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CAK vs. Milan ( This Bradley man vs. this Morris man)

Roy Dillard

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Everything you said was right on the money!! I would say that Milan needs to take the ball first and try to drive the field and eat up some clock. It would be nice to go up 7-0 and take 7-8mins off the clock. If CAK gets the ball first and scores some doubt could start to set in for the DAWGS!!

Very good analysis. Weather will be key also. Last year could not have been more perfect for cak. Warm and sunny and hardly any wind. Was hoping for cold blusterey game this year but looks like its going to be CAK weather again from early indications.
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BRPro: it is refreshing to have a "new" CAK poster, we need more. I am enjoying reading your posts. FYI: The labeling as rich, arrogant, recruiting cheaters is a common one directed toward private schools playing in the non-scholarship division (D1). Of course there are some rich families at CAK, just like there are at public schools, along with a few arrogant people as well. But for the most part I believe you, as a new poster for CAK, can be confident that the Warrior posters on CoachT along with our fans who attend the games have done a good job of debunking these labels. Take it in very good confidence that Coach Bradley runs a squeaky clean ship and abides by the rules. Most of this chatter is tongue in cheek rhetoric and for fun. Occasionally there is some mean spiritedness, but just keep a stiff upper lip. Also, keep in mind that anyone can get on here and post, including players and students, so you never really know who you are talking too or who is simply reading your thoughts. I know the players themselves read a lot of this, although they may say they don't, ha. And beware of "trolls": people who get on a thread and pretend to be someone or support a team that they really don't, they just get a kick out of stirring things up a bit. For what its worth, we're not one of the rich families either, my folks are from Baxter, I'm from Mt.Juliet when it was only a 1 traffic light town, and now I live in Powell. Not the pedigree of a financially rich man, but I am blessed for sure. Keep the posts coming :thumb:


Thanks for the feedback FBD, much appreciated! As a former D1 athlete myself, I'm secretly looking forward to the day my child is accused of being a 'CAK recruit'....albeit be 14 years and $100,000 plus later.

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I'm good with Coleman getting 300yds and 3 td's if CAK wins.


I feel like 'we' are going the wrong way; or at least I'm concerned we might be. I'm a little nervous after last week's near turnovers. I haven't seen that out of this team before.


I'm with you on that! He is a good back and quite capable of that and more. But I have learned not to be concerned with style points, just win. I would love to win every aspect of the game, but that's not how the Warriors typically do it. Our style is definitely unique, but effective. It enables us to compete with larger, deeper and more physical teams. We maximize our strengths and mask our weaknesses as best as possible. Kind of "stealthy", ha. The Betsy game did give us some reason for concern, but having seen this bunch of guys for the past 4 years I can accept it and move on. We are use to watching our offense surgically operate flawlessly and that didn't happen at Elizabethton. And if that occurs again this Friday the color of the ball we will be bringing home will not be gold. But I believe we will be more prepared emotionally this week than last week simply due to circumstances. Typically the game before and the game after Alcoa have not been the best for CAK and that was true again this year. But I sure like the way we have responded in the past for all the other games. Not sure how much we can heal up in a week, but keep in mind we are WARRIORS and warriors fight on. This game with Milan should not be even close to the type of game it was last year, it should be a nail biter down to the wire. Both teams are fully capable of winning. But for now I must say I wouldn't trade places with the Dawgs, even as good as they are. Even wounded CAK is a legit threat to repeat.

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I'm with you on that! He is a good back and quite capable of that and more. But I have learned not to be concerned with style points, just win. I would love to win every aspect of the game, but that's not how the Warriors typically do it. Our style is definitely unique, but effective. It enables us to compete with larger, deeper and more physical teams. We maximize our strengths and mask our weaknesses as best as possible. Kind of "stealthy", ha. The Betsy game did give us some reason for concern, but having seen this bunch of guys for the past 4 years I can accept it and move on. We are use to watching our offense surgically operate flawlessly and that didn't happen at Elizabethton. And if that occurs again this Friday the color of the ball we will be bringing home will not be gold. But I believe we will be more prepared emotionally this week than last week simply due to circumstances. Typically the game before and the game after Alcoa have not been the best for CAK and that was true again this year. But I sure like the way we have responded in the past for all the other games. Not sure how much we can heal up in a week, but keep in mind we are WARRIORS and warriors fight on. This game with Milan should not be even close to the type of game it was last year, it should be a nail biter down to the wire. Both teams are fully capable of winning. But for now I must say I wouldn't trade places with the Dawgs, even as good as they are. Even wounded CAK is a legit threat to repeat.


Glad to see my Lou Holtz approach was convincing:)

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My child isn't on the football team but does attend CAK. I can't speak for the individual football players, but I know our family isn't 'rich' and we are making huge financial sacrifices to send our child to this school.


There are times we struggle to make ends meet and do without in order to make these tuition payments. I'm sure we aren't the only ones. Not everybody at CAK is rich (but sometimes I wish I was! haha).

i'm just wondering. if it is such a financial hardship to send you're child to CAK. why don't you send him or her to public school. surely not all publics are that bad in knoxville. not trying to stir things up but this post is kinda sketchy to me. i've lived in big cities and yes the publics were bad in some areas i lived in, but i couldn't afford to send my child to private. best course of action in the long run financially was to move to a location where public was a decent school. not trying to get this ole mule bellering again. just wondering?
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i'm just wondering. if it is such a financial hardship to send you're child to CAK. why don't you send him or her to public school. surely not all publics are that bad in knoxville. not trying to stir things up but this post is kinda sketchy to me. i've lived in big cities and yes the publics were bad in some areas i lived in, but i couldn't afford to send my child to private. best course of action in the long run financially was to move to a location where public was a decent school. not trying to get this ole mule bellering again. just wondering?

Hey DAWG, I can't speak for my new brother BRPro, but for me it wasn't such an extreme financial hardship that I had to choose between food or private school, but more of a choice between continuing to set aside money for the future, which is always an uncertainty, or spending that money now during the present. We went with the choice that we thought was best for our kids overall, from an educational, spiritual and environmental perspective. I could afford to do it that way, but I couldn't afford to do private school and continue funding retirement savings, investing or taking multiple vacations. So our sacrifice has been merely to put our resources towards the present and lean on the Lord for the future. There are some wonderful public schools, and some private schools that aren't so good. But overall we felt CAK was a great investment in our kids. However, I do know of families at CAK that believe so strongly in a christian based education program that they are working multiple jobs and grandparents are chipping in as well to enable them to keep their kids in school there. So its just a matter of choice, and the choice of sending your child to a private christian school isn't right for everyone, even if you have the resources to do so. That's my little testimony, hope that's reasonable enough and not too sketchy, ha :)

Edited by FootballDad
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Hey DAWG, I can't speak for my new brother BRPro, but for me it wasn't such an extreme financial hardship that I had to choose between food or private school, but more of a choice between continuing to set aside money for the future, which is always an uncertainty, or spending that money now during the present. We went with the choice that we thought was best for our kids overall, from an educational, spiritual and environmental perspective. I could afford to do it that way, but I couldn't afford to do private school and continue funding retirement savings, investing or taking multiple vacations. So our sacrifice has been merely to put our resources towards the present and lean on the Lord for the future. There are some wonderful public schools, and some private schools that aren't so good. But overall we felt CAK was a great investment in our kids. However, I do know of families at CAK that believe so strongly in a christian based education program that they are working multiple jobs and grandparents are chipping in as well to enable them to keep their kids in school there. So its just a matter of choice, and the choice of sending your child to a private christian school isn't right for everyone, even if you have the resources to do so. That's my little testimony, hope that's reasonable enough and not too sketchy, ha :)

you fbd from reading your posts are pretty easy to figure out. while not being a filthy rich person. i know you're not doing too bad financially. i'm waiting to hear from brpro. i'm not trying to make this about publics vs. privates's athletically. we can beat that dead horse all day and you know how i feel about that. i'm just wondering about that financial thing.
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you fbd from reading your posts are pretty easy to figure out. while not being a filthy rich person. i know you're not doing too bad financially.

I'm certainly not filthy rich, but you're right, I'm not doing too bad all things considered. Self-employment is a high risk and high reward life style choice, but I can't complain too much, unless we want to start talking taxes and the government, ha. My wife and I are public school products and our kids attended public schools until high school, so we are by no means anti-public schools. I love communities like Milan where the local school and church is the backbone of the community and people get involved and keep things going in the right direction. Maryville is like that here in the Knoxville area. Anyway, we're drifting off of topic. Keep the good, but gentle posts coming :D

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Hey RR, you must not have heard. They are going to rebuild him, like Steve Austin, bigger, faster & stronger than ever before. It only cost $6,000,000. But that's nothing for us rich folks B)


I can't say that I hate that Rathbone will not be playing in this game.... although I do hate to see a good kid get hurt. I watched you guys play Alcoa (on the internet) during the regular season. In the 3rd qtr.... Alcoa was driving and the tailback got the ball and ran right off tackle. He was met in the hole by Rathbone and absolutely leveled!!! Devastating hit. I know Arkel Coleman will be glad he won't have to see this guy!!!

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