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Is it alright for coaches to cuss their players


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Anyone can make a mistake and slip up in the heat of the moment like others have said, but it is always inappropriate to curse at a player. Behind closed doors, it can be hidden pretty well, but all in all it is a sad situation when men or women usually twice their players age, cannot express themselves in any other way than to verbally assault a player by cursing at them. I hate to see this happen, but it does happen often. High school does not need performances like Bobby Knight has given the basketball world. It is totally inappropriate for a college coach to do it (that is why he is no longer at Indiana), and there is no place for it in high school at all, behind the scenes or not. It should not be tolerated.

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Cussing should never be allowed by players or coaches. That's what is wrong with this country -- we allow things like this to go on without saying a word about it and not taking a stand for decency and morality. We have gotten so used to hearing people talk trash that it no longer bothers us. It's time that we use the voice God has given us to teach and instruct without all of the garbage that many coaches use with their players.

Edited by oldtimeballer63
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Well if you have ever been cursed by coach gatewood or coach davis on the ooltewah football feild, it will not only motivate you but scare you straight, and I dont understand what god has to do with this oldtimeballer??? please explain. I didnt think this was a religion posting site

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Well if you have ever been cursed by coach gatewood or coach davis on the ooltewah football feild, it will not only motivate you but scare you straight, and I dont understand what god has to do with this oldtimeballer??? please explain. I didnt think this was a religion posting site

God has as much of a place in basketball as cursing does.

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A coach is a teacher. I for one do not want a teacher to cuss me or anyone. This is not a way to learn. Anyone can do anything when they are talked to. Yelling doesn't help a player do anything but make the player make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes even coaches. They should treat the players with understanding not give them a chewing. Yes some games are close and a coach wants the player to do what it takes to win but cussing is not the way to do it. There is a saying "Treat others like you want to be treated". As a coach put yourselves into the players place. Did you enjoy someone yelling or cussing you? And did it make you a better person for someone cussing you? Yes cuss words are just words but when we have so many words to choose from why use this language when you can say the same thing to a player and get the player to do more by having the childs respect.

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Good post, hard question.


Back in the day I was routinely "cussed" by coaches. Like it or not, times have changed.


I do not curse, or allow any profanity by our players, I think that day is passed. Does that not mean the team doesn't get a good butt chewing, no way, it just doesn't involve vulgar language.


I am a Knight disciple, and growing up could let it go in one ear and out the other, now that I am wiser, I don't feel good about it.


No cursing, ever.

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If a coach cussed my child for any reason, there would be a meeting with administration and it would end. If not, there would be a meeting with the school board or superintendent. My child should not have to hear vulgarity just to play HIGH SCHOOL athletics. There is NEVER a time to cuss my child. If you want to cuss your child that is your business.


Don't excuse it just because it is athletics. A coach is an educator. If the coach doesn't understand that fact, he should not be around minors. What happens in college or beyond is between consenting adults.

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I personally do not believe in cussing players. I think their are many other ways to motivate kids besides cussing. Every kid has to be treated differently. Some can be yelled at and some need softer methods, but in no circumstance do I see that cussing needs to be a part of it. The absolute worst is when a coach calls a timeout, and starts cursing at the top of his/her lungs at the players. That's uncalled for. Everyone in the stands, parents and all, can hear a coach doing this. It not only looks bad on him but on the program also. That's my belief.

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If you dont like your kids being cussed at (Tacoma) then keep them at home where you can change their pampers for them. Cussing is a part of sports and a part of our society.


A coach should never cuss a player in front of stands or anyone else. One on one might be better if the situation is correct. Cussing at a team is alright if it is in the heat of the moment, but this should never take place outside of the locker room- that even means practice.


To the coaches that dont want to discipline their players, you are the ones that are sitting in the bleachers come region tournament time. Patting kids on the butt and telling them to get-im next time doesnt work. You have to be hard nosed to be successful as a coach. Just ask players who have played for Jody Wright (Fulton) and Coach Mitchell (AE), those coaches as good as they get and they are up in players grills all the time...


If a caoch wants to Cuss then so be it. I never individually cussed a player, but I have let one slip in the heat of the moment, and there has never been a problem with the players responding. If the parents dont like it, then take your kid home, becasue teams can adjust.....

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