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Mutliplier Disqualified?


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King Ronnie appeared in the Chattanooga paper today saying they might do away with the multiplier rule for private, Division I schools. That would bring Chatt. Christian and Boyd Buck back down to single A.


What do you all think?




"Do away with" or change? I thought if they did anything, they would keep it and adjust it. Maybe a little up or a little down. Interesting. I would be against, but my vote is nothing more than an opinion.

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King Ronnie appeared in the Chattanooga paper today saying they might do away with the multiplier rule for private, Division I schools. That would bring Chatt. Christian and Boyd Buck back down to single A.


What do you all think?



This topic should go into the Public/Private debate and probably will be moved there. But if you want my opinion i say it would be a big injustice to the smaller county schools. Private schools recruit every year and this includes Temple. They openly recruit as we all know with the whole "Skogen" incident last year as well as the two other football players they got from CSAS. They got a slap on the wrist for it nothing more so why not right? Kind of like robbing a bank if you can get away with most of the loot (State Championship in mens basketball) and only have to give back a small portion (Region football games and a 1000.00) why not go for it! In my opinion Temple should have been banned from high school athletics for atleast 2 years but what do i know! For instance how many players on Temples team are from down town chattanooga? That area of town where that school is located is a pretty poor neighborhood yet you have kids like the Skogens going there. I know they didn't live remotely close to that school. So the multiplier should be upped if anything or just take all the privates and put them into two separate divisions Div I and II. Just MHO. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />

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"Do away with" or change? I thought if they did anything, they would keep it and adjust it. Maybe a little up or a little down. Interesting. I would be against, but my vote is nothing more than an opinion.


Ronnie's words were "We plan to recommend to the Board of Control that we do away with the multiplier for private shcools in Division I.


Why would you be against?

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This topic should go into the Public/Private debate and probably will be moved there. But if you want my opinion i say it would be a big injustice to the smaller county schools. Private schools recruit every year and this includes Temple. They openly recruit as we all know with the whole "Skogen" incident last year as well as the two other football players they got from CSAS. They got a slap on the wrist for it nothing more so why not right? Kind of like robbing a bank if you can get away with most of the loot (State Championship in mens basketball) and only have to give back a small portion (Region football games and a 1000.00) why not go for it! In my opinion Temple should have been banned from high school athletics for atleast 2 years but what do i know! For instance how many players on Temples team are from down town chattanooga? That area of town where that school is located is a pretty poor neighborhood yet you have kids like the Skogens going there. I know they didn't live remotely close to that school. So the multiplier should be upped if anything or just take all the privates and put them into two separate divisions Div I and II. Just MHO. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />


I must admit that was very well put Devil.

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I think the multiplier works if you have 5 classes in all sports, not just football. Which seems strange because more schools can field basketball teams and baseball teams than football. So you have more teams competing in basketball and baseball but less classes. Does not make sense to me. JMO.

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For instance how many players on Temples team are from down town chattanooga? That area of town where that school is located is a pretty poor neighborhood yet you have kids like the Skogens going there. I know they didn't live remotely close to that school.


I don't know how many kids on Temple's team are from that area, and neither do I know why that would matter. I personally would be suspicious of Temple if a bunch of kids from that neighborhood, whose parents couldn't afford it, started going there.

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I don't know how many kids on Temple's team are from that area, and neither do I know why that would matter. I personally would be suspicious of Temple if a bunch of kids from that neighborhood, whose parents couldn't afford it, started going there.



You validate my point even further. This has been discussed about a million times so i would suggest reading some material posted in some of these other threads, but to expound on this a little further. Temple gets kids/athletes from all over the greater chattanooga area as well as some from Georgia. The local county schools are relagated for the most part to what kids live in their county. All it takes to make a good basketball team a great one is one or two "players" to move in and "presto" you have a team that has a chance to get to the state tournament. This is common place for most privates but very rare for "most" rural/county schools. However Memphis has "open" enrollment meaning kids can change from school to school, year to year with no penalty whatsoever. Totally unfair as well but the rules are the rules and we all have to play by them or suffer the consequences however big or small they may be! /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />

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You validate my point even further. This has been discussed about a million times so i would suggest reading some material posted in some of these other threads, but to expound on this a little further. Temple gets kids/athletes from all over the greater chattanooga area as well as some from Georgia. The local county schools are relagated for the most part to what kids live in their county. All it takes to make a good basketball team a great one is one or two "players" to move in and "presto" you have a team that has a chance to get to the state tournament. This is common place for most privates but very rare for "most" rural/county schools. However Memphis has "open" enrollment meaning kids can change from school to school, year to year with no penalty whatsoever. Totally unfair as well but the rules are the rules and we all have to play by them or suffer the consequences however big or small they may be! /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />



You keep saying things like 'commonplace' and using terms like 'most', but your one reference is Temple, who was caught and punished. If you are going to use hyperbole, at least come up with more than one example.


Of course, if, as is really the case, you are ASSUMING (and we all know what that does, don't we) things that you actually know nothing factually about, then at least be man enough to say something like "I don't really have a clue about this, but I'm going to talk as if I do" or "I know 1 small private in Chattanooga broke some rules, so, being completely prejudiced, I am going to accuse them all" before using language that implies that rule breaking is the norm for all small privates.

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Relating to Chattanooga as the title asked, Notre Dame would be the big winner. With the multiplier they would be moving to 4A in football as their latest TSSAA enrollment figure, x 1.8, would have them over 1,000. They could have been 4A already but teams can just move up one class at a time. Instead they'd drop down to 2A with the multiplier gone. Boyd-Buchanan and Chattanooga Christian would drop to Class A for non-football sports, I think Chattanooga Christian will start 2A in football now since so many of the privates smaller than CCS drop back from 2A to 1A.


Polk's coach said he expects Polk, Meigs and Tellico Plains to drop from 3A to 2A in football if the multiplier is out. They're actual 2A enrollment for those outside the area who don't know.

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You keep saying things like 'commonplace' and using terms like 'most', but your one reference is Temple, who was caught and punished. If you are going to use hyperbole, at least come up with more than one example.


Of course, if, as is really the case, you are ASSUMING (and we all know what that does, don't we) things that you actually know nothing factually about, then at least be man enough to say something like "I don't really have a clue about this, but I'm going to talk as if I do" or "I know 1 small private in Chattanooga broke some rules, so, being completely prejudiced, I am going to accuse them all" before using language that implies that rule breaking is the norm for all small privates.


Punished? Hardly.

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This topic should go into the Public/Private debate and probably will be moved there. But if you want my opinion i say it would be a big injustice to the smaller county schools. Private schools recruit every year and this includes Temple. They openly recruit as we all know with the whole "Skogen" incident last year as well as the two other football players they got from CSAS. They got a slap on the wrist for it nothing more so why not right? Kind of like robbing a bank if you can get away with most of the loot (State Championship in mens basketball) and only have to give back a small portion (Region football games and a 1000.00) why not go for it! In my opinion Temple should have been banned from high school athletics for atleast 2 years but what do i know! For instance how many players on Temples team are from down town chattanooga? That area of town where that school is located is a pretty poor neighborhood yet you have kids like the Skogens going there. I know they didn't live remotely close to that school. So the multiplier should be upped if anything or just take all the privates and put them into two separate divisions Div I and II. Just MHO. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />


Old Pirate says great post, the privates are always in denial. The thing that ticks OP is the fact most of these privates are some how connected to some church. It simply makes for a bad mark.

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