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Franklin @ Hunters Lane


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This one could go either way. If Franklin plays to their potential, they win regardless of how well HL plays. If they play below their potential, HL will beat them fairly easily.


On a side note, who and where is the poster that was calling for the Franklin coaches job a few weeks back? The guy that called out the Franklin administration and ripped into them for hiring the current coach. Guess it wasnt such a bad hire, getting to Round 2 of the playoffs on a down year for Franklin is not bad and must have something to do with the coaching, lol.

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I want to see another IHS FHS game ... this time down in thompson station! haha could be one crazy game second time around!



What a great way to spend the Friday evening after Thanksgiving. Beats shopping by a mile. Most Williamson County HS football fans would show up for that one. Let's hope both FHS and IHS win this week!

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well i knwo of one team who put alot of piont on the franklin D "BWOOD".....and brentwood also stopped the running game of franklin O.....but hunterslane is very good at stopping the runnign game but idk about the pass......and from rumor has it franklin is gettting there act together...but franklins o line is gonna have to step it up cause hunterslanes d line is fast mobile big strong fast and agressive....... i think hunterslane will take the win because they are a very tought team and never give up nor does franklin so.......idk..i say hunterslane but 10


well i know one player who skips english class!!!!!! BWOOOOOD why are you in this subject....pretty sure these wern't made to talk trash about other teams, and if it is why they were made.....then atleast have the common sence to shut your mouth when your team lost in the 1st round....get in the weight room and be ready for next season.....and maybe a grammer tutor wouldnt hurt!

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FHS will win if they continue to RUN THE BAll if they resort to throwing and trickery they will lose. They have the tallent to win state if they won't beat themselves. RUN THE BAll. I apologized earlier today about Ruck and Campbell before my post was pulled around 11:30. RUN THE Ball.I noticed since I have complained my posts have been censored or pulled I assume the truth hits to close to home. I find it funny but no one argues with any of the points I have made. SO if you don't listen to anything else I say and you want FHS to succeed, whatever you do RUN the BAll. PLEASE READ this quick before someone else pulls this post. CENSURE me know but know in your heart THE TRUTH HURTS. RUN THE BALL.



Maybe instead of Coach Clayton watching game films for five hours on Sunday, he should have been rummaging through the stadium with his trash bag and orange vest. He also could have spent his time more wisely by flipping through the Eastbay catalog and earmarking the perfect practice jerseys and coaches outfits for next year. If we can't beat them on the field, we might as well look good, right? Maybe you could open a thread about sideline fashion. That one probably wouldn't be pulled. You could even begin your very own "Fashion Runway" for rag tag football teams since the coaching thing hasn't worked out for you. Also, if all teams did was ONLY RUN THE BALL, there would be little offense. Sometimes the playing field has to be opened up by passing in order to create the run.

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Maybe, instead of arguing over this sensless junk we can discuss FRANKLIN vs. HUNTERS LANE. From what I hear, and trust me I probably have the best access here, Franklin Football is as good as it's ever been we're improving week by week, getting ourselves together for a very physical playoff game, and most importantly keeping all this nonsence out of our mind. Franklin has a good sense of teamwork now and we're definatly ready for whatever happens Friday.

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PLEASE READ this quick before someone else pulls this post. CENSURE me know but know in your heart THE TRUTH HURTS. RUN THE BALL.


When I get numerous complaints about a member and then look at his account and he has only posted five times but four of them bash a coach and the other puts down a high school girl's basketball player, I wonder what his agenda really is. He is definitely not here to discuss high school sports, or an upcoming game. So, yes, I will pull those posts.

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Maybe, instead of arguing over this sensless junk we can discuss FRANKLIN vs. HUNTERS LANE. From what I hear, and trust me I probably have the best access here, Franklin Football is as good as it's ever been we're improving week by week, getting ourselves together for a very physical playoff game, and most importantly keeping all this nonsence out of our mind. Franklin has a good sense of teamwork now and we're definatly ready for whatever happens Friday.



It should be a great game. Franklin has stepped up and is playing pretty good football. HL has had a good season and has a lot of weapons. This will be a fantastic battle. If Franklin brings anything but its A game, HL will win, in my opinion.

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I want to see another IHS FHS game ... this time down in thompson station! haha could be one crazy game second time around!


If that game was a good one, I think you guys will have to wait for next year to see it in Thompson Station. Hunters Lane Defense is pretty stout, and the offense is peaking at the right time. Plus they have a good kicking game. Hunters Lane by 6.

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If that game was a good one, I think you guys will have to wait for next year to see it in Thompson Station. Hunters Lane Defense is pretty stout, and the offense is peaking at the right time. Plus they have a good kicking game. Hunters Lane by 6.



If Franklin and Independence both win the TSSAA bracket says the game would be played at Franklin. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />

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If Franklin and Independence both win the TSSAA bracket says the game would be played at Franklin. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />


Not true. There is an exception in the "fine print" on the TSSAA site that says if two teams advance to the quarter finals from the same region, then the game is played at the home field of the higher seeded team which in this case would be IHS as the Region 6 champs. Franklin and IHS better focus on first taking care of some tough business this Friday night for this to even be an issue though.

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