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Maybe the parent should have been on his own sideline yelling at his coach or his son's linemen for leaving a beast like #57 unblocked. I would never, ever want to see a young man injured, but don't know how you could fault #57 for physical play. It is football, players are taught (as they should be) to try to break the will of the opponent by being more physical than they are. He was just doing his job.


Agree 100%

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So all this time i have been teaching my son to play hard and give 100% he is suppose to take it easy because some kid is 130 pounds. The kid had momentum and my son grabbed him and done what he had been taught get him to the ground at whatever cost at no point in time was he looking to hurt the kid. No if the kid had landed on his feet and kept running and scored nothing would have been said except that the freshman should have been on sports center. With that being said he is my son and i am very proud of him and expect him to do give all he has for his football team. Also what is classless is that a parent came over to our sideline and was yelling and curssing at him.


by any means neccessary...( as long as that doesnt include "punching in the face"....wink...inside joke folks, only choochoo and i will understand)

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He is a heck of a player, and I don't think he's a dirty player. I do think there should have been a flag because once he had his feet off the ground he could have just taken him down instead of flipping him over head first. But that's just my opinion. I also think it's classless that someone from Kingston came over and cursed at him. That's the person that needs to be flogged.


you're exactly right.....and maybe next time this happens, once the tackler gets his arms around a runners legs he should just stop and say "hey mr. running back, would you mind laying down now, i'd really hate to get too rough with you here"....come on bro, it was just a really beastly tackle involving a big kid tackling a little kid. no more, no less in my opinion. it happens all the time in football.....in wrestling there's such a thing as a "take down"...and those guys get flipped, tossed and slammed all sorts of ways...WITHOUT PADDING and HELMETS...i dont hear any of those guys asking " hey sir, since you have a good hold on me and are about to slam me, would you mind terrible letting me down easy"

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# 57 played it perfectly, he followed the pulling guard and made a heck of a play! When you play "D" line, you have to play with "mean intentions." There was nothing dirty about it, just big strong kid vs. smaller kid. However, the smaller kid was on the same field ,playing the same game-football! BTW, the play should have been blown dead before the tackle ever happened and a flag thrown for illegal procedure.

Edited by alcoafan72
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Someone wrote this as a comment on The Knoxville news Sentinel Just blows my mind what do you guys think. sunbeam writes:



What the photograph does not show, and the article does not describe is the classless finish to the tackle on the 130 lb. Freshman Kingston player. He was lifted in the air and slammed to the ground like a rag doll. No flag!






I hope the kid is ok. I never want to see anyone get hurt, but, calling for a flag in this instance is like the new "defenseless player" rule in the NFL.......ridiculous! "You hit my kid too hard.....I'm telling!" It's called TACKLE football for a reason. If you play the game.....at some point, you are gonna get your head taken off.

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I think it is time people read the rule book. Rule 9-4-g,"Make any other contact with an opponent which is deemed unnecessary and which incites roughness." Also the last sentence on page 70 in the Fed Rule book. "Disqualification also if any foul is flagrant." The tackler did not have to throw him over like he did. A straight tackle to the ground would have been good enough. I have been a TSSAA official since 1980. This is the worst foul I have seen during that time. I would have ejected him. Also we no longer have illegal procedure.

Edited by Kelly14
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I think it is time people read the rule book. Rule 9-4-g,"Make any other contact with an opponent which is deemed unnecessary and which incites roughness." Also the last sentence on page 70

in the Fed Rule book. "Disqualification also if any foul is flagrant." The tackler did not have to throw him over like he did. A straight tackle to

the ground would have been good enough. I have been a TSSAA official since 1980. This is the worst foul I have seen during that time. I

would have ejected him. Also we no longer have illegal procedure.


Worst foul in 32 years? Wow! I'm wondering how much football you have actually SEEN over that time.......I've seen my fair share of blind refs since, oh about, 1973 and have gotten over it time after time. I suggest you do the same....

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I have been a TSSAA official since 1980. This is the worst foul I have seen during that time. I would have ejected him.


You can go to the sporting goods dept. and get fishing license, hunting license, and TSSAA officials license, so I don't doubt that you are a TSSAA official, but I would not admit it if I were you. Officiating here is a total joke. JMHO

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