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Guest region4fan

Please don't start with the girl stuff again. You will get 82Cat enraged again. You haven't REALLY seen him go off yet. Unfortunately, I have!

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I know one thing is for sure and that i am a football player and God has made a great deal of impact in my life and has helped me greatly in football. At the university that i will be playing football at next fall they believe in these in this exact order:

1. God

2. Family

3. Acedemics


4. Championship football



Maybe you should move "acedemics" a little higher up on your list. ;)

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You guys mustn't be able to read very well. You just told me to go to "Capitol (sic) Hill" and "do something about it". IT'S IN OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. It's not just a collection of old state laws, it's a HUGE part of our culture, the separation of religion and federally/state funded programs (SCHOOLS/SCHOOL FUNCTIONS). All you say is "Free Country, Free Country, Free Country", this free country promises freedom of religion. "Free Country" doesn't associate itself with "everybody's a Christian". These things I tell you AREN'T MY OPINION, THEY'RE FACTS AND LAWS. See if you can see it a little better in bold...

You actually right about something. James Monroe is the one who wanted sepration between church and state. I just hope the school or schools you show support to or cheer for, you think of the kids saftey when they take the fields, courts instead of wondering who is going to pray.. Maybe instead of arguing about if its right or wrong, everyone should pray for you, myself included. God probaly would. ( If that does not offened you.)

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That has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read (no offense to you). I hope, for all of our childrens' sake that you do not teach any sort of History, especially United States History/Government (no offense to you).


Now for your theological lesson: Just because someone is not a Christian (which I happen to be), does not mean that they aren't thinking of the "kids safety". You should really get out more, including to church, which I would bet my bottom dollar that you do not regularly attend.

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Let me get this straight. You profess to be a Christian who finds it wrong to pray in public, at ball games, before ball games, or what ever it is about praying that offends you. Just because the government says its wrong. Dont get me wrong, I am not judging, I just would like to know what it means to you to be a Christian. I thought as Christians we were to try our best to live as Christ and surrender ourselves daily to his will, what ever that might be. God tells us if we are ashamed of him he will be ashamed of us. He also tell us we are either to be "hot" or "cold" not luke warm. As for God having a place in football, yes. He has a part in every day life from the time the sun rises til it sits, the air you breath and the food you eat. Now I understand that God is probably not for one team or the other but he is interested in the kids lives.

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If all us christians would come together and stand up for what we believe in then we wouldn't be debating these ungodly things such as not praying for a sporting event. The groups that bring up these things in court are the ungodly groups that are organized, thats how they are heard. If christians would organize different groups for the same cause it would change the US for the better. I believe there all alot more believers than not believers, but it's the not believers that are organized and getting things done. I also believe that if christians would stand up and with representives go to the sepreme court, they could get things changed that it would keep our holy established country united under God.

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Okay Tez, For the record I attened every Sunday. I know since you are new member you have a lot of hot air to blow off. So I will look past that. If you are reffering to the Monore thing, well its in a Western Civ. college history book. ( Want a source. go the Cumberland University website and look up any history teacher for more info) ( do or did you attened college)So if you want to bet on me going to church, how much are you willing to lose. ( If I was you I wouldn't bet the farm.) For the saftey of student athletes, I hope you care is what I meant while they play sports, and I am sorry you cannot understand what I am talking about. For a church goer you sound like you hate public prayer or anybody who wants it..( are you ashamed) I can see where you are coming from though on certain issues. From experince I can tell you that you can have fun on here or really lose your cool.

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GOD goes with everything, that is what's wrong with society today everytime you turn around somebody is trying to use GOD like a pair of shoes to see if GOD matches. Prayer is communication with GOD, however you choose to pray make sure you do. Guys I can't even imagine starting a football game without a prayer or even ending without one. I have played football at all levels and I can't even think of one game where we didn't pray. Here is the comparison, in many other countries you are forced to choose a religion, here in the good ole USA we are told that we can't pray in public places. What's next?????????????

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