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God & Football


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Its always been thought that prayer in school or before football games infringe on the rights of those who do not belive in God or are of another religion.To me, you infringe on my rights by not allowing prayer.Its said "I should be able to come to a football game without having to hear someone pray" I think the Supreme Court got it wrong,its your choice to come to a football game or not,no one forces you to pray.If I were to go over to a Muslim country and they were praying before a soccer match I would have respect for that religion by being quiet (maybe bow my head) OUT OF RESPECT! Does that make me a Muslim? No,I would not be offended by a muslim prayer before a soccer match.Yes we have to respect the rights of others who do not feel the same way we do,but they also need to respect our rights.

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hmmmmm.......is there anything wrong with this picture???? In my eyes no and I'm a girl that does not play football........In fact the school that has that tshirt with that on the back is awesome. I like the shirt and if all my players agreed to it i would have one. These kids have the choice to buy these shirt and yes wear them. There is no coach makin them wear or buy them........It hurts me to know that this is even bein discussed. I coach volleyball at a local high school and my girls want to pray before a game and i do not forbid them to do it, but its a better idea for me to not lead it. I do stand with my girls when they pray, but its usually done in the locker room before warm-ups or anything begins. I always pray by myself before a game and yes ill admit a few times during the game. Prayer is not only a religious aspect, but a very calming because i know that if i didn't do it before a game i would be a nervous wreck all before and during the game. It relaxes me and puts my mind at ease and reminds me that this is a game that i am allowed to decide whether or not to play and coach..........I think we all need to remember that if someone wore a shirt that said them in another order we would be scared, but these kinds know where their heads are at...........would you rather in say.......




and a little football if i pass my drug test




just athought......................support the kids when we can because sometimes its a little harder to find the good things they do then it is the bad things.........

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Guys....it is illegal for a team or club to pray together when it is led by a coach or sponsor. This is not only state law, but recognized federally under the separation of church and state. People around this area (Bible Belt) get away with it because everyone is a Christian, including adminstrators, coaches, and sponsors. I remember recently when I saw a shirt that illustrated what JC4Life was talking about, it read:


"Everything that matters at (said school)






You just shouldn't do that, ethically and morally, even if you are a Christian, which I happen to be. What if you were to happen to move into India, and everyone was pretty much forcing you to pray the Hindu or Muslim prayer?

For one, I hate to disappoint you, but everyone in the Bible Belt, is not a Christian... Christian, means Christ Like, and I do not know anyone who is Christ Like, myself included. But I believe in my heart in Jesus, and that He died on the Cross for my sins, and rose again. That is the only way to heaven. Just going to Church, praying, and calling yourself a Christian does not make you a "Christian" Brands of Religion does not matter, as long as you believe in the one true God. Mohamad, Buddah, etc.. they were all human, they all died, but they all stayed dead.


If I were to go to another country, I would not expect them to pray as I do, I would not be offended personally if they prayed to their god, knowing that they were getting nowhere, while they were praying to their god, I would be praying to God. I would witness to them, I would share the One True gospel. It is their choice to accept it or not. God created us with our own choice to choose Him or not. But one day, we will all bow down, and know who is God. Saved and Lost.


So, enough preaching, Prayers should be allowed, a moment of silence or even a verbalized prayer. It is what our country was founded on, Freedom of Religion, not freedom from religion.


And, one question, why is True Christianity, the only one that is silenced. All other religions, have the freedoms they want.. ???


Satan is walking around like a roaring lion, seeking about whom he may devour...



Watch the Passion, see what Jesus Christ did for YOU, see what he did for ME. He laid down his life, the soldiers did not lay him on the cross, Jesus crawled up there on His own...

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It's about time America got back to the way it used to be.

Amen. Let's go back to the way things were. Slavery was awesome. The thought of owning others b/c it helped the economy is sorely missed. After all, owning the less civilized is actually honoring the slaves. Segregation was almost as good. I love the way blacks were forced to have separate churches, neighborhoods, bathrooms, restaurants, etc. Even better, it was beautiful when blacks could not be baptized in white baptistries. But if they were, the baptistries were drained and cleaned before further usage. (A little sarcasm here.)


Last time I checked, no one can stop me from praying before a game, meal, legislative session, class, etc. Whether I say the prayer out loud or in silence is irrelevent to me. Prayer has become about something completley other than prayer; it has become about winning. We feel we must be able to pray publicly or else we have lost.

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Well, where do we start? Is there anything wrong with prayer before a game or practice? I would personally have to say no. Should you force someone to prayer or force religion down their throat, No. Jesus never did. You should live your life so that everyone knows what you beleive and that theres is something better than what this world has to offer. As Christians, we should stop looking for excuses and take a stand. Whether it be prayer or just your personal testimony, stand for what you believe in no matter the cost. I do coach hs ball and i do pray with the team before games, practices and even one on one. God has called us to reach the world for Christ and as coaches we are on one of the largest mission fields there is. I am not saying i am perfect and that i havent ever had to apologize for my actions but I believe its a growing process. If you believe its wrong dont do it but dont just stop because the courts have told us its wrong. They are also the ones that set the speed limits but who all follows those. Take a stand for what you believe and you will be rewarded later, no matter what it may cost you on earth. It may cost you friend, jobs and money but I would hate to miss heaven because i was to afraid to take a stand.





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Tez, I understand that there are religions other than Christianity (half my family are of other religions) I respect their's and they respect mine,I`m not calling for prayer over the loud speaker for everyone to hear (God does not call for that)WE SHOULD NOT FORCE RELIGION ON SOMEONE WHO DOESN`T WANT IT! For a Christian God should have a place in everything we do(which includes football)Now I`m not saying that God has an intrest in our silly little game but he has a place.If the team comes together for prayer before a game there should be no problem,if you want to pray then do so if you don`t do not.In a perfect world thats how it would be but some people take offense even seeing other people practice their religion.I say again we should have respect for everyone else's religion,but they should also show us the same respect.

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America also promises FREEDOM OF RELIGION, which...if you'll recall, is one of the reasons why the "pilgrims" and founding fathers came to this area in the first place.  Grow up and try to find your map to the library once in a while.

You know, everyone has their own view of things, including yourself. Just because you don't like, approve or agree with what is being said doesn't make you right. Sure they passed some laws. All I got to say is this, Yes its a free country, you don't like prayer buy some earplugs and close your eyes so you do not see whats going on. If you want prayer taken away before ball games, march yourself up to Capital Hill and do something about it. Sure we all have our opinons, and thats FINE. This is a free country. If the your point is everyone should show respect to other cultures just come out and say it. That will be fine because thats your opinon. Also why don't you go around to every high school in TN and pull the speakers down so no one can pray. Ask me if I care that its a legal to pray over a speaker a sporting events in high school.

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You guys mustn't be able to read very well. You just told me to go to "Capitol (sic) Hill" and "do something about it". IT'S IN OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. It's not just a collection of old state laws, it's a HUGE part of our culture, the separation of religion and federally/state funded programs (SCHOOLS/SCHOOL FUNCTIONS). All you say is "Free Country, Free Country, Free Country", this free country promises freedom of religion. "Free Country" doesn't associate itself with "everybody's a Christian". These things I tell you AREN'T MY OPINION, THEY'RE FACTS AND LAWS. See if you can see it a little better in bold...

Edited by Tezcatlipoca
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Guest region4fan

It is amazing that those screeching from the rooftops about no religion, no prayer, no pledge to the flag etc......... ....are the same folk who have no problem dealing with GOD every day of their lives. I am talking about spending money..................doesn't it say on the coins and bills..........IN GOD WE TRUST???????????????????

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