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are my daughters chances of landing a college scholarship severly hampered by NOT playing club ball?


i ask this because she never has played club. initially club volleyball interfered with both HS basketball and then the coming softball season. she has since dropped basketball but is still very active in HS softball.


she loves both volleyball and softball, so with the seasons overlapping between club and softball she opted to not play club, so she could continue both sports through high school.


this year is the same. besides needing to recoup from nagging injuries, and put most of her time off to her studies, HS softball workouts will "unofficially" begin in january.


i suppose i was just curious how this will really affect her scholarship possibilities?


my daughter (Jessica) plays for Knoxville Catholic. Coach Jones would love to see her play, but doesnt push her to, and I certainly never would.


thanks in advance for any thoughts.

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i suppose i was just curious how this will really affect her scholarship possibilities?


thanks in advance for any thoughts.

I would say the simple answer is it will affect the number of "possibilities" negatively. It doesn't mean she won't have opportunities to play in college but I guarantee you (depending on skill level) she will have "more" interest from potential schools playing club, than not.

Edited by VballDaddy78
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are my daughters chances of landing a college scholarship severly hampered by NOT playing club ball?


i suppose i was just curious how this will really affect her scholarship possibilities?


my daughter (Jessica) plays for Knoxville Catholic. Coach Jones would love to see her play, but doesnt push her to, and I certainly never would.


thanks in advance for any thoughts.

I know you didn't ask this but here's some other things to think about. One question is what are her college thoughts and goals? Does she want to play Vball in college or would she rather play softball or does she even want to play a sport in college? If the answer is, yes, she wants to play Vball in college, then the next question is what type of college would she like to attend (not play for)? Now how does her choice of colleges fit into the possibility of playing Vball? In other words (and I don't know your daughters skill level) you have to be "realistic" about your daughters skills and how they match up with the schools she might want to attend. If she really wants to play Vball, then you might have to consider smaller schools, or schools that are farther away, etc. Without going on forever, the bottom line is, the more "serious" she is about playing Vball in college, the more she should play "club".

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I would have to agree with VBDaddy. It really depends on her goals. Some colleges...mostly small and local...will watch HS matches but truth is it interferes with their own school's season so they can't recruit much in the fall. Depending on the club and the program you will be seen by college coaches far and wide at many tournaments.


Our club teams travel to National level tournaments in Atlanta, Indianapolis, Louisville, Omaha, etc. Those gyms are crawling with college coaches and recruiters. Girls are encouraged to email their CLUB schedule to the colleges of their choice and the coaches will come watch a match during the big tournament weekends when they can look at hundred's of girls.


I don't know how you'd get that exposure any other way except to maybe pay a recruiter to pitch your daughter. I would rather spend my money and have her play all year long :thumb:


The first question my daughter was asked when she was looking at colleges was "which CLUB do you play for". That question speaks volumes.

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For those girls in the Jackson TN area, Keith Hutchison is trying to build club ball in the Jackson/West TN area. Meeting Monday night, Nov.6th at Union University Gym at 7pm. Come on out and lets get this rolling. I hear that UU coaches and players will be involved, but don't know extent. Now is the time for the VB explosion to happen in West TN. Soccer has finally taken hold due to the explosion of club teams here over the last 10 yrs and VB is just planting the seeds. Hope to see a lot of interested young ladies there Monday.



GREAT turnout last night. For those girls interested, but not able to come. Orientation/practice Thurs night at Union University gym from 7-9pm and Sat from 9-12am. No payments due to join club until AFTER you go thru the orientation/practices to see if it is what you want. I understand that they have enough involvement to start 15, 16 & 17 yr old teams, with possibility of more than one team in a couple of the age groups. I am going to try and get club info/phone numbers/ etc. onto the other thread within the next week or so. Also, understand that the Jackson Jrs. (club name) does not have website yet, so may contact some of the other clubs to find out some insider info on best way to go about this. Any/all help appreciated and good luck to the girls attending last night.

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GREAT turnout last night. For those girls interested, but not able to come. Orientation/practice Thurs night at Union University gym from 7-9pm and Sat from 9-12am. No payments due to join club until AFTER you go thru the orientation/practices to see if it is what you want. I understand that they have enough involvement to start 15, 16 & 17 yr old teams, with possibility of more than one team in a couple of the age groups. I am going to try and get club info/phone numbers/ etc. onto the other thread within the next week or so. Also, understand that the Jackson Jrs. (club name) does not have website yet, so may contact some of the other clubs to find out some insider info on best way to go about this. Any/all help appreciated and good luck to the girls attending last night.


This is wonderful news for your area and it sounds like many families are ready to "take the plunge" :lol:

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Also, understand that the Jackson Jrs. (club name) does not have website yet, so may contact some of the other clubs to find out some insider info on best way to go about this. Any/all help appreciated and good luck to the girls attending last night.




I would believe the simplest route to go would be to just register your web address.


It's a new club, so people need information. It doesn't have to be fancy or eye-popping; people visiting the new website are obviously interested in volleyball. INFORMATION is the most important thing right now. Register the website (I recommend directnic.com, as I've used them a few times and I've been very pleased.. webhosting is included in the reg fee), download a simple "WYSIWYG" editor (basically, a text editor that converts it to HTML for you.. I recommend Mozilla Composer, which is part of the standard Mozilla browser suite), and publish your info (find a free FTP program).


Basic info you need to get posted ASAP:


-The fact that the club is in existence

-Basic tryout/meeting information

-A PHONE NUMBER that people can call

-E-mail address that people can send messages to

-Club director, etc. info, so people know who they're dealing with

-A nice message saying, in effect, "Hi, we're new. We're getting our name out there. We'll put up a prettier website later, but in the meantime, here's what you need to know."


You're basically looking at ($15 x # of years your register for.. go for 2 years at least to begin) $30 plus a few hours of someone's time to get a website going. It's important to get the information out there while it's still fresh on people's minds.


Feel free to e-mail me if you want/need to. Good luck in building your new club and congrats!

Edited by TheGreatLineJudge
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GREAT turnout last night. For those girls interested, but not able to come. Orientation/practice Thurs night at Union University gym from 7-9pm and Sat from 9-12am. No payments due to join club until AFTER you go thru the orientation/practices to see if it is what you want. I understand that they have enough involvement to start 15, 16 & 17 yr old teams, with possibility of more than one team in a couple of the age groups. I am going to try and get club info/phone numbers/ etc. onto the other thread within the next week or so. Also, understand that the Jackson Jrs. (club name) does not have website yet, so may contact some of the other clubs to find out some insider info on best way to go about this. Any/all help appreciated and good luck to the girls attending last night.

OT, I hate to chime in but the explosion has already started in East and Middle Tennessee and with the posts seen on here, it is moving your way at a rapid pace. The way its spreading is if an area has one club, the demand is so great that another club has to be started and in some cases, even the third club. 78, from the Chattanooga area and others on this thread from the middle Tennessee area can detail how its happening. Without a doubt, Jackson is Club oriented and it appears College/Universities are leading the pack trying to add to the VB help in their area. As others can attest, the time is now and the sport is now at a time that players can help their Club, their school and their geographical area by getting involved. Good help or coaching is available in most places. Good luck to a great poster, Old Timer.

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OT, I hate to chime in but the explosion has already started in East and Middle Tennessee and with the posts seen on here, it is moving your way at a rapid pace. The way its spreading is if an area has one club, the demand is so great that another club has to be started and in some cases, even the third club. 78, from the Chattanooga area and others on this thread from the middle Tennessee area can detail how its happening. Without a doubt, Jackson is Club oriented and it appears College/Universities are leading the pack trying to add to the VB help in their area. As others can attest, the time is now and the sport is now at a time that players can help their Club, their school and their geographical area by getting involved. Good help or coaching is available in most places. Good luck to a great poster, Old Timer.


Thanks, PH. As everyone knows, you have to start somewhere. While several of the "upper echelon" players are still going to Memphis this year for club ball, there was a good turnout of alot of younger girls. We may not be very competitive at first, but if Keith and his coaches can instill the basics of footwork, balance, passing, etc. into these young players, then that starts the foundation. It can only get better from here and as the next few year's progression takes place, then those girls that had been going to Memphis for club ball will maybe start staying closer to home and practicing/playing with the local club. Thus, the players practicing with them get even better by learning from them also. It is a domino effect as most of you know, so while I am excited that my 15 yr old is helping start this tradition by participating, I am more excited about the possibilities of my 5 yr old over the next 10 to 15 yrs. I just hope I can keep up :thumb:

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