus, I am not just talking about murvil. Go watch the other high schools play. The baseball commitment in all of our county is definitely lacking. Even our local county youth leagues are being passed by surrounding counties. Maybe we should concentrate on what we are good at? Just food for thought.

don't put all your eggs into one basket. There could be a future MLB player out there just needing the right opprotunity. Not everyone has the build, ability, or grit to be a football player. That doesn't mean they don't deserve that same opprotunity in another sport. Edited by UpperCumberlandMan
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Alnwick's tennis facilities are second to none. After rolling up Murvil (again) the Rebulls need to just make some additional parking on that part of their campus too.


Go Cardinal tennis!!!

BC champs (again)

Wait a minute there Rosco!  We had tennis teams do quite well at state just a few years ago.

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Wouldn't get any argument from me on either of those, but the gym is used by alot of kids in the school for various school functions. Baseball and softball fields are usually "protected" and not opened for recreational use. Plus, I am not just talking about murvil. Go watch the other high schools play. The baseball commitment in all of our county is definitely lacking. Even our local county youth leagues are being passed by surrounding counties. Maybe we should concentrate on what we are good at? Just food for thought.

But we didn't need at new floor for PE and other school functions.  Oh I forgot.  Private dollars paid almost all of the floor.  And, private dollars are committed to pay for the turf through advertising, etc.  I think it does show commitment to the future by the community and administration when our "tax dollars" are being used for softball and baseball. I think the decision makers know that it is harder to raise private dollars in certain areas and have committed tax dollars to fund or help fund these areas (maybe not to the level of everyone's satisfaction).

Edited by OldRebel2
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 I think it does show commitment to the future by the community and administration when our "tax dollars" are being used for softball and baseball. I think the decision makers know that it is harder to raise private dollars in certain areas and have committed tax dollars to fund or help fund these areas (maybe not to the level of everyone's satisfaction).

No doubt. The $$ do show commitment from those who hand out the $$. And being a baseball guy, my family will benefit from that commitment and the team does need its own field. :thumb: I was simply wondering if it was the wisest use of tax dollars.


Just maybe...if we build it, he will come.

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Cents eye am intwo accademicks (sevun yeers inn hi skool)......Thay's ben a lot ov tacks munny put intwo skool werk and teechurs.....Me and Rabbitt Hill asked Miss Rhodes one yeer how reedin' Bill Shakespeer's stories wuz gonna hep us inn laiter life.... :huh:


Welp eye good knews fer ewe'uns.....Eye used sum ov Bill's stories when'st eye wuz takin' mommaSTARS two tha laik att Lotterdail Caimpgrownd.....She jumped upp on a big ole tratter tarr innertube, eye wuz on and eye sed....."Undur luvs hevvy burden do eye sank"....... :wub:

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Cents eye am intwo accademicks (sevun yeers inn hi skool)......Thay's ben a lot ov tacks munny put intwo skool werk and teechurs.....Me and Rabbitt Hill asked Miss Rhodes one yeer how reedin' Bill Shakespeer's stories wuz gonna hep us inn laiter life.... :huh:


Welp eye good knews fer ewe'uns.....Eye used sum ov Bill's stories when'st eye wuz takin' mommaSTARS two tha laik att Lotterdail Caimpgrownd.....She jumped upp on a big ole tratter tarr innertube, eye wuz on and eye sed....."Undur luvs hevvy burden do eye sank"....... :wub:

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