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William Blount Gov Coaches


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The boys on the team are not the embarassment. The coaches are. We have been out coached in every game this year. It would seem that if you use the exact same play every game in the two minute offense maybe the other teams would catch on. We have allowed teams to beat us or stay in a game until the end every week. We have no offense coaching and it would seem the coaches would rather blame the kids than take the blame themselves. YOu have to put the players in a positiion to win before they can win. Coaches need to man up and take responsibility.

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Govdad, I feel your pain. WB has an outstanding head coach and a couple of good assistants. I will agree there are probably some asst. coaches that would be better off moving on down the road. Keep in mind one thing, Gregory did not get to come in here and replace everyone with someone of his choice, it doesn't work that way in high school. Maybe he can get a grasp on one or two of the spots that needs changes and make that change but he can't do it in the middle of the year. WB has had some injuries, some off field issues that have affected needed players, and overall some inferior talent to other schools they are competing against. I have thought Gregory has done an outstanding job of making these guys competitive and keeping them in every ball game they have played. Give him some time, this program didn't get in the mess it is in overnight and it won't get out of it overnight but I am convinced that Gregory will be the man that will get it back to where it needs to be. The most important aspect is that he genuinely cares for the kids and is not out to build his ego or portfolio like the bum, Scott Meadows was.

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Wow Govdad you just showed you dont know too much about how to handle adversity or football for that matter. It is people like you that make Blount County football second rate behind the city programs and have let our sports society turn in to a instant results. Everybody in the county wants to have a state championship program but all of the fans and parents seem to have their own way and know how to do it instead of supporting the program and coaches. Take some of your energy and put that into the program, maybe half as much as some of the coaches do. If you cant figure that the season was going to be brutal by the timing of the exit of your former head coach, then not giving a new head coach any assistants he wants, then on top of that kids getting in trouble for bad decisions. It's easy being an arm chair QB, the real people that deserve the thanks are the coaches and the kids that put in the hard work. If you wanted to be a coach you should have went to school and built your resume.

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I know I supposed to be keeping quite but I feel I should comment. I know their are many frustrated Gov fans at this time. I guess I am one. The source of alot of our frustration is the system that we are running. Most of us who have watched the Govs for many years grew weary of watching " wing " football. I personally am not a fan of this offense. However this is the system that Coach has chosen to run. It is a ball control offense that is very effective. Anyone who watched Georgia Tech vs Virginia Tech last night can attest that the "wing" is effective. As I stated earlier, though not a fan of this system, I have enjoyed watching it. When it clicks it fun to watch. The problems start when it doesn't. If the defensive scheme makes your system ineffective you must be able to do something different. This is where we've struggled. After watching the spread for the last few years we have grown used to that type of football. Though I like to watch the spread it to has its shortcomings. I wish we could be more balanced. Run to set up the pass and pass to set up the run. We are very one dimentionable and this has allowed the defensive coaches we have faced to cause us problems. That being said I have to say Coach Wilhite had a good game plan coming in to the last game. His linebackers played assignment football. That is key when facing our type offense. His stunts were also well timed.


Still, I did not come on here to bash the coaches. Last year my son played right tackle in the spread. He faced J. Smith of Ooltewah who will soon be a Vol. He played well. Smith had a couple of sacks that night but for the most part he was held in check. He also lined up against the other J. Smith of Maryvilleand played well. (Justin) He signed, I think, with VMI. Although I enjoyed watching him pass block in the spread I have also enjoyed his move down to right guard and seeing him improve his run blocking . He is a better rounded football player because of Coach Gregory's system. I would like to think our struggles against LC was because my son spent the game in street clothes nursing an injury. If that were the case I would probably have recruiters beating the door down but so far thats not been a problem. I'm sure all the Coaches are doing their best. I have never met a coach who didn't want to win. Every coach has his own philosphy and system. Though I favor something different, it doesn't mean he's wrong. He does what he feels will bring his team the greatest possibility of success. To ask a coach to change his philosophy is like asking him to change the color of his eyes. Coaches may adapt, but their philospy will stay the same. I wish the Govs and all the coaches well. Although I don't always agree, I still appreciate the work they do........





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This is coach Gregory's first year. WB ran the spread last year, all the way to one great win over a one win Heritage program. They were loaded with talent at O line and defense two years ago and ran the spread to nine wins, a program best. In my opinion, if they would have lined up and let the big O line work and put Lail and Walker at fullback and ran the football with play action passing, they very well may have went to state. WB does not have the talent at certain positions to run the spread and be effective, that is my opinion. I think Coach Gregory has done a good job running the system that he has the talent to run and he has kept WB in every game this year with a ball control offense. With the talent that he has, if he would have run the spread offense this year, I truly think that WB would be winless right now and several of the close losses would have been blowouts. He has done what is necessary to make his team competitive with what he has had to work with. He has made a lot of effort to reach out to feeder programs, which no one in the past has done and I believe he is the guy that will get this thing turned around.

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How long has this coach been at WB? A couple of years ago we came into your stadium and saw signs that said have fun playing out freshman!!!! Not to sportsmanlike. the next year we beat WB .My point is teams cycle up and down, are yall rebuilding or is this a new coach?


Just to let you know, people got in trouble about those signs, The cheerleaders now have a banner that is used each game for the team to run through. That was bad sportsmanship and hopfully that will not happen again.

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i agree jake, wb needed to run this system to win this year, but i believe this should be it, the freshman, sophmore, an eighth grade classes all have the talent to make a deep run, but it will come from running the spread. coach was hired in the spring as a defensive coordinator, then became head coach after that, and started working with the offense and done a good job with what we got. but i look for the spread with the awesome talent we got comin up. govdad here is not the place for that stuff, makes our program look classless.

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The boys on the team are not the embarassment. The coaches are. We have been out coached in every game this year. It would seem that if you use the exact same play every game in the two minute offense maybe the other teams would catch on. We have allowed teams to beat us or stay in a game until the end every week. We have no offense coaching and it would seem the coaches would rather blame the kids than take the blame themselves. YOu have to put the players in a positiion to win before they can win. Coaches need to man up and take responsibility.

The boys and the coaches are not the embarassment, You are the embarassment, You do not know football. If plays are not exicuted, they will not be succesful, no matter what plays are ran. PASSES WERE DROPPED AND TURNOVERS WERE MADE. Why dont you man up and go tell those coaches that to their face. Wb will struggle as long as people like you support them the way you do. :thumb:

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How long has this coach been at WB? A couple of years ago we came into your stadium and saw signs that said have fun playing out freshman!!!! Not to sportsmanlike. the next year we beat WB .My point is teams cycle up and down, are yall rebuilding or is this a new coach?


Just to let you know, people got in trouble about those signs, The cheerleaders now have a banner that is used each game for the team to run through. That was bad sportsmanship and hopfully that will not happen again.


Thanks for the info. good luck with your coaching situation.

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