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New players at CPA


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Reading through this thread, I am appalled that this atmosphere of hatred and angst exists at CPA.  Though my wife and I chose, years ago, to send our kids to a different private, I always held good feelings about CPA; those feelings were bolstered by friends who had kids there. Those good feelings have changed, and if you think it is from people like Coach Brooks posting on this board, you should probably look in the mirror.  If you are representative of the "modern breed" of CPA supporters, it will likely not be long until the basketball players are the only students at the school.  

So when people make the same allegations (which they do) on the DII about your private school, you don't sit back and take it.  I read your posts.  When people taunt you about when are you going to knock off Ensworth and why you folks get what you deserve, you fire right back with "it's all envy and jealousy generated hate" and "if my neighbor had a Lexus, I wouldn't throw rocks at it just because I don't have one".  No sir.  You are no different.  When you are constantly attacked, you bite back.  No different.

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So when people make the same allegations (which they do) on the DII about your private school, you don't sit back and take it.  I read your posts.  When people taunt you about when are you going to knock off Ensworth and why you folks get what you deserve, you fire right back with "it's all envy and jealousy generated hate" and "if my neighbor had a Lexus, I wouldn't throw rocks at it just because I don't have one".  No sir.  You are no different.  When you are constantly attacked, you bite back.  No different.

Funny - I don't recall typing (or thinking) any of that.  In fact, I think you are simply making it up to prove your point.  Which actually proves my point.  But whatever... you are free to represent CPA any way that you see fit.

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Funny - I don't recall typing (or thinking) any of that.  In fact, I think you are simply making it up to prove your point.  Which actually proves my point.  But whatever... you are free to represent CPA any way that you see fit.


Here's just one from the thread "Ricky Bowers has killed football in TN" thread.  There are many, many others like it:


From a factual perspective, your statements regarding each of these young men are demonstratably false. From a moral perspective, your statements are despicable. Libel can be defined as "the publication of malicious, defamatory falsehoods". Be careful - lawyers are everywhere - you may find that it is not worth the potential liability just to be a keyboard hater.

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Here's just one from the thread "Ricky Bowers has killed football in TN" thread.  There are many, many others like it:

That was in response to someone posting falsehoods about specific students, and I did not and do not believe that to be appropriate.   In fact, I hope we are all in agreement that spreading falsehoods about identified students goes way beyond the boundries contemplated by CoachT.  That is far different, in my opinion, than calling a former coach names because I disagree with his opinion. 

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...Having said that, my problem here is with a former coach who was fired and a decade later still persists on a public forum.  A true man would better himself and move on... 

Really ICM, is that the best you can do?  You get on here, name call, hurl your insults, misjudge motives, that is all you got?  You misuse a Scriptural reference in order to call someone else a hypocrite.  Then to top it off (now I am not making this up), you actually make the attempt to "quote" past posts of RedRobin's and then "back it up" with an entirely different post taken totally out of context.  Seriously?  You have got to know, the rest of us (even your CPA counterparts) are actually able to observe your methods, don't you?


Once again, those like you, demonstrate why I post.  I do not post because of what happened to me at CPA, I post because of what happens at CPA and you are a prime example, one who is so out of touch with the school's philosophy and values and so out of touch with what Christian athletics should be all about.  Why has it gone on for the last 8 years?  Because those like you keep showing up. 


Please tell me you really aren't a former college athlete out of the SEC.  If so, you are certainly not doing any favors to the SEC's reputation and merely perpetuate what a lot of us have tried to dissuade, there is more to an athlete then being a "dumb jock." Regardless, a grown man (in chronological age only) using the little boy bullying methods is not going to cut it.  You now have zero credibility and you are worried about me or anyone else for that matter?  Please...... 

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That was in response to someone posting falsehoods about specific students, and I did not and do not believe that to be appropriate.   In fact, I hope we are all in agreement that spreading falsehoods about identified students goes way beyond the boundries contemplated by CoachT.  That is far different, in my opinion, than calling a former coach names because I disagree with his opinion. 

No doubt, and this is from an outside observer who is actually a big supporter of private schools demonstrating some objectivity. 


I am in total agreement which is why it is a tiresome ploy from those like coachrus to continue accusing me of spreading falsehoods.  This is why if he can simply post one of them (since he has accused me of doing it over and over for years), I will remove myself from coachT.  And for him to attempt to come back on this thread with any other statement then one of my "false" accusations will only demonstrate his true character and motives.  No more general accusations coachrus, either put up or shut up with a specific statement of mine that will back up your continued accusations!  If he is right, should be no problem.

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Somebody has made reference in the past that CPA stays in Division 1 to spread their mission. How is that mission working out? Didn't the kid from southside say last year that he knows that everyone hates CPA. A kid from the other side of the state! Apparently the entire state has the same perspective about the CPA. They do anything they can to get players and beat up on the public schools! Lipscomb wont even play them now that they are no longer in the same district. Funny they dont want to play several of the D2 schools or they dont want to play CPA.

Supporters get on here and bash those whoe speak the truth! What kind of mission statement is that! CPA used to be a highly respected school! It's not the same now. All because of one Coach!

I have to believe that there are many in the CPA community that are dismayed at the fact that CPA's approach to basketball has destroyed one of the best, if not the best, rivalries in high school athletics in the Nashville area (CPA/Lipscomb). If I were a CPA parent or supporter (which I am not), I would much prefer the traditional rivalries built up in 10AA in all sports as opposed to beating up on 12AA and trying to round out the basketball schedule with out of state travel games. I think in the long run they will decide that the short term gain (a few basketball championships) was not worth the losses (lack of respect from virtually everyone and the loss of their traditional rivalries).

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During the last classification period, Lipscomb made it clear that hey did not want to be in the same district as CPA.

And the other cowards from this district who were going to forfeit all their games to CPA if they stayed. So, the TSSAA moved CPA in with Giles, Page, Spring Hill, and Marshall. Lewis Co. and Fairview ran from this district when they saw CPA coming for the next four years even though it meant much more travel.

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