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Perhaps some rural publics will now understand...


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Softballer...Your`re right, but before you chime in you should read the original post. It merely stated that a gun went off at a public school basketball game and a kid was injured. Then the statement was made that this is one of the reasons some people choose to attend a private school. No comparisons were made. However by the tone of your post, I take it you agree with the original poster.



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To all here,


What a very strange and refreshing thread! I only reply to ask you all to continue with your honest (though sometimes confusing) responses. The beginning point of this thread has been lost, perhaps rightfully so, in an effort to bring to the point the real differences between public and private (and, by the contributors here, the independent) schools. In my opinion, this thread is the most cogent and important one for the Public/Private issue on CoachT's boards.


I will admit that just tonight have I read the posts on this thread. I have read every single one, however. I want to encourage all of you to keep it going. You are all going toward to a conclusion that I think will save Tennessee kids. If I say more, I will prejudice those who hate me; those who like me could not care less what I say, because they make up their own minds and will probably ignore this post in any case.


The only caveat I will throw in is about Softballer. Her post here is not up to her usual standards, I admit. But she is a very intelligent person capable of strong logic and rebuttal. I would suggest she stumbled over this thread in the fashion I have and did not give appropriate attention to its content.


To all of you, please continue this free and honest debate.



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Yep Dingo,


I just puked!


I hear Simon and Garfunkel singing I think. Wow!


This is pretty deep; I don't know if I want to wade into this one. You know I tend to shy away from conflict.


Thanks for the heads up! I'll look into this one a little more so that I know of what I speak before I speak.



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Ok. I appear, and the thread disappears. Go figure. Wipe away the refuse of emotive vomitage from your lips and read all the posts that have been posted here, and you will see that I was/am right. This thread was just about to turn the corner into the truth that would explode all the myths, all the hatred, all the pro-TSSAA/anti-TSSAA arguments, all the "I'm better than you" hysteria, and every other vestige of adult-generated garbage that normally permeates this line of argument. Then, I show up and provide what I thought was encouragement, and the debate ends. Again, go figure. Please stay tuned to this thread, based on what I am about to say.



I want this thread to continue. I promise I will not contribute to this thread again. Your arguments here are compelling and forthright. I will leave each and all of you to find the weaknesses and strengths of the individual points of contention. I apologize in truth for my own posts (on other threads) which leave others reluctant to state their own beliefs in fear of my reprisal. I pledge to all that I NEVER seek/sought to embarrass or demean, and I am sorry that I have somehow presented myself that way. I was always/only seeking to find the truth, and if that meant that someone who was short of facts would squirm, I was comfortable with that. In regard to this thread, however, I do not feel the same level of comfort. I am an interloper, a trespasser, here, and I withdraw completely. If you want my thoughts on what is said here in the future, you will have to PM me. And, by the way, this paragraph is meant to answer all the PM's regarding this thread. I am sorry I intruded, and I will not do so again.


SO! Guys and gals, please continue again unabated!



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Whoever thinks rural schools compare to private schools obviously lives in the city. Most rural schools have better parental support but that is about it. They are woefully underfunded and most, especially here in Greene county are overcrowded as well. As soon as the state resolves the distribution of funds issues then we can make comparisons. Of the 4 high schools in Greene county, none have a music program... football with no marching band. Only 2 of the schools offer any advanced curriculum and those are limited.

In order to properly educate my daughter in this county i have elected to pay tuition and send her to Greeneville City school. There she benefits from an award winning fine arts program that includes both instrumental and vocal music as well as an advanced curriculum that is among the best in the state. Because I could afford to do this for my daughter, she has been awarded lucrative scholarships at 2 prestigious universities and has been awarded college credit for AP studies. This would not be possible in many rural public schools around the state.

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The reason I made my post is because it seemed to me that the point was being made that guns and drugs and rape never happen on private school property or at least it is never reported. To me these comparisions do not show anything. It would be like me saying " There are no cases of AIDS in my house, so everyone should come live with me and AIDS will be done away with." Realisticlly I can not take in everyone, neither can private schools, so we pick and choose who we take to uphold our standards. Public schools on the other hand do have to take everyone, therefore, with the higher population number and the lack of a screening process the chances of guns, drugs, and rape are going to be higher there. It makes me mad that the people with the influence and money to help in some of these problems just seem to ingnore they exsist and instead of helping out the public school they put their money somewhere else. Which is fine, and they have that choice but don't do that then still complain about the problem you left behind!

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And I repeat softballer,


How do people who send their kids to private schools leave the problem behind?


Don't they still pay taxes for a resource they aren't using. Do I and my parents not pay the same percentage of our income towards the public school system as you?


Then how are we leaving it behind? Because we refuse to condemn private schools on an internet message board?


What should we do? Accept a substandard education and an environment than is on the average more dangerous, more distractive, and less condusive to learning?


Give me your ideas as to how we can not "leave this problem behind" that way we can be justified in our reasons for not attending public schools.


I've given my reasons why I didn't attend a public school. Here's an idead, why don't some public schools supporters give some reasons why you SHOULD attend a public school.


P.S. VolGen did put you in your place. ;)

[Edited by RealGoEagles on 2-20-03 10:26A]


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Do public high schools have class agents (alums) who perform fundraising duties for their schools? I'm not talking about periodic pleas for money to fund a special purchase or trip; I'm talking about ongoing capital campaigns to fund general improvements to the schools.

[Edited by rollredroll on 2-20-03 11:32A]


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The way some of you private supporters talk about public schools/education, why in the world do you even want to play them in sports?


Every other year you must go to their stadiums or gymnasiums where all the guns are!!


One would think you would be pushing for the split more than anyone.


Oh, wait a minute, I forgot all about the distinct athletic advantages some privates have over some publics, I guess that makes it ok. You will take your chances then, won't you? After all, when it comes to athletics, winning is everything isn't it?

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i once saw steve spurrier speak at MBA. one comment that he made has stuck with me for years. he said "if winning doesn't matter, then why do we keep score?"


i don't think that anyone on this post has said that since public schools are more dangerous, private schools should never compete against them.


as a private school supprter, i think that there never should have been a split. it has caused an uproar and done more harm than good.

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