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Congrats to 2 TN Teams on making NATIONAL RANKINGS!


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I'm sorry BigRedDad that after being pushed and pushed , yes we have now had a few Maryville fans go over the top . You are blind as a bat though if you are ignoring the fact that Maryville gets more flak on here than any other school , and second place is not even close . At first glance it seems that a large majority of the posters who just can't resist badmouthing a classy team with classy coaches , seem to be from the private schools . Why is that ? Has a public school went and got to much attention ? Why is it that we don't see a bunch of Maryville fans always jumping on here and BADMOUTHING MBA or BA ? Yes after provoked long enough you might have a couple who lash out at your schools . I see your threads all the time , and I continually see some of your fans reference yourselves as being the best , why is it that we don't always see a slew of Maryville fans getting on your threads ?


Just last year another private school fan , Brandon100 spent months attacking Maryville , funny thing was , I never saw any Gentlemen or Scholars get on here and admonish this behavior ... did I ? Maybe if you took your blinders off , you would see that the majority of the Maryville fan base on here are very gracious and will easily recognize and admire teams that have the same qualities that our team , school , fans , and coaches have . I would bet any amount of money , If all the " Haters " would stop trying to constantly put Maryville down , you wouldn't be seeing the Maryville fans talk your school , or any school down . I have actually felt sorry for you guys getting picked on over the years about all the stuff that gets made up about your schools , the recruiting and stuff , and I and every Maryville fan I know would love it if there wasn't no separation . Maryville Is not scared of no one , and we never have been , we had no problems in the 2 games that we did get to play a DII school . I hope in the future there does come a time we all can play , but in the meantime , I'll be danged if I'm going to stand by and watch anybody talk down a team that deserves no bad mouthing WHAT SO EVER !


Maybe that game should be really considered,I think that it would be a big draw and make some money for both schools.(MBA/MHS) I know I would make the trip to see it and I'm sure there are a lot of others that would like to see it too. Maybe you could get ESPN involved they do broadcast big High School games there wouldn't be any bigger than this one in the state of TN. Maybe play the game at Finley Stadium in Chattanooga that would be a nice neutral facility.

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KWoodroof....That set-up sounds like a dream fer a garbige man/recrooter...... /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />


It makes for a messy situation, as a public school student can transfer from one public school to another to enroll in a program that his assigned school doesn't have. On paper, it's a good idea, and the intention was good, but it results in a lot of not very secret recruiting. And if at the end of spring practice your junior year, you don't think you'll start at Stranahan, for example, or you think you'll be surrounded by inept teammmates who will bring your performance down, you transfer to Plantation and enroll in one of their off-beat programs.


I can set up a top notch recruiter like yourself with a position here, but you've got to bring a Retainer with you. It doesn't do any good to bring in the talent if you can't keep them.


Think of it as running an NFL team with everybody on a one year contract, and being an unrestricted free agent the next year.

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yes sir! the Franklin High Rebels are ranked #1 in the state and #44 in the nation! im sick of hearing this talk about how good MBA is...they wouldnt stand a chance against the rebels this year! STATEBOUND!




i go to franklin and im all for a national ranking but i havent seen that anywhere else. maryville is the rebels too are you sure its not them?? the AP poll has us at #2 in the state too. that would be awesome if this was true though

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Maybe that game should be really considered,I think that it would be a big draw and make some money for both schools.(MBA/MHS) I know I would make the trip to see it and I'm sure there are a lot of others that would like to see it too. Maybe you could get ESPN involved they do broadcast big High School games there wouldn't be any bigger than this one in the state of TN. Maybe play the game at Finley Stadium in Chattanooga that would be a nice neutral facility.



It will never happen for a variety of reasons. First of all the TSSAA would never allow it if they couldn't think of a way to make money from it. In 2002 the City Paper in Nashville had arranged for the 5A State Champ to play the DII State Champ at Vanderbilt the week after the Clinic Bowl. They had the venue, the sponsors, everything set to go. The TSSAA stopped the game. It would have to be set up in some sort of way like that, otherwise the planning would have to go out to far. Who knows if Maryville v MBA would have the same luster next year as it would this year. The TSSAA as an organization wants to enforce the public/private split. They would not want to do anything that would appear to endorse this type of game.


There have been comments here about having to many divisions in Tennessee. That is the way the TSSAA wants it. More divisions = more championship games = more games to get advertising revenue from television = more gate for the TSSAA (at $10/head) = more state champions and more cheap generic state champion bumper stickers they can sell. I hate to sound cynical but just like most cases where government or a bureaucracy is involved. Follow the money.

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yes sir! the Franklin High Rebels are ranked #1 in the state and #44 in the nation! im sick of hearing this talk about how good MBA is...they wouldnt stand a chance against the rebels this year! STATEBOUND!


Franklin and MBA have played 10 times, and Franklin has one win and one tie to show for it. I wouldn't guarantee an MBA win, but I think they'd be competitive with anybody in the state.

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It never fails. Maryville gets more recognition and the hates come out of the gutters and spout loon icy no one with half a brain considers intelligent.


This years Maryville Rebel football team is 5-0. I don't think they are the best rebel team the past ten years but right now they are carrying the mantel. The national ranking is based upon previous accomplishments and the teams of years past to include this one. It is that simple. You haters who despise a group of hard working kids, coaching staff and boosters need to get a grip. Your team might be better this year, so what is a AD supposed to do, wait until mid season to schedule your team just to "Prove" something to you idiots who can't seem to get past your jealously of Maryville? And play your team THIS YEAR because you have a good team? Is it Maryville's fault the two 5A teams they play are down right now? Maryville takes the 2A champion Alcoa apart every year and that would be no small task for many Tennessee teams the past few years. 3-4A has been noted by prominent sports writers like Murphy Fair to be among the toughest anywhere most years, but because the past two or three years it has been down is somehow Maryville's fault?


Who has time and money to run to Texas or Florida to play a High School Football game? Some think Maryville must prove themselves? Who the heck are you idiots? Prove what for whose satisfaction? Maryville does not pay off ESPN, NIKE or the national writers or rankers so why attack the team and our community just because we have had a historical run never seen in this state? If the rest of the hater??™s schools were 60 or more in a row then they would have something to say but until then, there is nothing to say IMO. Wait until Maryville does lose then you will really see venom!


Last point in this rant. Playing MBA would be fine but what is to gain? Bragging rights is not worth the money and playing a private school in my opinion is not a level playing field and another issue IMHO.

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maryville needs to be in 5A and play a stronger schedule and see if they win 65 straight. You can say you have won 65 striaght all you want but it is from a weak schedule. play some DII schools and some of the stronger 5A schools and get some real respect. Its easy to win in a weak region


Maryville plays in arguably the toughest region in 4A. Central is always a tough team. Powell is a pretty tough team, and so is Halls. Those three teams could finish in the top 2-3 of any region in the state in 4A. Yet those three teams are in Maryville's region. Maryville has been to the state title game every year since 1998, excepting two years. Those two years that Maryville did not go to the title game they had to play the team that went (Central in 1999 and Mo-West in 2003) twice that season. They also beat both those teams the first time they played them that season. So its not as if Maryville was running away from the talented teams in 4A.


Why does Maryville need to be in 5A? Its simply because they are beating up on 4A. There are some other 4A teams that are bigger than Maryville, but no one calls for them to move up. Shouldn't they have an unfair advantage? 5A is really not any tougher than 4A. The only difference is the number of bodies a team has to put on the sidelines. Alcoa is the best team in the entire state in terms of athletes. They would beat any 5A team in a two quarter game. The only reason they lose to teams is because when the 4th quarter rolls around and their entire team has played both sides of the ball for the entire game they are gassed and the other team is able to take advantage. Maryville might be the same way with 5A. They may very well compete just fine with the biggest "better" schools, but run out of gas and lose in the end. Bigger doesn't really mean you are better it just means you have more people.


For an example of this look at basketball. Its much easier to field a successful basketball team because instead of needing 50+ people you only need 15. Ridgeway won the state title last year. They have an enrollment (according to TSSAA.org) of 937 students. They beat White Station who has 1000 more students than they do. So Ridgeway was able to find 15 great basketball players despite having 1000 less students than White Station. In 2A Fulton with 800+ students beat Mitchell with under 400 students. In fact Mitchell had to play a team bigger than them in every single game from the beginning of the regional tournament to the title game and still placed 2nd. The point is that the smaller schools still have a lot of talent. The problem is they just don't have the numbers that the big schools do. That doesn't necessarily make them worse teams, just smaller teams. Some of the smaller schools can run with any team in the state, but the bigger schools are better equipped to run a marathon compared to the small school's sprint.

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It will never happen for a variety of reasons. First of all the TSSAA would never allow it if they couldn't think of a way to make money from it. In 2002 the City Paper in Nashville had arranged for the 5A State Champ to play the DII State Champ at Vanderbilt the week after the Clinic Bowl. They had the venue, the sponsors, everything set to go. The TSSAA stopped the game. It would have to be set up in some sort of way like that, otherwise the planning would have to go out to far. Who knows if Maryville v MBA would have the same luster next year as it would this year. The TSSAA as an organization wants to enforce the public/private split. They would not want to do anything that would appear to endorse this type of game.


I'm not sure if that's a fair characterization of what happened. The people at the City Paper (who happen largely to be MBA people) threw the idea together ad hoc after MBA surprised everyone by beating heavily favored BA in the Clinic Bowl (i really doubt it would have happened had BA won). My memory is that the TSSAA never really even acknowledged the event. Their only comment was, "if any teams anywhere play in a non-sanctioned game they will be punished." The City Paper did do a good job in demonstrating how easily the game could have been put together by lining up the venue and sponsors in short order. It was sort of like the sports agency from Europe trying to pay for a game between LSU and USC the year they split the NC...just a real long-shot.


What is true, however, is that in 2005, when the Clinic Bowl became a "start of the year" game instead of the state title game, the organizers wanted a double-header of MBA, BA, Riverdale, and Maryville. Riverdale and Maryville weren't interested. I DON'T CONDEMN MARYVILLE FOR CHOSING TO PLAY A LOCAL GAME, IN THE COMMUNITY, RATHER THAN PLAYING THIS GAME. I UNDERSTAND AND APPRECIATE THE VALUE OF LOCAL GAMES AND RIVALRIES. I UNDERSTAND THAT IT WAS MUCH EASIER FOR US IN NASHVILLE TO AGREE TO PLAY 5 MINUTES FROM OUR CAMPUS THAN IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR MARYVILLE TO RECONFIGURE ITS SCHEDULE AND COME TO NASHVILLE AND PLAY. Because it made no sense for MBA and BA to play each other the weekend before labor day, they brought in Byrnes. They also gave MBA the chance to get out of it, but we didn't. And we know the outcome.

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Who has time and money to run to Texas or Florida to play a High School Football game? Some think Maryville must prove themselves? Who the heck are you idiots? Prove what for whose satisfaction?



Some friendly advice (and yet I am sure I will draw the wrath of some, although I could probably dig up some very old PMs that privately show agreement with the premise of the following):


If you sincerely feel this way, so be it, but stand by it, and be consistent. Rumor has it (from at least one Maryville supporter ??“ or at the very least a follower of the program ??“ you know who you are who sent me the PM) that MHS may be involved in a game with a Florida team in 2009. If such a game does not come to fruition, it certainly will not change my opinion of the way Maryville chooses to fill its schedule, because I am not a hater. However, if such a game does materialize, remember you made this post. The last thing some of Maryville??™s actual haters out there will want to read is that Maryville was able to get a game with a Florida team because of its "national reputation??? and ???such-and-such Florida team wanted to hook up with the only Tennessee program capable of participating on a national stage??? and ???programs like Maryville who carry the mantle owe it to their fans and the rest of the state to uphold the dignity of Tennessee high school football??? and sound bites of the like. If you truly feel this way, so be it, although that also certainly does not mean that schools who now have the ???time and money??? to play on a national stage aren??™t worthy of the widespread attention they receive either. I think a small portion of the hard feelings that exist on this board from the different ???sides??? is due to a selfish lack of wanting to share the spotlight with anyone. I, for one, don??™t feel this way; heck, I spent last night on another thread pumping up my team??™s fiercest rival in its upcoming out-of-state clash with a national powerhouse.


To reiterate, I say this sincerely. Most reasonable people will never stand in the way of someone else??™s opinion ??“ or even bias ??“ but those same people at least expect consistency. It??™s like national rankings: they??™re either valid/accurate all the time or ???BS??? all the time; one??™s opinions of them should not change because of who is in them (or who is not in them) at certain points in time. There is a precedent on this site for such a thing.

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yes sir! the Franklin High Rebels are ranked #1 in the state and #44 in the nation! im sick of hearing this talk about how good MBA is...they wouldnt stand a chance against the rebels this year! STATEBOUND!


MBA would beat Franklin with ease, no question about it. Those rankings mean nothing and since you don't play the Big Red, we will never know. I think Franklin has won one time against MBA in their history, no wonder they have no interest in scheduling them. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" /> /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

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