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3rd Round- Nashville Christian(11-1) host Wayne County(12-0)


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Dont worry WC,NCS always think they are dominant! Just go in there and p7tnit on them early!iI have been to both UC V NCS games they quit when they get behindNot trying to offend the NCS faithful but just gotta call it l8ke Ive seen it! But calll me biased I have never thought publics and privates she play playoff ball against ech other!!!ROLL TIDE


Oh brother.  All next week we're going to have the public vs. private debate.

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Oh brother.  All next week we're going to have the public vs. private debate.

cart before the horse......possibly.......no bashing or hateing..i proud u guys can decide and afford where to send ur kids for a better education......but put yourselves in public shoes for a moment..........how would u really feel.......

once again i aint hateing.........if i had choices for better schooling better athletics more exposure.....i know id do whatever for my kid if i had options before hand........wouldnt take nothing for  the WC football experice now thou..


Edited by wboro33
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Peabodypride.. Please don't start with the private vs public and recruiting bull. We've heard it all and it really just comes across as whiney. IF you win then we will be waiting for you. We've seen you.. Trust me. Y'all look good but weak spots all over the line. Qb is a player as long as his head doesn't get in his way. Go do what you need to do tomorrow. Please win!!! If so, next week's board will be fantastic!

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Peabodypride.. Please don't start with the private vs public and recruiting bull. We've heard it all and it really just comes across as whiney. IF you win then we will be waiting for you. We've seen you.. Trust me. Y'all look good but weak spots all over the line. Qb is a player as long as his head doesn't get in his way. Go do what you need to do tomorrow. Please win!!! If so, next week's board will be fantastic!

again cart before the horse.......

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cart before the horse......possibly.......no bashing or hateing..i proud u guys can decide and afford where to send ur kids for a better education......but put yourselves in public shoes for a moment..........how would u really feel.......

The rural public schools in TN are gorgeous and well kept compared to the inner city public schools. YOU would pull your kids out in a heartbeat and homeschool them before sending them there. What was that movie with Coolio?? That's Nashville Public Schools. An exaggeration, but not by much. And the $11k a year I'm paying? It's a hit. No real rich folks here. Just middle class folks trying to do right by their kids. Except for Carguy. He's rich!

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The rural public schools in TN are gorgeous and well kept compared to the inner city public schools. YOU would pull your kids out in a heartbeat and homeschool them before sending them there. What was that movie with Coolio?? That's Nashville Public Schools. An exaggeration, but not by much. And the $11k a year I'm paying? It's a hit. No real rich folks here. Just middle class folks trying to do right by their kids. Except for Carguy. He's rich!

i understand and dont blame u...i would do the same in that situation.........if i could but what if u couldnt......

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Wboro33 I get that! All of us NC posters do. I would love to be in division 2 1a... I grew up with the same attitude towards it. Back in the day MBA and FATHER RYAN were in our district. My children go to NC because I want them to be loved, to learn and to gain the confidence it takes to be a become a productive adult. It just so happens we play sports.

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Wboro33 I get that! All of us NC posters do. I would love to be in division 2 1a... I grew up with the same attitude towards it. Back in the day MBA and FATHER RYAN were in our district. My children go to NC because I want them to be loved, to learn and to gain the confidence it takes to be a become a productive adult. It just so happens we play sports.

now that i can respect...

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I'm going to make a prediction. When NCS and a few others dissappear from your ranks, you will have another gripe. It's the most unfair thing going in HS sports. Its called "open enrollment." I will repeat for all the rest of you whiny butts.....NCS AIN'T WON JACK! What are you griping about????!!!!???? There are just those in this world who have to have an excuse before they fail. Maybe some of you are not very old or wise, but in case you dont realize it yet, you dont always get your way. And guess what, Union City will still have open enrollment and they will remain 2 students under the limit for as long as they want. You will just have to deal with it because guess what else, LIFE AINT ALWAYS FAIR!! Not that your poor little babies having to play against all us momma's boy sweater vests is unfair, but the sooner your boys learn that the better off they will be! I think some of you still need to learn it too.

thats exactly the response i was expecting from u

that sweatervest fits u well

Edited by wboro33
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