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Look at this thread. Here's part of it. It was made by Jeremy Gettis. Look's like he went to Ezell for athletic reasons. Hmmmmm! What's the deal? Idon,t know woo recruited who, but he definately went to Ezell for atheletic porposes.



Ezellsoftball04 is right. The sports programs over at Ezell does recuit for itself. That is the reason I tranfered from Antioch to Ezell. And just because of my transfering from antioch to Ezell i am a D1 prospect and will end up being the #1 Wr in the state next! Go Lady Eagles!

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Pujo, Im not gonna comment on the posting of a young man that likes to talk alot. The reason he left Antioch was because his father made them and thats from his mouth. The had a very bad experience with Antioch high school as any caring parent should. DOes that explain why not only gattis but also his younger brother both where transferred out of public schools and into Ezell.


I would look for better stuff than that PUJO. All he said is that he transferred because The program at ezell is better than antioch, which is true. Im pretty sure hes not gonna come on here an say " I transfeered because my dad made me".


I think we have agreed before that Programs recruit themselves right? Well they do but public schools that have good reputations do the same thing. Maybe not in Roane Monutain but it happens elsewhere.


Also i have never said that people didnt send their kids to Ezell for sports. Im sure it happens but in this case your taking the word a 16/17 year old kid, who will be their best player next year, and trying to base some kind of conspiracy theory when there isnt one.


Cloudland has never got a player to come to their school in order to play football.


It looks funny when you see it in black and white.


Also kids dont decide where their parents spend 7-10 thousend for their education.

[Edited by Chakra20 on 3-13-03 5:26P]


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Did you guys see the Nashville City Paper article on Abbi Ramsey hitting 5 of 6 3-pointers for Vanderbilt. She is an incredible talent-that was recruited by Shelbyville from Grundy Co. Abbi was MVP of the State Championship Grundy Co. team as a freshman.


Sophmore season, she and her family show up in Shelbyville. She's doing great for the Dores' so it looks like Shelbyville has good talent scouts.


Pujo, I will repeat what I have posted on this board several times with no response from public school supporters. I know of two iron clad cases of highschool recruiting- Eric Locke fromm Cookeville to Riverdale and Abbi Ramsey from Grundy Co. to Shelbyville. Name ONE instance from a private school? People accuse the privates of recruiting without being able to name names. I've nameed two publics-name at least one private!

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I don,t doubt your word for one second,but just like you people say all the time,prove it.It happens at both types of schools,but it is very rarely proven. I doubt if its very commom at the 1a level. The locations of these schools limits it. We have had a few people to transfer to our school from NC,,but only one who was a starter at the other school. He came here because he disliked the coach at Avery high.

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I know it is hard to prove and I also doubt it happens in 1A very often. But surely, with all the public people accusing the privates of recruiting, at least one name could be forth coming.


CALLING ALL PUBLICS-Just one name of a prominent athlete who transferred from a public school to a private school under questionable circumstances! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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I am from a Public school so I guess I favor them more but I also see both sides of the story.


1.) If I live in a area like Nashville and my kid had a chance of going to school on an athletic schorlship I would defintly send them to a school that is in the State Tournament every year. Even if it was a private school.


2.) In another situation it is not fare when they get to pick who they let in ,and in this they can stay in Single A . It is not right when a small town school has to play them when they can not pick and choose their students.


I do belive that something does to be done about this. What? I don't know but it needs to be a little more equal.

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1.) If I live in a area like Nashville and my kid had a chance of going to school on an athletic schorlship I would defintly send them to a school that is in the State Tournament every year. Even if it was a private school.


Since the issue involves Div.I private schools, athletic scholarships are not at issue.


2.) In another situation it is not fare when they get to pick who they let in ,and in this they can stay in Single A . It is not right when a small town school has to play them when they can not pick and choose their students.


They don`t get to pick who they want. In fact they have no control over who shows up to apply.

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"Exactly...They can't control who applies...but they can pick who gets in...sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh..."


So if they can`t control who applies, are we to assume that you think they turn down qualified applicants when they have openings if they feel that the student is not a good athlete.


This is the only conclusion I can come up with when people use the argument that private schools get to pick and choose students. If it is agreed that they can`t control who applies, then for it to be an unfair advantage, private schools must be handpicking athletes out of those who apply and turning away non athletes to hold open spots for those who play sports.

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They have no idea who will apply. This is not UCLA a school that count on about 11,000 people to apply. How many applicants will they get a year? Their school depends on that tution to sustain life. They have to accept the kids who apply because if they don't, they won't have a school...and that means no athletics, and no state championships...and no people to accuse them of cheating!


Ayyyy Carumba!

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Thats true,but when these schools excels in sports,they draw good atheletes.Examples would be,USJ in baseball and football,Cpa in football,Ezell in several sports,BB in football and the list goes on. Check the number of kids from these schools who go on to play in college .The number of public kids from the small schools don,t even compare. They are quite simply getting more good atheletes.

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