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Rockwood @ Alcoa


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rockwood is not crap ! the might not be as fast , but speed aint everything !

they are way better coached and the are bigger and stronger and they are going 2 run it right now aloca's throat and its going 2 be great ! it will be a great day when all u aloca dumba** stop writtng in crap ! because u arent that great or u would be 12 and 0

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rockwood is not crap ! the might not be as fast , but speed aint everything !

they are way better coached and the are bigger and stronger and they are going 2 run it right now aloca's throat and its going 2 be great ! it will be a great day when all u aloca dumba** stop writtng in crap ! because u arent that great or u would be 12 and 0



haha :lol: ...I bet you never heard of Maryville High School Football...Look at Alcoa then look at maryville...Alcoa is the only team that has and will give maryville a good game. No team 4A and under could beat maryville :blink: ....and there is only one or two in 5A that could...if that. :)


Good luck to both teams, I would like to see a good game. Just dont see Rockwood putting to many points aginst Alcoa's D.


I will give RW's D an over statement B) .... Alcoa 28 Rockwood 7 or 14 thumb

Edited by Eric0499
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All Rockwood needs to score is 6 points, the Rockwood D could shut down Alcoa. Teams always step it up in the playoffs. It will be a greater step up for the Rockwood Tigers, because there has been what...2 teams before make it to the Semi-Finals? The 2004 Rockwood Tigers are ready to make that count 3. They have already proved most of you that have always been against them wrong, at least give them some credit now. Rockwood will be ready to play come Friday night. See you then.

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rockwood is not crap ! the might not be as fast , but speed aint everything !

they are way better coached and the are bigger and stronger and they are going 2 run it right now aloca's throat and its going 2 be great ! it will be a great day when all u aloca dumba** stop writtng in crap ! because u arent that great or u would be 12 and 0


Saying that Rockwood is way better coached is ridiculous. Alcoa's staff is great as is Rockwood's. Both teams are well coached but one team has superior athletes--5 future D1 signees. That is why Rockwood has almost no chance of winning.


Remember my screen name: krakatoa. I will be here Friday night saying "I told you so" or I will tell you where to get your $100. But the chances I will have to go to the ATM after the game are slim and none.

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Tigerstunna-Listen here...The first game between us... what was the score? Okay, we got that one out of the way. Better coached...hahahhahaha thats all im going to say...and were not 12-0 because we played probably the best team in the state at maryville the first game of the season, and we kept it close. If Rockwood played maryville....ahh it would get ugly quick. So keep talking and firday night Alcoa will win once again so get used to it! Go Tornadoes!








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Alcoa has a very strong team and Rockwood is not garbage but they are not the best. They play teams like Bledsoe County while Alcoa plays teams like Maryville. I do not see Rockwood winning this one. I am tired of listening to all of you people on here trash talking when i would guess that not even half of you play. I am guessing that Alcoa will win by a quite large margin.







Come to Play Alcoa and it will get ugly fast!!!!!!!

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LIVE from Sao Paulo Brazil, 2nd largest city in the world I think. I say....ah heck 14-10 Rockwood, thats right the Rockwood fan 5000 miles away from home picked it. Actually prob not gonna happen, but hey i gotta chear for my team even when i am on the side of the world where the toliets go the other way. BTW that toilet thing is overrated, only gave me 2 mins of fun. O well, i had a change to send some EMAILS and get on the Internet while here at an internet cafe, so i figured id check on my team, not bad in the Quater finals and 11-1, im inpressed Rockwood, and even if you don't win this weekend, then hey cheer up you had a heck of a season. I might be able to check what happened next Wednesday...but not sure so you can say hi but i prob won't read it. Anyway, yall enjoy it up WAY WAY north. O guess what i can taunt you guys..ahhahaha I can speak Portuguese you guys can't...unless you can...then we are tied. Well I still got a lot more to learn, but its coming. Anyway enjoy the final part of Football season...here its Futebal all year round, and its so freakin HOT. 100 degree Christmas this year....woohoo. I might not be on for my final 22months here..but o well. Chao guys..e Eu gosto de Futeball Americano.

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