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Blackman vs Bowling Green


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It may well have been disgraceful. There were missed calls and just plain bad calls, but why does everyone blame the football team? They have nothing, I repeat nothing to do with the refs. They played a very good game and won. I saw nothing that our players did to warrant all this criticism. Blame the refs all you want, but don't lay the blame on our football team. They were just doing what football players do and doing it rather well, I might add. It sounds like we might be heading into deliverance country the way you grown men are talking. How about we let the boys decide it on the field, just like they did this year. Ultimately, your coach is to blame, for letting it get out of hand. He can't control his team and he made some very bad calls in this one. Maybe you just figured out why you lost to Oakland. What was the excuse for that game?

The Oakland game had nothing to do with this game. The boys were not allowed to decide it on the field. The officiating was the worst I have ever seen, according to the video, and it all appeared to go to the home team. You should be apologizing, not defending, especially since it is on video and indefensible. Cheaters. 

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It may well have been disgraceful. There were missed calls and just plain bad calls, but why does everyone blame the football team? They have nothing, I repeat nothing to do with the refs. They played a very good game and won. I saw nothing that our players did to warrant all this criticism. Blame the refs all you want, but don't lay the blame on our football team. They were just doing what football players do and doing it rather well, I might add. It sounds like we might be heading into deliverance country the way you grown men are talking. How about we let the boys decide it on the field, just like they did this year. Ultimately, your coach is to blame, for letting it get out of hand. He can't control his team and he made some very bad calls in this one. Maybe you just figured out why you lost to Oakland. What was the excuse for that game?

I apologize for not making my statement more clear. My comment was not directed toward the football players for Bowling Green or Blackman. It appears they played their hearts out.


It appears to me to be beyond doubt the referees influenced the outcome of the game in favor of Bowling Green. Through video evidence, some of the calls I heard on the radio had little justification. And calls that Blackman should have received were neglected.


I agree that fans will be disgraceful too at times, no doubt both teams had some.

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I apologize for not making my statement more clear. My comment was not directed toward the football players for Bowling Green or Blackman. It appears they played their hearts out.It appears to me to be beyond doubt the referees influenced the outcome of the game in favor of Bowling Green. Through video evidence, some of the calls I heard on the radio had little justification. And calls that Blackman should have received were neglected.I agree that fans will be disgraceful too at times, no doubt both teams had some.

I certainly agree that both teams played their hearts out, but most of your fans seem to have something personal against the players and fans. Surely you can see why some people don't want to play this game next year. This years game was a hair away from a riot breaking out and it sounds like that's what's waiting for our boys next year. Please remember, the players and fans of Bowling Green were not responsible for the referees and wanted nothing more than a fair game. I understand that people were upset, but we have to play with those refs all the time.

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Then you should have been smart enough to not cheat on camera. :thumb:

Dude, we are not responsible for those refs. What part of that don't you get. I'm glad it was on camera so hopefully your players won't get suspended. We just wanted to play football, just like you.

Edited by Biggie
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.......... Please remember, the players and fans of Bowling Green were not responsible for the referees and wanted nothing more than a fair game. I understand that people were upset, but we have to play with those refs all the time.


Really?  BG fans are standing behind our sidelines cussing our kids and saying hateful things to them.  The police were called over for that.  BG Students and fans throwing things at our kids while they head to the locker room?  BG Coach acting like Tommy Lasorda and trying to show out and disrespect our coach...he had to be physically separated....  Our band kids cleaning off the nacho cheese and chips off their uniforms. (hint: they didn't put it there)  Add all this to the OBVIOUS unfair treatment by BG referees.


Really Biggie?

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Shame that some of the calls take away from the talent on the field.  This was really a great game to watch (thanks storkmontgomery for the great video work).  These are two talented teams.  Love the fire and balanced attack by both teams. 


Is there a rematch planned for next year at Blackmon?


Refs will miss calls, but no excuse for the lack of crowd control.  Local school officials should offer an apology and make sure it doesn't happen again.


As a Maryville fan, Blackmon's QB scares me too death!  Hope we don't see him in the play-offs.

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Dude, we are not responsible for those refs. What part of that don't you get. I'm glad it was on camera so hopefully your players won't get suspended. We just wanted to play football, just like you.

I'm willing to be that a BG administrator or AD signed the checks that paid the officials. Has the person that signed the check made a complaint to whoever is responsible in KY for oversight of those officials? I am willing to bet that that have not.


You guys are a disgrace to high school football and you are defending it. 

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I'm willing to be that a BG administrator or AD signed the checks that paid the officials. Has the person that signed the check made a complaint to whoever is responsible in KY for oversight of those officials? I am willing to bet that that have not.


You guys are a disgrace to high school football and you are defending it.


Wow! Here is what I think. Some fans from both fan bases were guilty of being stupid. Again, don't blame the players for other peoples ignorance. Most of you folks just sound like sore losers. You are blinded by your pride for your team. Why don't you address the real culprit? The head coach. He should have talked to his team after the second unsportsmanship penalty. He should have calmed his team down and told them that these hick refs are gonna try and screw us so don't give them any ammunition, but he didn't do that. If he did, then his team didn't listen to him. Six unsportsmanlike penalties? Your coach failed his players on that night. Honestly, if he thought the fix was in, he should have loaded up the buses and headed south. Anything is better than letting a few refs steal the game away from you. You don't let them screw your boys like that and whine about it later. If he would have done his job, we wouldn't be having this conversation today. It wasn't his fault that refs were terrible, but it was his fault that he let our coach get under his skin and did nothing to protect his players from the refs. But hey, to each his own. If you like games like that, give him a raise and turn him loose.

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Again, the Bowling Green football players played a great game. I am not going to comment on what either coach did or said because I was not on the field. Nor do I care to talk about what fans said. Both sides had sour grape fans. My only beef was the officials. They gave Bowling Green a competitive advantage, and we all know what the result was. One last point on controlling players...my contention is that Blackman did not warrant all the unsportsmanlike penalties. So as you have asked me not to blame the BG kids, I would like for you to do the same.


Good luck in the KY playoffs.

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Wow! Here is what I think. Some fans from both fan bases were guilty of being stupid. Again, don't blame the players for other peoples ignorance. Most of you folks just sound like sore losers. You are blinded by your pride for your team. Why don't you address the real culprit? The head coach. He should have talked to his team after the second unsportsmanship penalty. He should have calmed his team down and told them that these hick refs are gonna try and screw us so don't give them any ammunition, but he didn't do that. If he did, then his team didn't listen to him. Six unsportsmanlike penalties? Your coach failed his players on that night. Honestly, if he thought the fix was in, he should have loaded up the buses and headed south. Anything is better than letting a few refs steal the game away from you. You don't let them screw your boys like that and whine about it later. If he would have done his job, we wouldn't be having this conversation today. It wasn't his fault that refs were terrible, but it was his fault that he let our coach get under his skin and did nothing to protect his players from the refs. But hey, to each his own. If you like games like that, give him a raise and turn him loose.

There are two reasons you cannot win this argument;

1. you are wrong

2. your refs are not here to bail you out. 


I am not a Blackman fan. Never saw them play this season. But after watching the video and hearing the comment of people that were there that have been posting for years with common sense and integrity, I can fully come to the conclusion that BG football is an armpit of a place that has to cheat to win. 


So to parrot you; Wow. And to mock you; I don't give a rats backside what you think, Defender of the Cheaters. 


With a fairly called game, Blackman wins.


BG has a win, but it is a win without integrity. Your coach is loud and foul, and your administration paid the refs. Those added together with your fans and your defense of poor behavior all the way around takes every bit of the positives of the BG players and flushes it down the toilet. 


How's that for wow and what you think? 



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