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Funniest football moment


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I love this thread! There has got to be a thousand funny stories out there! I'll bet some of you older coaches could really add some interesting threads to this one! We used to have this great QB on a team I worked with a few years ago but he was dyslexic. The QB coached would signal in the plays and he would read the play off of a wrist coach. Half the time he called the play right but flipped the strnegth call or reverse the hole and back numbers. One time he was supposed to call a power sweep with a reverse, but ended up rolling the wrong way and he was all alone (sort of like a naked boot). The funny thing is everyone on the defense went with the flow and he only had one guy to beat to get a first down! Most of the time he would catch his mistakes, but sometimes it really screwed things up. He was a great athlete but his brain problem really kept it interesting.

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This happened during my Senior year. The game ended and we had the customary post-game handshakes. After the handshakes, I wasn't paying particular attention to what I was doing and took a knee in what I thought was my team's postgame huddle. But when I looked up, I saw jerseys of a different color. I felt kind of foolish until I saw a teammate who had done the same thing.

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This happened my junior year in high school - late 70's in MS. We were trailing 6-0 midway through the 4th. We had the ball on about the 25 yard line, and called a pass to our wide receiver. I played TE and ran a crossing pattern which put me about 15 yards away from the WR as the ball got there. He was wide open but at the last moment he started jerking like he was having a seizure. He missed the ball, but somehow caught a bumblebee in his jersey. Funny to me, not to him.

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Years ago when I helped out coaching our junior high team in Melbourne, Fla we were playing a close game against one of our rivals.


The stands were about empty and late in the game our running back broke lose on long touchdown run. The player's dad was in the bleachers and started running along the top of the bleachers cheering for his son.


The problem is that the stands ended at the 20 yard line. The dad never saw it coming and disappeared from sight.

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I just heard this one and thought I`d share it.


One of JCM`s coaches told me this one...


As you know, most all schools film their games. Well one time not long ago, JCM had gotten a parent to film either JV or freshman game. Of course the parent is just being a good volunteer and trying to help out. The game was played and videotaped, but when the coaches went to review it, they noticed that they saw the team break huddle and come to the line of scrimmage and then they would be back in the huddle again. This was repeated several times. Finally they realized that the parent taping the game had the pause and record backwards. Every time they ran a play, the pause button was hit and every time the play was over, the record button was hit. It made for some good laughs in the film room.

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People that went to Goodpasture in the late 90's all know this guy . Well i have 2 stories to tell on this guy both are really funny.


1) He was in the 8th grade just moved up to varsity after the junior high was finished. Goodpasture was playing Clarksville high at APSU. He was about 5'0 and maybe 100 lbs. Late in the game Goodpasture was winning by a bunch, so Coach Martin decided to let all the 8th graders that moved up play. This came into the game and the team ran a play opposite where he lined and he thought it was coming his (or so it looked) and ran toward the other side of the field away from the play. He must have so embarrased that ended up limping off the field.


2) Now this guy is a senior its 1996 and the Cougars are playing the hated rival of Davidson Academy. The game was well out of hand so that put this in to catch a pass and pad his stats. Now this guy is about 5'8 165 (finally grew some). So the QB drops back and the player runs his pattern, the Qb throws the ball on a dart to his chest, the ball bounces off his chest backwards about 10 yards. The guy falls down and starts pounding the ground, while the defender stands over him. Him and the defender shove each other and say not-so-nice words to one another. The guy walks off to the sideline throws helmet at the bench, while all the other players where laughing, he even cracked a smile on Monday.

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1979 livingston academy vs. white co.

late in the ballgame white co scores to tie the game and brings on the kicking team for the extra point.....john cheek lines up to attempt...good shap, good hold, goes high ,straight and barely over the goal post, his kicking shoe that is...the ball was almost wiffed but the flat toed shoe barely made it over the goalpost...the point wasnt allowed, and the game went to overtime :confused:

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My soph year we were playing our first game in our brand new white (double knit) uniform tops. It was halftime and we headed for the locker room. One of my pals was a third string QB. While waiting for the manager to get the door unlocked he leaned back against one of the big light poles located behind the stadium. Once the door was open everyone trooped in. After about two minutes or so we hear this yelling. It was Bill screaming like crazy. His jersey was stuck to a tar-like substance oozing out of the light pole. He couldn't move. When they finally pried him off the pole parts of his jersey was still stuck. They left his #5 in the locker room and gave him a # in the 80's for the second half. The jersey was never the same and we always managed a good laugh about it.

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Guest caligula

My freshman year at Maryville we were practicing for state and I was on scout team. One of the running backs missed a block on me. Coach Hammontree had everyone stand still and told me to do the stunt again, "Come threw the hole." Unfortunately he told the back to go full speed and I went horizontal.


Coach wanted us to know how much Whites Creek was pumped for the game, so he did a film no-no and played the sound. When Santonion Beard (Pearl-Cohn) fumbled you could hear the WC crowd and the film guy saying every explitive in the book. We laughed for about 30min.


Down 16-13 in the 4th Quater in the state semis to Elizabethan, Cole Hammontree catches a pass and for some reason has his eyes closed and sticks his hand out to feel around like he is blind, the Cyclone players stop, then Cole runs 70 yds for the winning TD.


Some media came to a Maryville practice and we ran a trick play, Jason Phillips ran down field for a pass that was a little to long and yelled OH $*&% so lound and while the camera was on.

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At Wake Forest we had a marvelously fit running back named Jimmy "The Jet" Johnson. In Spring practice I attempted to "zero in" on The Jet's hip as I closed down from my defensive end position. Contact was facemask to hip pad. Seconds later I awoke in the DARK with the "typical-WFU-thought:" "What in the #@*(^%! have I done to myself now::" At WF we were characteristically "thinkers:" doctors, lawyers, entrepremiers, not NFL-ers-to-be, and self-preservation was higher on the list of "things to do." Minutes later the assistant coaches, to my cheek's chagrin, had re-centered my helmet over my face, thus proving me not blinded by "The Jet." (Helmets were plastic shells supported my abrasive canvas strips.) My facemask was shattered; my head felt even worse. We played on. I'm sure "The Jet" was sorry. I think he has called me several times to "apologize;" but every time I pick up the phone he must have just hung up before I have the chance to answer--he's NEVER THERE! :o

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