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Uh Oh - Fryer on You Tube


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2008-2009 TSSAA Handbook

Article III Compliance (Page 17)



Section 4: The Executive Director shall, in his discretion, determine whether information about any possible violation of the TSSAA Constitution or Bylaws is sufficiently reliable to justify "further" investigation. The Executive Director shall also, "in his discretion", determine whether to conduct any investigation of possible violations of the Constitution or Bylaws as well as the nature and extent of any investigation that may be conducted and the procedures to be used in any such investigation. Factors to be considered by the Executive Director in making these determinations may include, but are not limited to, the workload of the TSSAA office, the seriousness of the alleged violation, the availability of staff members to assist in any investigation, the cost of investigation, the time needed to conduct an investigation, and any other factor the Executive Director may deem releveant in making these decisions.


Many infractions are reported to the TSSAA probably on a weekly basis; however, you can submit tons of documents; photos, videos, receipts, emails, real estate documents, text messages, etc. but if "the Executive Director" chooses to not "investigate it".....it is a dead issue, no matter what the "proof" may be. A thorough and full investigation takes a LONG time to complete---it is not a "10-day process". The 10-day process involves a few phone calls to the utility boards, landlords, the principal--maybe a few meetings at the school involved or a couple of cigars over a drink or too; and then a decision is made. A "full investigation" would take a VERY LONG time. As you can read in the bylaws above--sometimes they choose NOT to take this route and therefore; the issue is dead. IMO, this does NOT mean that the incident did not take place or that the "proof" was not there---it just means that "for whatever reason---they may choose to look the other way" or the TSSAA "just cannot "afford" a lengthy investigation--it's not in the budget, etc.


Who knows what will happen regarding this particular MJ video--but 95% of coaches and school administration will tell you---that nothing will probably be done about it--regardless of whether the "rules" have been violated or what the video shows. One would believe that it is an "open and shut" case, but who knows? Stranger things have happened.




And that, my friends, is EXACTLY why the poster chose to break the news on here - so if there are no repercussions at least the coach in question will be exposed.

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2008-2009 TSSAA Handbook

Article III Compliance (Page 17)



Section 4: The Executive Director shall, in his discretion, determine whether information about any possible violation of the TSSAA Constitution or Bylaws is sufficiently reliable to justify "further" investigation. The Executive Director shall also, "in his discretion", determine whether to conduct any investigation of possible violations of the Constitution or Bylaws as well as the nature and extent of any investigation that may be conducted and the procedures to be used in any such investigation. Factors to be considered by the Executive Director in making these determinations may include, but are not limited to, the workload of the TSSAA office, the seriousness of the alleged violation, the availability of staff members to assist in any investigation, the cost of investigation, the time needed to conduct an investigation, and any other factor the Executive Director may deem releveant in making these decisions.


Many infractions are reported to the TSSAA probably on a weekly basis; however, you can submit tons of documents; photos, videos, receipts, emails, real estate documents, text messages, etc. but if "the Executive Director" chooses to not "investigate it".....it is a dead issue, no matter what the "proof" may be. A thorough and full investigation takes a LONG time to complete---it is not a "10-day process". The 10-day process involves a few phone calls to the utility boards, landlords, the principal--maybe a few meetings at the school involved or a couple of cigars over a drink or too; and then a decision is made. A "full investigation" would take a VERY LONG time. As you can read in the bylaws above--sometimes they choose NOT to take this route and therefore; the issue is dead. IMO, this does NOT mean that the incident did not take place or that the "proof" was not there---it just means that "for whatever reason---they may choose to look the other way" or the TSSAA "just cannot "afford" a lengthy investigation--it's not in the budget, etc.


Who knows what will happen regarding this particular MJ video--but 95% of coaches and school administration will tell you---that nothing will probably be done about it--regardless of whether the "rules" have been violated or what the video shows. One would believe that it is an "open and shut" case, but who knows? Stranger things have happened.

I go by my post 49 and agree with this poster and the cited rule. Those of you making points about the evidence may be right. That's past my pay grade. IMO, if someone has this problem or any other problem at the school, they should go to the Principal or Head of Schools Wilson County.

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And that, my friends, is EXACTLY why the poster chose to break the news on here - so if there are no repercussions at least the coach in question will be exposed.





And it was fun to watch too! /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />

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Now if anyone wants to look at post 1, 2, and 3 on this thread and explain how joeyT conveniently knows all of this yet only copies it from UTube, its beyond me. JoeyT, glad you're back on here. Are you absolutely sure what you copied on this site and described to motion picture and the narrative of what was said is the truth as you described it? Do you have first hand knowledge of those events?








it might sink in your thick skull. How can one person always be sooooo wrong about everything.


Friday nite I was sitting here and in came a email from a buddy with a link on it. Email said he just got off the phone with some body who told him about it. Clicked on the link. Watched the video. 32 views by people then.


Posted the link on here. Yea go look at post 1 like you said. It says




Fryer made somebody mad. They've posted a video on You Tube claiming TSSAA violations.


Fryer Coaching He is even making substitutions from behind the bench.


the description posted on the video page is



Then there is a quote. If you werent so lazy you can see that it is EXACTLY what is typed in on the you tube page. Look at the top right corner under coachfryermustgo subscribe. Word for word.


Yea phatgas I am absolutely sure that I copied it exactly what was on you tube nothing more nothing less. There isnt even any commentary by me no opinions no agreeing no anything. I COPIED IT STRAIGHT FROM YOU TUBE WITH A LINK.


Guess what phatgas today a southwest plane caught fire in Houston Plane Catches Fire

I wasnt there I didnt take the video. I didnt write the commentary. I dont have a first hand knowledge. It doesnt matter. ITS A LINK.


Nothing in post 1 or 2 or 3 says any different. Even on top of that post 3 is to answer post 2 and said EXACTLY that all I did was link it and pass on some news.


Ive even answered all this right to you. See post 8. I said it before but you didnt pay any attention. Stupid thing is that the only thing you got from post 8 is some stupid assumption you made that is WRONG. You know what they say about assumptions. Well maybe not.

1. Is that high school players or are they 8th graders?

high school players - brit, chelsea, kia, and others


2. What makes a copy of an unsigned movie on another site valid and did JoeyT do something to the information?

what does "do something to the information" mean. IT IS A LINK TO YOU TUBE. d-e-n-s-e. yea I hacked you tube and altered the video and description



For some reason you made your assumption because I knew nicknames of kids. If you werent so lazy or dense you would go look at MJ roster and see that they arent nicknames they are real names. I should have looked my self because I didnt know how to spell them right. brit, chelsea, and kia should be Britt, Chelsea, and Caya. MJ roster Talk about some super secret nicknames huh.


Do you feel like a fool yet? Probably not because you still dont get it.



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Most of you must not be too familiar with PHargis. Hes wrong all the time. Writes about things he doesnt know anything about. But none of that stops him from posting 10 times a day. When hes confronted with facts he changes the subject and never answers direct questions and comes back with irrelevant things like you never gave him a fact or asked a direct question in the first place even if you ask it 100 times. You arent going to get anywhere with him.


Mt juliet high school is a public school it isnt a private or christian school.



Good post and right on correct. I would think he would be preparing to work the concession stands during the upcoming volleyball state tournament. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" /> /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />


PS Hargis is a Seagull man, thus his frustration.

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2008-2009 TSSAA Handbook

Article III Compliance (Page 17)



Section 4: The Executive Director shall, in his discretion, determine whether information about any possible violation of the TSSAA Constitution or Bylaws is sufficiently reliable to justify "further" investigation. The Executive Director shall also, "in his discretion", determine whether to conduct any investigation of possible violations of the Constitution or Bylaws as well as the nature and extent of any investigation that may be conducted and the procedures to be used in any such investigation. Factors to be considered by the Executive Director in making these determinations may include, but are not limited to, the workload of the TSSAA office, the seriousness of the alleged violation, the availability of staff members to assist in any investigation, the cost of investigation, the time needed to conduct an investigation, and any other factor the Executive Director may deem releveant in making these decisions.


Many infractions are reported to the TSSAA probably on a weekly basis; however, you can submit tons of documents; photos, videos, receipts, emails, real estate documents, text messages, etc. but if "the Executive Director" chooses to not "investigate it".....it is a dead issue, no matter what the "proof" may be. A thorough and full investigation takes a LONG time to complete---it is not a "10-day process". The 10-day process involves a few phone calls to the utility boards, landlords, the principal--maybe a few meetings at the school involved or a couple of cigars over a drink or too; and then a decision is made. A "full investigation" would take a VERY LONG time. As you can read in the bylaws above--sometimes they choose NOT to take this route and therefore; the issue is dead. IMO, this does NOT mean that the incident did not take place or that the "proof" was not there---it just means that "for whatever reason---they may choose to look the other way" or the TSSAA "just cannot "afford" a lengthy investigation--it's not in the budget, etc.


Who knows what will happen regarding this particular MJ video--but 95% of coaches and school administration will tell you---that nothing will probably be done about it--regardless of whether the "rules" have been violated or what the video shows. One would believe that it is an "open and shut" case, but who knows? Stranger things have happened.



That's scary, but you're probably right.

Giving the Executive Director that much discretion is asking for trouble in the form of favoritism or even financial corruption. All violations should be reported to a BOD to lower the odds of favoritism or corruption.

Why have TSSAA rules if they are not going to be enforced at all or are arbitrarily enforced?


In talking to a Mt. Juliet resident, she says he hasn't even slowed down since the video. She said he's currently recruiting a player from Lebanon and that the Mt. Juliet Mafia will take care of everything.

It seems that Mt. Juliet Principal Mr. Brown's school has TSSAA immunity since he's on the TSSAA Legislative Council.


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Just so all you haters know, the reason the Mt. Juliet kicks you is because Fryer and the girls work harder than EVERYONE during the year. Not being able to send in a sub in a 40 pt. AAU game, will not change the fact the Mt. Juliet has, is , and is going to kick you. You act like you are so worried about the rule, if this were MJ Christian it would be an after thought. Not trying to justify the actions, just know that you don't care about fairness, you only care about bring the big dogs down. Same reason I hate USC, but at least I can admit it.

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Just so all you haters know, the reason the Mt. Juliet kicks you is because Fryer and the girls work harder than EVERYONE during the year. Not being able to send in a sub in a 40 pt. AAU game, will not change the fact the Mt. Juliet has, is , and is going to kick you. You act like you are so worried about the rule, if this were MJ Christian it would be an after thought. Not trying to justify the actions, just know that you don't care about fairness, you only care about bring the big dogs down. Same reason I hate USC, but at least I can admit it.


"....Fryer and the girls work harder than EVERYONE during the year."


I believe you're getting "work ethic" mixed up with the term "ethics."


"Work ethic." Is that what cheating is now called????


And for the record, I don't even know where this school is but I do know that they need to be reprimanded for gaining an unfair advantage.

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"....Fryer and the girls work harder than EVERYONE during the year."


I believe you're getting "work ethic" mixed up with the term "ethics."


"Work ethic." Is that what cheating is now called????


And for the record, I don't even know where this school is but I do know that they need to be reprimanded for gaining an unfair advantage.



i don't believe for a second that you are unfamiliar Mt. Juliet otherwise why would you be reading page six of a post on coacht, do you have that much time on your hand. AAU is not even the tip of the iceberge, of the work that Fryer and the girls put in. I also don't recall using the work work ethic. By the way I am sure MJ is the only ones doing it /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

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i don't believe for a second that you are unfamiliar Mt. Juliet otherwise why would you be reading page six of a post on coacht, do you have that much time on your hand. AAU is not even the tip of the iceberge, of the work that Fryer and the girls put in. I also don't recall using the work work ethic. By the way I am sure MJ is the only ones doing it /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />


LOL Then don't believe that I'm unfamiliar with Mt.Juliet. Scroll up and you'll see that I thought it was a private Christian school. (I googled it)


Why am I reading page six of a post on coacht? 'Cause this is an awesome forum to discuss Tennessee high school basketball. And the topic has been incredibly interesting, especially with the YouTube link attached.


You alluded to the fact that this guy outworks everyone and those girls work harder than everyone else. That, my friend, is called "work ethic" and why I mentioned it. However, it has more to do with "ethic" or being unethical than a great work ethic.


As far as this school being the only one doing it? Nope...they're not but that doesn't make it right or fair. When you cheat like this it pretty much shows that you're not confident enough in your own ability to win by the rules.


Oh yeah....I do have enough time on my hands to check this board periodically throughout the day. Hard to believe but I do. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

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Very interesting commentary on a Nashville TV station likely not related to this thread. Mt Juliet High school has had a very high incidence of Internet abuse tward students and teachers since the first of the year. It has been so high that investigations have been made as to the nature of the abuse. Either channel 4 or 5 had the story and interviewed a young lady concerning the incidences. First time i have heard a story concerning such only to point out the magnatude of the problem right now at that school.

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I happened upon this topic today, and curiosity got the best of me. I viewed the U Tube video, and it was even more blatant that I imagined. I too think Coach Fryer is one of the hardest working coaches and continually produces good teams and a successful program. Successful programs also become targets for haters. On the other hand, sometimes with success comes more pressure to be successful, and even great coaches break rules. This board, IMO, is not a press agency, but a public forum, as is U Tube, where we have the privilege of expressing our views. I do not understand how someone is a "snotty nosed slanderous high schooler" for posting this. It is very concerning and I appreciate CoachT for maturely forwarding this to TSSAA. IF it is what it appears, action should be taken. It is not now for us to judge, but for them to investigate.

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