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private vs public in football final


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Keep telling yourself that. Do 95+% of your small town school go to college after they graduate?  Don't feel sorry for the private school students.  They are not living for their glorious high school days, they are preparing themselves to be successful in the real world after college.     

Where you go after high school has less to do with where you went to school than it does with who you are as a person and what you're made of.  If you think that a private education replaces character and proper upbringing you are mistaken, I see it every day.

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Keep telling yourself that. Do 95+% of your small town school go to college after they graduate? Don't feel sorry for the private school students. They are not living for their glorious high school days, they are preparing themselves to be successful in the real world after college.

They can do both.

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Where you go after high school has less to do with where you went to school than it does with who you are as a person and what you're made of.  If you think that a private education replaces character and proper upbringing you are mistaken, I see it every day.

You are making a stupid assumption that private school students do not have "character and proper upbringing".  How many hours of community service does your beloved little town school require their students to perform throughout the school year?  Our school requires the students to complete 60 hours of community service a year while several students log over 200 hours.  Go tell the local Children's home here that the 20 students who host a monthly party (kids idea, not the schools) for them do not have "character" due to their un-proper upbringing. 

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You are making a stupid assumption that private school students do not have "character and proper upbringing".  How many hours of community service does your beloved little town school require their students to perform throughout the school year?  Our school requires the students to complete 60 hours of community service a year while several students log over 200 hours.  Go tell the local Children's home here that the 20 students who host a monthly party (kids idea, not the schools) for them do not have "character" due to their un-proper upbringing. 

You are the one making assumptions, I never said private school students do not have character or proper upbringing.  In fact most of the success in the private setting is due in large part with the motivation (going the extra mile to attend a private is evidence of motivation) and expections of those going there.  You are making ignorant assumptions and generalizations about public schools.  You must have attended a public school given your model of the world.

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I'm all for the moral code of conduct administered by private schools....I'm sure most have the word God written right into their mission statements.  Sure wish the State and Federal Governments would allow that three letter word to be added in some fashion to ours.  So I really do "get" the inclusion of those principals being applied to those institutions.  There is a lot to like about what these schools have to offer in the way of academics....structure....and athletics.  In the nuts and bolts department though they are operating with a different set of tools than the publics which brings us to the core of our problem.  If any kid with true potential in athletics can be enticed to attend these schools (especially in urban areas), it gives these schools the ability to selectively enhance their prospects from year to year.  I assure you that if I add two or three quality players to a Single or Double A program from year to year, they would be able to compete favorably with schools that do not have that "built in" ability.  Case in point, our team could have been a much more formitable opponent this season adding just a couple of kids to the mix.  Conceivably even reached the State Championship Game. (after all, we lost to GB by 5 points)  Just food for thought.



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Here's an attempt at a fix. Not very complicated-Divide all teams, including MBA, McCallie, etc, into six classes by strength ratings. Private schools can go up at most two classes, public schools at most, one class, based on enrollment without multiplier. Not all private schools go up which leaves the smallest/least successful in 1A or their other strength class. Schools can go down up to 2 classes , putting teams like Glencliff in 4A. This mixes strength and enrollment, leaning to enrollment since a lot of the strength is enrollment-based to begin with. 56/57 teams per class, 8 regions, about 7 teams per region. Numbers before team are strength rankings statewide. Franklin Grace should be a little higher but lacked some results in the rankings I used.


Class 1A

281-Oliver Springs

282-Houston County


284-Jackson County




288-Tellico Plains



293-Copper Basin


295-Memphis Douglass

296-Fayette Academy

297-Memphis King Prep

298-Perry County

299-Scott Hill


301-King’s Academy

302-Memphis MAHS



305-Union County

306-Chattanooga Grace

307-Memphis BTW

308-South Greene

309-Cumberland Gap

310-Gibson County


312-Fayette Ware

313-Clay County

314-Tipton Rosemark

315-East Robertson




319-Rossville Christian

320-North Greene

321-Zion Christian



324-Mt Juliet Christian

325-Red Boiling Springs

326-Lookout Valley


328-Cannon County





333-Memphis Northside

334-Hancock County


336-Pickett County

337-Franklin Grace

338-Sale Creek

339-Concord Christian

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Class 2A (strength over past 5 years)


127-South Pittsburg

134-Wayne County




225-Lake County

226-Spring Hill





234-Bledsoe County

235-Jackson South Side

236-West Carroll

238-Mt Pleasant



241-Chattanooga Christian


243-Johnson County

244-Silverdale Academy

245-Grundy County

246-West Greene

247-Waverly Central

248-Sullivan East


250-Whites Creek

251-East Hickman


253-West Creek

255-Jackson Christian

257-Moore County




262-Meigs County


264-Happy Valley

266-McNairy Central



269-Unicoi County



272-W TN Halls

273-Memphis Hillcrest

274-Montgomery Central

275-Ezell Harding



278-Stewart County

279-South Fulton

280-Claiborne County

291-Sullivan Central

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Keep telling yourself that. Do 95+% of your small town school go to college after they graduate?  Don't feel sorry for the private school students.  They are not living for their glorious high school days, they are preparing themselves to be successful in the real world after college.     

Actually...yes, at Scotts Hill they do. 99 point something percent of all freshmen who enroll graduate in four years, and 94 point something percent of the graduates are accepted to, and enroll in college(less the CDC population). Public schools work just as hard to educate kids as the privates, if not harder. Do you think that it's more impressive to put out numbers like these with parents who "sacrifice" to place their kids in a private school, or with parent(s) who really couldn't care less about their kid's education? Not putting this out there for you to feel sorry for our kids either...just answering your question. 

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We picked up our 3rd ace P in the off season. You thought your boy had a shot at us, that's now gone. We had 2, now we've got what we need to make another run. The # to the office in Hermitage is in the phone book. Send them the pictures of the fall ball kids practicing, LOL! I'm really going to enjoy beating your kid, and sending him packing again........

. Greenback is looking forward to joining the baseball party in our District!
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