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Farragut vs. Bearden...Let's talk


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OK..first things first...Both teams are obviously the best teams in the state. It was appearent with the semi-final scores of 4-0 and 6-0... Congrats to Farragut for the victory, it has been long awaited and too sweet to talk about. I would have liked the game in Knoxville seeing that the fan support woould have multiplied about 200X...no exaggeration. Good game to both teams. Everyone played well.


This is on another note however...


I read the Knoxville paper this morning where of course the game is on the front page. Turner said some things that just were rediculous in my opinion. He is trying to pull the glory of Farraguts state championship away from them. I have never held respect for the man but it seems he has crossed the line with some of the 'things' he has said to the press...I encourage everyone to check it out...If not, ask, and I am sure someone or myself will quote him for you...Trust me, that ref was not one bit one-sided to Farragut's advantage.


But besides the jerk...to everyone else involved with Bearden soccer...you all are tough and the best around definitely. Keep it up and good luck next year with whatever u decide to do

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i agree with you 100%. Farragut was the best team this year and winning 3 out of 4 games proves it. those remarks were uncalled for regardless of how he thought. The fact is that the new format was designed to make sure that the best teams made it to states and in Farragut's case it did while a few others fell. I think those comments are ridiculous and childish. It just makes himself and the program look worse. What did Bearden want? A walk through and another joke of a AAA tournament in which they have no competition to win. That is ridiculous. It has been obvious all year that the two best teams were Farragut and Bearden and them meeting through the new format in the finals proves it. Great job Admirals and great job as well to the Bulldogs. You both had tremendous seasons. While the article was not the best, everyone still has to give Bearden their props.

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Two great teams just played incredible soccer for 100 minutes. Anytime there is a handball in the box in the last five minutes of overtime, unless it is quite obvious, is going to be controversial. Both coaches should understand that and accept the ref's decision. If he didnt make the call the Farragut coach would understandably be upset. But the ref is in a no-win situation on this one. The coaches, players, and fans should understand that and accept the call. It s not the refs fault the play developed the way it did. Bearden was the 2 time defending champions and should have nothing to be ashamed of and neither should their fans. They should be proud that another Knoxville team succeeded them.

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According to the Sunday article, Turner called Farragut being in Memphis due to the expanded format "a gift".


According to Turner himself, in an article on 5/18, "I think bumping the state teams up to eight from four was a good move because you're getting the best teams from a region there," Turner said. "But nobody likes the prospect of playing Farragut again."


Gift, huh? I guess we know now why they didn't like the prospect of playing Farragut again.


By the way, how was the THIRD goal a gift? No man advantage, no call or non-call by the ref, no PK; Bearden had just as much opportunity to score as Farragut.

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The third goal was a gift! The Bearden player gave farragut the ball close to Beardens goal and they didnt drop the ball back in a sportsmen way like Bearden was giving them the ball back

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Since I attended the game, here's my "expert" opinion.... When I saw the red card given for the handball, I wasn't totally convinced that it deserved a red card because I hadn't seen the play perfectly clear, but I was still happy because my Admirals got a PK....but just a couple minutes ago, I saw the play on the WATE news, and it was so unbelievably obvious that Spahr stuck out his arm and it hit him somewhere in the elbow area. In the News-Sentinel today, Spahr said the ball had hit him on the shoulder. Well the video camera wasn't lying so it seems to me that the right call was made. Props to Bearden on a great season and playing 4 great games with Farragut, but even more props to all my FHS soccer boys for bringing home the hardware.

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Great season for both teams. Not the best game between the two, but it was the most important. I was very surprised at Coach Turner's remarks. I think he had no right to blame the loss on a PK. To say Farragut was given a "gift" to even be allowed to play in Memphis was insane. While I respect both teams, seems to me Coach Turner took things a little too far.

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The Bearden player gave farragut the ball close to Beardens goal and they didnt drop the ball back in a sportsmen way like Bearden was giving them the ball back

That's a lie, they most certainly did. They received it and sent it back to behind where the player had been down.


Sorry, try again.

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Are you joking...they didnt drop the ball back in a sportsmanship manner? I'm sure that it wasnt Britton Colquit that attacked Ian Backstrom the minute Ian touched the ball, making Ian turn 180 degrees to find a man quick...Besides we were in the middle of an attack and we kindly knocked it out of bounds. Watch the tape.


Check Coacht for the pics of the game...tell me that wasnt a handball...

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I didnt hear all this whining when Bearden got PKs in the matchups earlier in the year, but then again, why would we whine about that. I gave credit to both teams and all i hear is jerk comments. The ref sucked most the game by the way guys...in Bearden's favor.

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That's all very interesting but the simple fact of the matter is that neither Bearden nor Farragut have proven they are the best soccer team in the state. They are the best in their division by far, but anyone who has watched Christian Brothers play would see that they are the most skilled team in Tennessee. I don't have a dog in the fight since I have no affilliation with any of the teams, but I have seen all play and know a lot of the players from club and CBHS would probably beat either team. And as usual across the board DII is place to find the best soccer teams.

Edited by knoxsoc
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