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2024 Heritage Mountaineers

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23 minutes ago, Futbolfan2022 said:

With all the hype and over the top antics, what has this coach accomplished that previous head coaches didn’t? 

"hE's OnLy HaD tWo SeAsoNS"

Previous staff had losing seasons, sure, but they also got to the playoffs for the first time in years back to back years I believe. 

You want to talk about old school discipline and hard work and determination in a POSITIVE way when it comes to a new coach, but NEGATIVELY in regard to the previous staff because of their W/L record. 

It's easy to look back at the previous staff tirelessly working towards plans to repair the stadium, new locker room, new weight room, turf. But, no, this guy did it single handedly. Walked in and BOOM, it happened. Not really, anybody with a brain would know that was years in preparation. 

Everybody questioned why they didn't have enough coaches on staff to run practices or a freshmen team, but never questioned those who allow those positions to be filled. 

Complained there weren't enough kids out for the team and said the staff didn't agree with kids playing multiple sports. Complete crock of crap. Especially when those same coaches were training those athletes for their second and third sports. 

Everybody always wants to complain when they don't see W's every week and blame those immediately connected, but not look at the bigger picture to see whose hands stayed tied for years. 

This staff comes in (not with big heavy hitting coaches) slap a social media presence around it, make a few 'you owe me' phone calls, win a few games and he's the 'savior the school needed' and yet, kids are still leaving, quitting, transferring, as are coaches. 


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29 minutes ago, swift13 said:

Barney, it's sad that you truly think you know everything that occurs out at Heritage, with all due respect, sir, you do not. 

Players leave programs every single year from every school, losing or not. We can just leave that alone. No leg to stand on there. 

You can talk to any player that is still needing this coach to do things for him and if he's been "coached on what to say enough" he won't say one negative thing about the program. 

I'm not sure who is pushing a 'narrative' of losing as it seems the other athletes and other athletic programs seem to be doing a dang good job at Heritage. Winning seasons, record setting seasons and more.

People who know you aren't going to divulge information you are probably going to talk about, they aren't going to admit their faults, the screw ups, and what's being hidden under the rug. 

If you only knew a sliver of what goes on in the classroom and locker room at that school, you'd know why the respect, the social media backers, the 'hype' is fading. 

But go on, Barney, talk your talk, everybody lets you do that. Use your past cliches and reminiscing of the good ol' days to try and talk around and never circle back on your replies. 


I get tired of seeing this program at the bottom and it's been this way for most of the past 35 years. The county is most of the blame for the failure of both Heritage and WB and we all know that. If this coach isn't working out as you say things will take care of themselves.

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13 minutes ago, swift13 said:

"hE's OnLy HaD tWo SeAsoNS"

Previous staff had losing seasons, sure, but they also got to the playoffs for the first time in years back to back years I believe. 

You want to talk about old school discipline and hard work and determination in a POSITIVE way when it comes to a new coach, but NEGATIVELY in regard to the previous staff because of their W/L record. 

It's easy to look back at the previous staff tirelessly working towards plans to repair the stadium, new locker room, new weight room, turf. But, no, this guy did it single handedly. Walked in and BOOM, it happened. Not really, anybody with a brain would know that was years in preparation. 

Everybody questioned why they didn't have enough coaches on staff to run practices or a freshmen team, but never questioned those who allow those positions to be filled. 

Complained there weren't enough kids out for the team and said the staff didn't agree with kids playing multiple sports. Complete crock of crap. Especially when those same coaches were training those athletes for their second and third sports. 

Everybody always wants to complain when they don't see W's every week and blame those immediately connected, but not look at the bigger picture to see whose hands stayed tied for years. 

This staff comes in (not with big heavy hitting coaches) slap a social media presence around it, make a few 'you owe me' phone calls, win a few games and he's the 'savior the school needed' and yet, kids are still leaving, quitting, transferring, as are coaches. 


Heritage and WB are like working at Wendy's or McDonald's for most coaches wanting to move up until you get the call from a school that pays much better. That's the old guy's fault with the white beard that likes to get his picture in the paper all the time. Bout time to see his mug on the front page shortly taking full credit for those football fields pretty soon isn't it.

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Hammontree's downturn was the season almost 2 dozen players all quit with in the very first few weeks for what reason I don't know. That done him in and nothing was ever the same. Not only that but now we have Eagleton and I know a lot of players fathers out there and most have said the larger part of those kids would have been going to Heritage. Some have told me a lot of those kids would have never went out had they went to Heritage but never the less it's just another disadvantage for the Mountaineers. If some people get their wish and the present coach and school were to part company with what all is against it I don't see anyone for what the county pays could save that program from a total collapse.

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4 minutes ago, BarneySox2007 said:

Hammontree's downturn was the season almost 2 dozen players all quit with in the very first few weeks for what reason I don't know. That done him in and nothing was ever the same. Not only that but now we have Eagleton and I know a lot of players fathers out there and most have said the larger part of those kids would have been going to Heritage. Some have told me a lot of those kids would have never went out had they went to Heritage but never the less it's just another disadvantage for the Mountaineers. If some people get their wish and the present coach and school were to part company with what all is against it I don't see anyone for what the county pays could save that program from a total collapse.

Like I said, and you just admitted, you do not know the reason those players quit. 

Just like how you do not know the reason a similar amount quit at Heritage when this coach came in and halfway through the season. Whether new ones came out or not, you cannot justify one coach over another based on those that quit.

I'm not going to say Coach Hammontree was perfect or his staff was top notch, but I do know firsthand what some of those players went through over the course of his tenure there. 

I'd like to see the coaching tree of Hammontree and the overall things that he's made happen at each of his stops and not the 'train wreck' you like to call Heritage. 

In one breath, nobody can fix it, another breath Coach O can, and in another if Coach O doesn't it'll be because of those above him or those that have it out for him. As if that didn't happen to Hammontree. You can't use one excuse for one coach and not the other. 

Pick your reasoning, but for God's sake stop comparing staffs. The big issue is what's going on NOW and what's being ALLOWED to continue.

Nobody is talking about the TSSAA rules that get teetered around either. Tobacco on campus, energy drinks being pushed. Dude up here in this thread talking about the new weight training coach that's had the athletes in his home gym, sounds interesting. But what do I know. 


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1 hour ago, Futbolfan2022 said:

With all the hype and over the top antics, what has this coach accomplished that previous head coaches didn’t? 

2018 Hamontree 101 points offense

2019 Hamontree 142 points offense

2020 Hamontree 188 points offense

2021 Hamontree  85 points offense

2022 Oz                258 points offense

2023 Oz                290 points offense

Maybe this will help.

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7 minutes ago, swift13 said:

Like I said, and you just admitted, you do not know the reason those players quit. 

Just like how you do not know the reason a similar amount quit at Heritage when this coach came in and halfway through the season. Whether new ones came out or not, you cannot justify one coach over another based on those that quit.

I'm not going to say Coach Hammontree was perfect or his staff was top notch, but I do know firsthand what some of those players went through over the course of his tenure there. 

I'd like to see the coaching tree of Hammontree and the overall things that he's made happen at each of his stops and not the 'train wreck' you like to call Heritage. 

In one breath, nobody can fix it, another breath Coach O can, and in another if Coach O doesn't it'll be because of those above him or those that have it out for him. As if that didn't happen to Hammontree. You can't use one excuse for one coach and not the other. 

Pick your reasoning, but for God's sake stop comparing staffs. The big issue is what's going on NOW and what's being ALLOWED to continue.

Nobody is talking about the TSSAA rules that get teetered around either. Tobacco on campus, energy drinks being pushed. Dude up here in this thread talking about the new weight training coach that's had the athletes in his home gym, sounds interesting. But what do I know. 


I don't dislike Hamontree at all. When he was at Maryville he had all the tools necessary at his side to win and done well. When he went to Heritage he didn't have those assets. Tim would have been the perfect coach for a smaller school like Greenback where he came from. I watched a lot of the Heritage games the last two years because I did enjoy the progress overall and the offensive numbers, before I really had no interest in watching a team score 85 points in a season when I've seen Maryville almost do it in a game.

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9 hours ago, BarneySox2007 said:

I don't dislike Hamontree at all. When he was at Maryville he had all the tools necessary at his side to win and done well. When he went to Heritage he didn't have those assets. Tim would have been the perfect coach for a smaller school like Greenback where he came from. I watched a lot of the Heritage games the last two years because I did enjoy the progress overall and the offensive numbers, before I really had no interest in watching a team score 85 points in a season when I've seen Maryville almost do it in a game.



9 hours ago, BarneySox2007 said:

2018 Hamontree 101 points offense

2019 Hamontree 142 points offense

2020 Hamontree 188 points offense

2021 Hamontree  85 points offense

2022 Oz                258 points offense

2023 Oz                290 points offense

Maybe this will help.

Really not concerned with scores, numbers, all that. You can keep comparing Hammontree and O until your fingers can't type on that keyboard, it makes no difference. I'm more concerned with what I'm hearing from those connected to HHS.

It's one thing when a couple of parents butt heads with staff or head coach and kids transfer or whatnot, it's one thing to have losing seasons, but I heard nothing about the previous staff like I've heard about this one.

I guess having cussing and shoving matches between players and coaches on the sidelines (that you miss if you watch the live feed), players walking out on the team at halftime, players in the stands, players taking photos and videos, so on and so forth is just "what the doctor ordered" as you say. These kids are impressionable like I've said before and most will keep taking it, putting up with it so they have a chance at playing now and maybe in the future. It shouldn't be that way, no matter what coaches were doing 'back in your day'. These kids deserve good coaching, good life lessons, hard nose advice, but, any good - no, great - coach will tell you that they also need support, family, understanding and empathy.

Look, I like to win and see these kids put up numbers just like the next guy, but at what freaking cost, man? 

These players and athletes in other sports can log on and see these boards just like us, I hope that those asking for change and for help see that there are at least a handful of us backing them up, standing up for them and wanting the best for them. I'm not saying you don't, Barney, but choose your words carefully.

Quit comparing staffs, city to county schools. These kids know what they're up against, you don't have to beat a dead horse. 

Edited by swift13
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9 hours ago, BarneySox2007 said:

2018 Hamontree 101 points offense

2019 Hamontree 142 points offense

2020 Hamontree 188 points offense

2021 Hamontree  85 points offense

2022 Oz                258 points offense

2023 Oz                290 points offense

Maybe this will help.

I think the competition was a little different those years. Has Coach Osovet had to play against Bradley, McMinn, Cleveland, Alcoa. Not quite the same as playing against Cocke County. 

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6 minutes ago, Futbolfan2022 said:

I think the competition was a little different those years. Has Coach Osovet had to play against Bradley, McMinn, Cleveland, Alcoa. Not quite the same as playing against Cocke County. 

Almost as if classifications were different... :o

You could probably wipe 2021 away because had I lost my son during the beginning of the season like Coach did, I'm not sure I could have continued to coach.

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13 minutes ago, swift13 said:



Really not concerned with scores, numbers, all that. You can keep comparing Hammontree and O until your fingers can't type on that keyboard, it makes no difference. I'm more concerned with what I'm hearing from those connected to HHS.

It's one thing when a couple of parents butt heads with staff or head coach and kids transfer or whatnot, it's one thing to have losing seasons, but I heard nothing about the previous staff like I've heard about this one.

I guess having cussing and shoving matches between players and coaches on the sidelines (that you miss if you watch the live feed), players walking out on the team at halftime, players in the stands, players taking photos and videos, so on and so forth is just "what the doctor ordered" as you say. These kids are impressionable like I've said before and most will keep taking it, putting up with it so they have a chance at playing now and maybe in the future. It shouldn't be that way, no matter what coaches were doing 'back in your day'. These kids deserve good coaching, good life lessons, hard nose advice, but, any good - no, great - coach will tell you that they also need support, family, understanding and empathy.

Look, I like to win and see these kids put up numbers just like the next guy, but at what freaking cost, man? 

These players and athletes in other sports can log on and see these boards just like us, I hope that those asking for change and for help see that there are at least a handful of us backing them up, standing up for them and wanting the best for them. I'm not saying you don't, Barney, but choose your words carefully.

Quit comparing staffs, city to county schools. These kids know what they're up against, you don't have to beat a dead horse. 

Your the one typing your fingers off. Football is a tough sport and not recommended for the weak hearted. I know a lot of coaches that have coached out there over the past twenty years and most have told me the same crap and why it's a coaches nightmare out there. When they took applications for that job most were not qualified and if Oz told you all today to stick it the program would go 0-10 again and again just so the crying parents can have it their way again. 

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3 minutes ago, BarneySox2007 said:

Your the one typing your fingers off. Football is a tough sport and not recommended for the weak hearted. I know a lot of coaches that have coached out there over the past twenty years and most have told me the same crap and why it's a coaches nightmare out there. When they took applications for that job most were not qualified and if Oz told you all today to stick it the program would go 0-10 again and again just so the crying parents can have it their way again. 

I think what swift is trying to say is that it's not just the parents calling for a change right now. It's teachers other coaches and players. I could be wrong but that's what it seems like he's saying. I've said before the root rot is at the top but there are obvious issues going on out there. 

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