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Crawford at Brentwood no more

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BMS Middle School FB Coach Dennis Harrison is NOT a candidate for this position. He's not a good coach at all. He is lazy, un-disciplined & a very poor communicator. He's only allowed to coach at BMS because he has NFL experience & the academics running BMS believe that's enough to qualify him. The booster club would not support him. Keidel understands this & there will be no offer to Harrison. Look for the job to go to Gore from McGavock or Winfree, the current OC.

Did not say he was. Probably wouldn't take it at this point in time. However, no reason to blast him. You seem to have issue and problems communicating with others on the T. Hope your family is safe tonight...could have very bad weather your way. As I previously stated, you have two qualified assistants on the staff that would do a good job

Edited by wingman10
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Brentwood insiders make this job sound just as unattractive as those from the outside. Coaches playing their own kids, parents and boosters insisting they are going to have influence and their say, outsiders saying the talent is drying up, insiders saying there is 50 or more seniors which means a lot of complaining on the side lines, Williamson County insiders talking about teaching responsibilities that most coaches dont want, lower pay compared to surrounding counties, a couple of guys on staff who sound ready for the position, but dont bring the glitz that most in BHS think wants or needs so those guys wont get it and will still be on staff. I honestly dont know which job is more unattractive, this one or the Franklin job.

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My information comes from one of the 4 prople that was on that committee, and the committee that hired Crawford......me. My info is pretty accurate. At no time did Ron say he did not allow input but since he was at Hillsboro you could tell he did not cherish it. The biggest concern with Ron was he was dedicated to the wing T and we had Whittemore and company in the wings. If Jack D had not accepted Ron would have had the opportunity. I'm not sure he actually wanted it since we had to send him messages 3 times to get him to even apply. It is the coach's responsibility to dictate how much parental involvement is wanted/allowed and it is the parent's responsibility to stay within that boundry. We were very careful to stay that course with Jack and Ron Crawford's initial years. The big problem with Brentwood prior to Jack was actually NO parental involvement or interest.



So the parents of Brentwood are not too involved...uhhh...right...


If I'm a prospective coach and i read this, I don't even consider this job.

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Brentwood insiders make this job sound just as unattractive as those from the outside. Coaches playing their own kids, parents and boosters insisting they are going to have influence and their say, outsiders saying the talent is drying up, insiders saying there is 50 or more seniors which means a lot of complaining on the side lines, Williamson County insiders talking about teaching responsibilities that most coaches dont want, lower pay compared to surrounding counties, a couple of guys on staff who sound ready for the position, but dont bring the glitz that most in BHS think wants or needs so those guys wont get it and will still be on staff. I honestly dont know which job is more unattractive, this one or the Franklin job.


Since I had my second interview last Friday and have been informed that I am on the short list and should be hearing something on Thursday. I would say as of right now Franklin is the better job. I will know more on the Brentwood job today and will keep you updated. Because if I don't get the job, it aint worth having. :popcorneater:

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So the parents of Brentwood are not too involved...uhhh...right...


If I'm a prospective coach and i read this, I don't even consider this job.

Hey smart guy...were you around in 1995? How would you know what was needed at that time? Parents not involved with the kids' school and life has led to the inner-city problems. In 1995 Brentwood had a coach the was a good guy but was in over his head. As example after a particular game where the opposition ran a particular play he was asked why we did not make an adjustment. He stated there was no need to make an adjustment as the other coach will make a counter adjustment and you are back where you started. Yes the parents asked for a change and got it. If you will read ALL of my statement you will notice I said the coach dictated the parental involvement and it was constantly monitored with him. We asked them what we could do to allow them more time to do the important part of their job. We took over lining the field, mowing, etc. We handled the fund raising so they didn't have to hound the kids to raise the money. At the time the only parental involvement was a few, not many, of the parents came on Friday night. We only had an 8 page program so some of the parents got the paper and print time donated, lined up a photographer, and sold the ads. Prior to this "involvement" Brentwood wa 2-18 in 1995 and 1996....since then they have several regional championships, a state championship, and has been to the playoffs every year. There has only been 2 coaches during that time and Crawford was the senior coach in the county so the "parental involvement" was not too big a burden. Maybe you need to learn the difference between involvement and support.

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Hey smart guy...were you around in 1995? How would you know what was needed at that time? Parents not involved with the kids' school and life has led to the inner-city problems. In 1995 Brentwood had a coach the was a good guy but was in over his head. As example after a particular game where the opposition ran a particular play he was asked why we did not make an adjustment. He stated there was no need to make an adjustment as the other coach will make a counter adjustment and you are back where you started. Yes the parents asked for a change and got it. If you will read ALL of my statement you will notice I said the coach dictated the parental involvement and it was constantly monitored with him. We asked them what we could do to allow them more time to do the important part of their job. We took over lining the field, mowing, etc. We handled the fund raising so they didn't have to hound the kids to raise the money. At the time the only parental involvement was a few, not many, of the parents came on Friday night. We only had an 8 page program so some of the parents got the paper and print time donated, lined up a photographer, and sold the ads. Prior to this "involvement" Brentwood wa 2-18 in 1995 and 1996....since then they have several regional championships, a state championship, and has been to the playoffs every year. There has only been 2 coaches during that time and Crawford was the senior coach in the county so the "parental involvement" was not too big a burden. Maybe you need to learn the difference between involvement and support.


What in the world does this have to do with inner city problems?


I think you need to heed your own advice. Every time you talk, coaches cringe more and more.


" Prior to this "involvement" Brentwood wa 2-18 in 1995 and 1996....since then they have several regional championships, a state championship, and has been to the playoffs every year." You really are taking credit for BHS success because of parental involvement? Way to save the program. Doesnt sound like you need a coach at it...you need a PTO president in charge of football. Great coaches are really going to jump at this job!


And dont get me wrong, you will get a good coach, but you wont get a great one.

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What in the world does this have to do with inner city problems?


I think you need to heed your own advice. Every time you talk, coaches cringe more and more.


" Prior to this "involvement" Brentwood wa 2-18 in 1995 and 1996....since then they have several regional championships, a state championship, and has been to the playoffs every year." You really are taking credit for BHS success because of parental involvement? Way to save the program. Doesnt sound like you need a coach at it...you need a PTO president in charge of football. Great coaches are really going to jump at this job!


And dont get me wrong, you will get a good coach, but you wont get a great one.


So Coach E is going to get it?

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Would Jack Daniels be interested in getting back into coaching? He has had success there before, he has been away for two years and works in the county.


If I were a betting man, I would say absolutely not. He got out of coaching in Williamson county for a reason and it wasnt because he cant coach or anyone thought he couldnt coach. It was the same reason Crawford left. In Williamson County, you have too many district policies and mandates and dumb decisions at the district level to be able to coach the way surrounding counties do;


Athletic periods? Nope, those boys can have PE, but the football team better not get caught in the weightroom during the school day.


Extra free periods to be able to run an organization of 100+ athletes, a dozen coaches, and manage hundreds of parents? Nope, you are going to teach 5 classes and have a study hall too.


Well, lets make up for that by paying great coaching supplements, because we are the richest county in the state and 11th richest in the nation, we can afford that and that will make up for the other stupid stuff we put coaches through, right? Nope, Williamsons coaching supplements are lower than almost all of the counties that surround it.


Williamson wants to be the best in the state at everything, but they sure dont put their money where their mouth is. I'm surprised Crawford stayed a long as he did.

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