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Anderson County @ Austin East


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Well, the first of 2 hard games are over for the Mavs from Anderson County. Now its time for the 2nd of the 2 games to be played.


Before this season started, a lot of people said that this region could end up in a 3-way time for 1st in the region. This game Friday at AE will have a lot to say about it.


AE people have heard what's being said about how this game will lay out and they're ready to take the field and shut everyone up especially the Fulton peeps who are claiming that AC and Scott County will beat AE. Well, as I've said so many times before, "AE lets their playing do all their talking for them."



What are your thoughts on this game Friday?

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It Will Be Really,Really Close...


Anderson County Will Be upset Off Big Time Coming Into this Game...


But For The Sake Of My Fulton Falcons....


Anderson County Mavericks(59) At Austin-East Roadrunners(58)-7 OT


This Game Is A Possible Playoff Preview and It Will Get Very Ugly!


So It Will Get Down And Ugly!


But Then Again This Is A Heated Rivalry Since A-E Moved From 2A And Anderson County Moved From 4A!


AE Roadrunner,If You Could Would You Ever Go Back To 2A Or Do You Like Where You Are?


And If You Could Whould You Like To Play Alcoa Again?

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Come on now AE...if ya'll were in this position you would want Anderson County to win too. It's nothing personal...but the way the numbers play out in the case of a 3-way tie with the runners...falcons..and mavs...fulton comes out #1 in the region...ae#2 and AC #3.......unless somethin crazy happens in the last 3 weeks...thats how it will end up with the tie breker rules set by tssaa. Obviously...that's only IF AC beats ya'll. As a logical move...I want Ac to beat AE....But for personal reasons...I wouldn't mind seein Ae upset AC in a BIG way...either way the Falcons will be sittin pretty at either #1 or #2...So good luck Friday night....Anthony McAllister is REALLY gonna whip up on some of those boys from AC...I mean really I saw that hit he laid on that boy from Gibbs all over the news Friday night...OUCH!!! And ya'll are gonna burn'em all night long. From what I saw of AC Friday night....it wasn't AT ALL the Anderson County team we've heard about all year. But everybody has their bad days. But if they don't improve 110%...then the Roadrunners will have no problem with them. This game's gonna be on Comcast so i think I'm gonna go on to the Fulton/Scott game and get updates on ya'lls game!!! It'll be one for the record books to say the least!!! Good luck!!!


As ALWAYS!!! Go Falcons!!!

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After watching AC play against Fulton at Home. The game will be much different for the MAVS on the road. Fulton's defense shutdown the rushing attack of AC. AE is by far the best team in 2-3A. AE is getting to play on TV on the Hill, this game is a No Brainer, AEHS will win. The main question is will Albert Harris have another 200 yard rushing performance?


AE 28

AC 14

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splainshornet, you obviously have an axe to grind with AC, but who cares?


Your home/ road reference is just rhetoric. In High School football it doesn't make that much difference. The crowds are not big enough, and the away teams fans usually travel well. There is no real travel time, or overnight stays to coordinate to make any alterations to your pre-game routine, like there would be in college or pro. The last time AC played at AE we won. It's also not like basketball where you get used to shooting on your home baskets, which is an advantage. The fields are the same size, and the grass is about the same so the result isn't effected by home or away.


As far as AE being by far the best team in the district, if it weren't for a couple of big plays, the AE vs. Fulton game was about a wash. I've been told that coach Coatney has said he would love another shot at AE, and I think the way their defense is playing I would take Fulton in a re-match.


With regard to Harris running for 200 against the Mavs. There hasn't even been a 100 yard rusher against AC this year including the kid from West who's racked up so many yards this year (including against Central). While Fulton got a big win at AC last week, it certainly wasn't because they ran the ball well. Nothing in that game indicated that the Mavs can be run on. For a moderator, your not very moderate.

Edited by The Mav
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splainshornet, you obviously have an axe to grind with AC, but who cares?


Your home/ road reference is just rhetoric. In High School football it doesn't make that much difference.


As far as AE being by far the best team in the district, if it weren't for a couple of big plays, the AE vs. Fulton game was about a wash.


Nothing in that game indicated that the Mavs can be run on. For a moderator, your not very moderate.

MAV, the road/home difference comes with the officiating. Anderson County has their own football association that calls nothing but AC, Clinton & ORHS games interesting don't you think? There were times in the game against Fulton that the officials were stretching to make calls. The officals for Friday's game at AE will come from the KFOA rated the best Officials Association in the state, with more representation calling in the Clinic Bowl than any other association besides the Nashville Association.


AE is the best team in the district. On offense and defense AE has the best players and the best scheme. AE is probably the best coached team in that district. For you that keep bringing up "ifs" against Fulton. Guess what they still lost regardless "if" there were big plays.


Unlike Fulton, AE will run to the outside on Anderson County. AE wil run, run, run run, then pass down to Eliott Bishop for the big play. Just be ready for Albert Harris Right, Albert Harris Left, Albert Harris up the middle. While Harris might not get 200 yards against AC I bet he will get his yards.


As for being a MODERATOR of this board, I can still have an opinon on whatever I want, I'm within the confines of the rules on this board, if you don't like my opinion then don't read my posts. My suggestion stop being JEALOUS.


While I'm not a fan of either Fulton, AE, or AC. I know what's going on and AC is not as good as you wished. AC has a good team, but they aren't close to being tops in the state.

I'm sure gonna tell some guys at know at AE that any day you hang "half a hundred on AC is a great day".

Good Luck Roadrunners.

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Hey MAV, the hornet is just angry from all of the tail-kickings the Mavericks have delivered to the boys from "straw plains"! I have read his poor remarks toward AC since this board began!

grizzly, Only comments I've made about AC prior to this thread was about fans at the Volleyball State tournament. :D


We'll talk about the spankings if we can talk about Lyin' Larry's anctics. You know this year marks the 10 year anniversary when he had the kid living with him so he could play for him right?

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Splainshornet, You better watch what you say for your credibility is slipping. AC doesn't have it's own officials. You might be just saying that to dis AC, but I am going to say it the way I understand it to really be (as I was advised by an actual high school football ref). The officials are randomly assigned each week to different games by a central body, which I believe is in Knoxville. The refs aren't assigned in the same group, but as individuals. It's my understanding that each ref can accept the assignment or pass to do none. I don't believe they can trade out. I know one ref that does one to two AC games a year and off the field he says he'll toss AC's LK in a heartbeat.

I'll respect anybody's opinion, but they better stay credibile.

Edited by colonel
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splainshornet, FYI

Most of AC's home games have been officiated by either Mike Borum's or Jeff Kidwell's crews. Both are from Clinton and have sons at Clinton High School. Their dislike for AC is riveled only by yours. You are crazy if you think we get any calls from these guys.

I do think AC can play better than they have the past two weeks, and if you want to say we didn't have a good scheme against Fulton, I would agree. As far as AC "not being as good as I wished", what does that have to do with anything. I have no wishes for this team. I just enjoy high school football, and they are a good bunch of kids who play hard.

As for Harris and AE's "run, run, run," running game, we'll see what happens on Friday night.

I think you are loopy if you think AE will "hang half a hundred on AC", these kids play too hard for that. You are even loopier if you think I have one ounce of JEALOUSY towards you. You're not that important to me.

Finally I have been at the last three state volleyball tournaments, and while I haven't read your posts about our fans during these events, I can say that our fans acted the same as every other set of fans there, we cheer loudly for our girls, and react when bad calls go against us. No more and no less then anyone else. Any claims to the contrary are just sour grapes. We know you know how they taste hornet.

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