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DII Championship - What Idiot put this game in Cookeville?


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Sometimes, sometimes, It is not all about you.


:roflol: I love it..........some whinny private school snob is jealous! :?


If that makes you feel good, then wow. Not jealous. Actually quite amused by you. If you don't want to deal with "whinny private school snobs" then stay off the D-II boards - there are plenty of other Alcoa boards. Also find it interesting that I put a general statement on here, and you assume I am talking about your post (but then if IT IS all about you :? ) I wish your team well in the playoffs. I wish mine well also, but somehow, I think my life will not be completely devastated if we do not win it all. :? (by the way, I grew up in public school)



I did not make my assumption that your " It is not all about you." followup directly AFTER my post was directed to my Alcoa post til I read through some of you other post and determined that you hate to hear about Alcoa's success. You come across as simply a hater of a small public school that goes out everyday and works hard to be their best. IMO, that is being jealous in it's simplest form!


If the posters on the DII boards want to change the topic from "It's beneath us DII schools to play in Cookeville at TTU" to "can Alcoa play with MUS" then I WILL support my team and My opinion on said matchup. If you "movinonup" can not stand to hear about Alcoa's success then maybe you need to stay off CoachT. :roflol:

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I did not make my assumption that your " It is not all about you." followup directly AFTER my post was directed to my Alcoa post til I read through some of you other post and determined that you hate to hear about Alcoa's success. You come across as simply a hater of a small public school that goes out everyday and works hard to be their best. IMO, that is being jealous in it's simplest form!


If the posters on the DII boards want to change the topic from "It's beneath us DII schools to play in Cookeville at TTU" to "can Alcoa play with MUS" then I WILL support my team and My opinion on said matchup. If you "movinonup" can not stand to hear about Alcoa's success then maybe you need to stay off CoachT. :roflol:

I haven't heard anyone on this thread imply that playing at TTU is "beneath" them. People are complaining that Cookeville is geographically undesireable, especially on a weeknight. Playing on thursday with no media coverage is not an issue a small public school would know anything about.


As to why the DII's don't respect Alcoa or Maryville, it is simply because those 2 schools tout themselves as being the best in the state, but are unwilling to schedule any of the DII schools. I have heard it said repeatedly by two different head coaches at MBA that the call is made to the east state every year to schedule a game, and most times the call is never even returned.


It is the DII schools that are willing to go outside of the state and they have represented TN well over the years. This year MUS has beaten 2 strong programs from MS. In the past MBA has beaten the best team in KY (Trinity) 3 out of 4 games, they have played back to back with Bolles from Jax FL. When Alcoa starts scheduling games like that and some other power teams from across TN, and winning, then the folks on the DII boards might begin to respect them.

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I haven't heard anyone on this thread imply that playing at TTU is "beneath" them. People are complaining that Cookeville is geographically undesireable, especially on a weeknight. Playing on thursday with no media coverage is not an issue a small public school would know anything about.


As to why the DII's don't respect Alcoa or Maryville, it is simply because those 2 schools tout themselves as being the best in the state, but are unwilling to schedule any of the DII schools. I have heard it said repeatedly by two different head coaches at MBA that the call is made to the east state every year to schedule a game, and most times the call is never even returned.


It is the DII schools that are willing to go outside of the state and they have represented TN well over the years. This year MUS has beaten 2 strong programs from MS. In the past MBA has beaten the best team in KY (Trinity) 3 out of 4 games, they have played back to back with Bolles from Jax FL. When Alcoa starts scheduling games like that and some other power teams from across TN, and winning, then the folks on the DII boards might begin to respect them.


Get your facts right. Alcoa scheduled McCallie in 2005 & 2006 after they could not find anyone else in the general area to play them. Alcoa also had to travel over 4 hours to west KY two get a 10th game. No one else was willing to step up. After Alcoa beat McCallie with the old coach and BJ Coleman at QB two years straight, McCallie did not want to continue playing Alcoa. This year Alcoa had to travel out of state and played KY 4A state champions from `2008. Alcoa had to travel out of the area for many games this year. Only giving them 3 home games. This amount of travel takes a toll on the schools budget. Alcoa found there 10th game this year in August after having a list on TSSAA website since early winter requesting 5 game needed. Alcoa would have played anyone in the state, to have 10 games. Big schools and DII school especially in the east TN will not step up. So, don't give that crap about Alcoa not wanting to step up. Alcoa is a 500 student school that plays all their out of district games against much bigger schools! :roflol: If you want a game, no need to travel to Ohio or Ky!

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I haven't heard anyone on this thread imply that playing at TTU is "beneath" them. People are complaining that Cookeville is geographically undesireable, especially on a weeknight. Playing on thursday with no media coverage is not an issue a small public school would know anything about.


As to why the DII's don't respect Alcoa or Maryville, it is simply because those 2 schools tout themselves as being the best in the state, but are unwilling to schedule any of the DII schools. I have heard it said repeatedly by two different head coaches at MBA that the call is made to the east state every year to schedule a game, and most times the call is never even returned.


It is the DII schools that are willing to go outside of the state and they have represented TN well over the years. This year MUS has beaten 2 strong programs from MS. In the past MBA has beaten the best team in KY (Trinity) 3 out of 4 games, they have played back to back with Bolles from Jax FL. When Alcoa starts scheduling games like that and some other power teams from across TN, and winning, then the folks on the DII boards might begin to respect them.


Get your facts right. Alcoa scheduled McCallie in 2005 & 2006 after they could not find anyone else in the general area to play them. Alcoa also had to travel over 4 hours to west KY two get a 10th game. No one else was willing to step up. After Alcoa beat McCallie with the old coach and BJ Coleman at QB two years straight, McCallie did not want to continue playing Alcoa. This year Alcoa had to travel out of state and played KY 4A state champions from `2008. Alcoa had to travel out of the area for many games this year. Only giving them 3 home games. This amount of travel takes a toll on the schools budget. Alcoa found there 10th game this year in August after having a list on TSSAA website since early winter requesting 5 game needed. Alcoa would have played anyone in the state, to have 10 games. Big schools and DII school especially in the east TN will not step up. So, don't give that crap about Alcoa not wanting to step up. Alcoa is a 500 student school that plays all their out of district games against much bigger schools! :roflol: If you want a game, no need to travel to Ohio or Ky!


MBA has asked the answer is always the same.

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Hey Alcoa-holic.


Beat 2 of these teams in one year (for starters just schedule them): BA, Ensworth, MBA, MUS.


That's what it takes to win a DII championship.


Until your team does that, all you are is talk.


Hey belldinger............Try to beat 2 teams from Blount County! After you have a wheelbarrow full of Gold balls like Alcoa and Maryville you can talk. If Maryville and Alcoa was in your little club the Gold would STILL be in Blount County. The home of 21 gold balls! :D


Alcoa vs DII in the last 5 years.....or til they quit scheduling. :D


2006 Alcoa 24, McCallie 21 (lost the DII champ game to BA 34-37)

2005 Alcoa 45, McCallie 35

2005 Alcoa 35, Webb 7

2004 Alcoa 44, Webb 19



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Hey Alcoa-holic.


Beat 2 of these teams in one year (for starters just schedule them): BA, Ensworth, MBA, MUS.


That's what it takes to win a DII championship.


Until your team does that, all you are is talk.


Hey belldinger............Try to beat 2 teams from Blount County! After you have a wheelbarrow full of Gold balls like Alcoa and Maryville you can talk. If Maryville and Alcoa was in your little club the Gold would STILL be in Blount County. The home of 21 gold balls! :D


Alcoa vs DII in the last 5 years.....or til they quit scheduling. :D


2006 Alcoa 24, McCallie 21 (lost the DII champ game to BA 34-37)

2005 Alcoa 45, McCallie 35

2005 Alcoa 35, Webb 7

2004 Alcoa 44, Webb 19



I'm not bashing Alcoa. I think they have a great football team year in and year out. A great team, not a great team for a small school. Just simply a great team. And I'd love to see them play one of the Div II powers (note the word "powers"). Not to get their "comeuppance," but because I think it would be good football.


According to the TSSAA's website. McCallie last won a state championship in 2001. Webb has never been on of the Div II powerhouses. I'm not knocking your scheduling. I understand that you have mandatory games both in terms of play-off, school board requirements, and long-standing rivalries. And sometimes what looks like a great schedule in August fizzles out over time (MBA-Maplewood looked like a battle of titans when practice started. Now that the leaves are gone, so is most of the luster of that one. Who'd have seen it coming?) But to suggest that you've scared the Div II powers away...I think you may be overplaying your hand a little.

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I understand that the cost of travel is a deterent in this economy, and understand how difficult scheduling is. I also know that the DII football power has been concentrated in Nashville and Memphis since the beginning of DII. I am not saying that Alcoa and Maryville are not great programs, I am saying that they will not get the respect they might deserve form DII fans untill they are willing to schedule one of our schools be it MBA, EHS, BA, or MUS, win and you will have earned our respect. MBA, BA and MUS represent the DII state titles since McCallie's in 2001 (correct me if I am wrong RRR). So what if you beat McCallie and Webb. Webb was not part of our division when you played them, and we beat up on them and McCallie too.


A lot of posters from the public schools seem to think that the DII schools have unlimited budgets, and we don't. Dobbins Bennett was willing to schedule MBA a few years ago, but they were not willing to schedule a home/home, and MBA was not willing to make that trip 2 years in a row.

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Hey Alcoa-holic.


Beat 2 of these teams in one year (for starters just schedule them): BA, Ensworth, MBA, MUS.


That's what it takes to win a DII championship.


Until your team does that, all you are is talk.


Hey belldinger............Try to beat 2 teams from Blount County! After you have a wheelbarrow full of Gold balls like Alcoa and Maryville you can talk. If Maryville and Alcoa was in your little club the Gold would STILL be in Blount County. The home of 21 gold balls! :twisted:


Alcoa vs DII in the last 5 years.....or til they quit scheduling. :evil:


2006 Alcoa 24, McCallie 21 (lost the DII champ game to BA 34-37)

2005 Alcoa 45, McCallie 35

2005 Alcoa 35, Webb 7

2004 Alcoa 44, Webb 19



Did you read "Webb" or "McCallie" anywhere in my post? You sound like a college I-AA program that beats Vandy and thinks they are on a par with Florida and Bama.

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Alcoa fans are like viruses - would that somebody could invent a vaccine against them. They invade any site talking about all their "golden balls" and shoving their storied football history down your throats. They even started their own site - "Is Alcoa the best team in any classification" - as a home base for their self-glorification. And they justify their claim by saying they beat Maryville AND the "best 4A team" in that FOOTBALL crazy state of Kentucky. Jeez! I think I now know more about them than my own school! Give it a break! In addition to what has already been said, I will add this: Alcoa, Ensworth and Franklin Road Academy all were looking for a game on the same weekend this fall. Little FRA understandably declined the two other schools because frankly the matchups would be totally uncompetitive. So, did Alcoa and Ensworth end up with a game? NO, and it was NOT because of Ricky Bowers. That's why Alcoa can't gain the universal reverence they want so desperately. And it drives them crazy when PEOPLE who actually have seen both them and MUS play say MUS is not only better but much better. Then we get subjected to comparisons made by COMPUTERS based on statistics to rate a game between them as basically a tossup. Enough is enough. We appreciate your pride and loyalty. Please stop. Enjoy watching your team add another gold ball to the stack and, as one poster implied, be glad that you don't have to play MBA, BA, MUS and/or Ensworth every year to get it.

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I understand that the cost of travel is a deterent in this economy, and understand how difficult scheduling is. I also know that the DII football power has been concentrated in Nashville and Memphis since the beginning of DII. I am not saying that Alcoa and Maryville are not great programs, I am saying that they will not get the respect they might deserve form DII fans untill they are willing to schedule one of our schools be it MBA, EHS, BA, or MUS, win and you will have earned our respect. MBA, BA and MUS represent the DII state titles since McCallie's in 2001 (correct me if I am wrong RRR). So what if you beat McCallie and Webb. Webb was not part of our division when you played them, and we beat up on them and McCallie too.


A lot of posters from the public schools seem to think that the DII schools have unlimited budgets, and we don't. Dobbins Bennett was willing to schedule MBA a few years ago, but they were not willing to schedule a home/home, and MBA was not willing to make that trip 2 years in a row.


I think we did have a home/home with Dobbyns Bennett. I know we split a two-game series with them, presumably home/home. DB didn't have the same scheduling issues we had at the time, and saw it as more a great 1-time series. It's hard to fault a school in Kingsport for not wanting a regular home/home with a Nashville team, imo.


As for Alcoa, again, I think you're training your guns on the wrong target. They are a small school in East TN and did go home/home with a much bigger East TN D2 private in McCallie. That's about all you can ask of them, IMO. I think were someone else the head coach instead of Rankin, they would be looking for games with D2 schools in Nashville....Rankin of course will not. But other Alcoa coaches have stepped up to those types of games.


The real clowns are the people like Hillsboro and Riverdale, who have great opportunities with D2 schools sitting in their backyards but choose not to play them (as Hillsboro chose not to renew the series with MBA despite record crowds and 2 outstanding games). Of course, as time goes on, they look silly as the schools like Independence, Ravenwood, Oakland, Smyrna, etc., are in fact playing these games with D2 teams and winning them.


MUS has taken on the very best of the Memphis area over the years and don't seem to have the scheduling issues that the Nashville/Chattanooga teams have faced.

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