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Cumberland U. new coachC


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Misery sure loves company. Sounds like something they would do. After all, last year they did offer to relive the smack down of GA. TECH. Tech decline to punish them again. You want to be the best, you gotta surround yourself with the best. I wonder what was on the dawgs agenda.

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Cumberland hired John Parker as the new head coach. The new man has never had a winning record as a head coach. The selection committee took 2 months to find such a qualified coach. Kudos to Lawson, the athlectic director.

Never had a winning record is just a bit off.............his 6 year record as a Head Coach is 8-54; and one of those wins was a forfeit. Coach Parker was let go from his last job at Cheyney, Pa. because his record was 4-38 and he lost the last 18 in a row.


President at CU stated that he had hired the "best of the best" and the extended wait was well worth it.


Parker stated today that CU would win the National Championship in 3 years under his leadership. The clock is now ticking!!! :blink:


Well boys, lets gas-em up and go get it.

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I was at the press conference and team meeting today. We as a team were some what disappointed at some of the choices. I still don't understand why they let Coach Moore go so late and then wait so long for a new guy. Many of the players wanted Coach Corbbit. We only had 7 days of spring practice and then they let Coach Corbbit know he wasn't going to get the job. Coach Parker seemed up beat, and he did say National title in 3 years or less.( I sure hope he is right) Their are many concerns on discipline and he seems like he will fix the problem. But only time will tell.


I will say this Cumberland is a great school, and we have good Coaches in Coach Corbbit and Coach Lousy.

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I do know that they let one heck of a coach go in Moore.....he was old school but he went battle each game,Coach Corbitt was the choice but remember they lost Coach Elrod and Pigue as well....what a waste.The new weight Coach Losey is a great guy as well.There were a lot of great Coaches out there with winning programs they probably overlooked.This Coach is showing disipline which was needed but he will have his work cut out.Coach Moore and company built this team to run the Wing-T....going to take some time for adjustments.....just hope the new Coach will run 3 yards and a cloud of dust....National Title in 3 years??????hmmmm......I hope so since I will be at all games....

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  • 3 weeks later...

hmmm, national title in three years. i don't think so. i don't think they will even win their conference title in three years. with powerhouses like lambuth and georgetown in the mid-south conference and the likes of Cumberland, Cambellsville, Bethel and Belhaven on the rise, it will be hard for the Bulldogs to even get into the postseason. I think the coach was just trying to say the right things, but I don't think a national championship is within reach in the next 5 years for Cumberland U. Talking to one of their players he said the new coach wants to have a wide open 5 reciever offense and that will take a while to develop since the last offense was run oriented.

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